Mechanism of polypeptide from scorpion venom increasing inhibition of 5-fluorouacil on H22 hepatoma Protective effect of Jiedu Tongluo injection on cerebral edema in rats with lesion of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion Inhibitory effect on estrogen production and its influence on invasive abilityof human endometrial cells of endometriosis by medicated serum of SLW Sodium uptake and carbon/nitrogen metabolism by different winter wheat genotypes during germination under salt stress Role of MMP-9 and NF-κB expression by Xuemaitong capsule preconditioning on rats of acute myocardial ischemia Triptolide evaluates DNA methylation level of matrix metalloproteinase
 9 gene in human fibrosarcoma HT 1080 cells
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACCUMULATION OF SEED PROTEINS AND PROTEIN TURNOVER OF FLAG LEAVES IN SETARIA ITALICD BEAUR Proceeding in Plant Anti-Insect Genetic Engineering Cloning and Expression Analysis of CmAPs in Mutant Short Catkin of Castanea mollissima Renoprotective effects of glycyrrluzin on experimental glomerulosclerosis in rats Mechanism of Schizaphis graminum in transmitting maize dwarf mosaic virus Clone and Expression of SmPI1 and SmPI2 from Salvia miltiorrhiza under Stress Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on hematoma absorption and serum level of MMP-9 in cerebral hemorrhage Effect of laminarin polysaccharide on activity of matrix metalloproteinase in photoaging skin Genetic Transformation of Chinese Cabbage with a Inducible Potato pin ⅡGene and the Bioassay for Pieris rapae L. Resistance Effects of puerarin on renal function and expressions of MMP-10 and TIMP-1 in kidney of diabetic rats Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Gene Encoding Rice Proteinase Inhibitor A Proteinase from Mung Bean Sprouts That Inactivaties Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor (in English) Potato Y Potyvirus Helper Component Proteinase Enhances Long-distance Movement of Potato X Potexvirus Research Advances on Plant Aspartic Proteinase Research Progress on Plant Matrix Metalloproteinases STRUCTURAL AND MAJOR PHYSIOLOGICAL & BIOLOGICAL CHANGES OF SUBSTITUTE HOST PARASITIZED BY SCLERODERMA SICHUANENSIS XIAO(HYMENOPTERA:BETHYLIDAE) Genetic Transformation of Chinese Cabbage with a Inducible Potato pin ⅡGene and the Bioassay for Pieris rapae L. Resistance Effects of the Mixture of Bt and Chlorbenzuron on the Activity of Midgut Proteinase, Haemolymph Proteins on 4th Instar Larvae of Hyphantria cunea Effects nitroprusside, a nitric oxide donor,on carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the activity of the antioxidation system in wheat seedings under salt stress Effects of Migu tablet on bone mineral density, serum matrix metalloproteinase-2 level and bone metabolic markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis Effect of ray cartilage glycosaminoglycans(RCG)on the expression of MMP-9 in Lewis lung carcinoma IMMOBILIZATION OF PROTEINASE BY RADIATION TECHNIQUE The Proteinase Activity and Types of Osmanthus fragrans Petals During Flower Opening and Senescence Effect of Haobie Yangyin Ruanjian Decoction on rats with hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl4 composited factor Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on hematoma absorption and serum level of MMP-9 in cerebral hemorrhage Effect of Haobie Yangyin Ruanjian Decoction on rats with hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl4 composited factor Study on inhibition of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial remodeling in rats with hepatic cirrhosis and its mechanism The effect of antagonistic storage of the Chinese herbs on the activities of some enzymes of the Tenebrio molitor L.larvae RECENT PROGRESS IN THE GENETIC ENGINEERING OF PLANT PROTEINASE INHIBITORANTI-INSECT PESTS Effects of Shenqi Bufei Tang on expessions of NF-κB, MMP-9and TIMP-1 in airway remodeling of COPD rat model withlung-Qi deficiency syndrome Effect of Xinmaitong capsule on serum matrix metalloproteinases-9, high sensitive C-reactive protein levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome Early intervention of Didang Decoction on macroangiopathy in type 2 diabetic rats and its mechanisms Research on effect of Celastrus orbiculatus extract on inhibiting invasion and metastasis of human gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells by mediating matrix metalloproteinases group and their inhibitors Effect of Huzhang on expression of lung fibroblasts‘ MMP-2/TIMP-1mRNA in pulmonary fibrosis rats Effects of companion fungus on several enzymatic activities of Grofola umbellata Effect of Hovenia dulcis extract on expression of MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in hepatic tissue Study the Effect of Tachyplesin I on Proteus vulgaris Inhibition of extract from scorpion venom on experimental metastasis of Lewis and DU-145 tumor cells Inhibition of extract from scorpion venom on experimental metastasis of Lewis and DU-145 tumor cells Molecular mechanisms of renal extracellular matrix degradation and interventional effects of Chinese herbal medicine The Proteinase Activity and Types of Osmanthus fragrans Petals During Flower Opening and Senescence Effect of spearmint oil on lipopolysaccharide induced emphysema-like changes and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 Correlation between antimetastatic action of Ajuga decumbens and expression of MMPs and TIMPs Effects of salvianolic acid B on lipid peroxidation and metalloproteinase-2activity in fibrotic liver in rat STUDY ON INSECT-RESISTANT TRANSGENIC POPLAR PLANTS CONTAINING BOTH BT AND PI GENE Effects of Shenbao recipe on expressions of CTGF and MMP-9 in diabetic nephropathy rats Therapeutic effects of Haobie Yangyin Ruanjian Prescription on immunity hepatic fibrosis rats Cloning of a Potato Proteinase Inhibitor Gene PINII-2x from Diploid Potato (Solanum phurejia L.) and Transgenic Investigation of Its Potential to Confer Insect Resistance in Rice Effects of aromatic resuscitation drugs on blood brain barrier in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury model rats Influence of astragalosides and Panax notoginseng saponins compatibility on MMP-9 and TIMP-1 after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice