Assessment of citrus eco-environmental quality in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Evaluating the soil degradation in Zigui County of the Three-Gorge reservoir area Thinking on the construction of new style eco-agriculture in mountainous regions of the Three Gorges reservoir areas in Chongqing Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of rainfall erosivity in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Effects of litterfall and root input on  soil physical and chemical properties in Pinus massoniana plantations in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Monthly dynamic variation of soil seed bank in water-level-fluctuating zone of Three Gorges Reservoir at the beginning after charging water Effects of submergence on seed germination of nine annual plant species in the Three Gorges Reservoir region and their implication to vegetation restoration Adaptation Mechanism of Three Herbs in the Water-level-fluctuation-zone of Reservoir to Complete Submergence Forest Volume Growth Prediction of Main Forest Types in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Assessment of the South-to-North Water Transfers Project (Middle-Route) on the Invasion of Plant Species Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wetland Vegetations in Danjiangkou Reservoir Region Flora Studies on Aquatic Vascular Plants in Wetland of Danjiangkou Reservoir Region THE RARE AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN CHONGQING A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DESIGN OF A COMMUNITY FOR EX SITU CONSERVATION OF THE RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS IN THE THREE GORGE RESERVOIR AREA Seasonal Variation in Phytoplankton Community in a Tropical Riverine Reservoir: A Case Study of Feilaixia Reservoir Spatial distribution of plant communities and environmental interpretation in the riparian zone of Danjiangkou Reservoir Ecological risk assessment based on information network model Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Danjiangkou Reservoir area of Northwest Hubei A review of studies on water level fluctuating zone (WLFZ) of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) based on bibliometric perspective Scenarios simulation and indices thresholds determination of ecological security in three gorges reservoir based on system dynamics Characteristics and soil anti-erodibility effects of mulberry forest lands at different altitudes of water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Research progress on the effects of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the ecological environment Responses and weigh of multi-ecosystem services and its economic value under different land cover scenarios: a case study from Ertan water control pivot in Yalong River Features of leaf photosynthesis and leaf nutrient traits in reservoir riparian region of Three Gorges Reservoir, China Allocation of Biomass and Productivity of Main Vegetations in Three Gorges Reservoir Region Quantitative Classification and Ordination of the Forest Communities in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Tree Rings of the Jiangya Reservoir and Changes of the Climate during the Recent Hundred Years(1902~1996)in Lou River Spatial distribution of root biomass of Pinus massoniana plantation in Three Gorges Reservoir area, China Study on the simulation methods of grassland soil organic carbon: a review Distribution and decomposition dynamics of herb plants in Pengxihewater-fluctuation-zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Remote sensing analysis of forest resources characteristics in main ecological restoration counties in the Three-Gorge Area based on the 2nd-class inventory  data. Effects of landscape patterns on runoff and sediment export from typical agroforestry watersheds in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China The infiltration process of clay soil under different initial soil water contents Relationships between litter substrate quality and soil nutrients in different-aged Pinus massoniana stands The analysis of grade diversity indices of butterfly community in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Yangtze River SOIL EROSION AND ORGANIC MATTER LOSS BY USING FALLOUT ~(137)Cs AS TRACER IN MIYUN RESERVOIR VALLEY On the Patterns of Systematic Development for the Resources of Traditional Chinese Drugs and Herbs in the Three Gorges Reservoir Areas Temporal and Spatial Variation of Ecosystem Service Value in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (Chongqing Section) Based on Land Use Effects of Submergence-Drought Stresses on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Salix rosthornii Seedlings Effects of Soil Temperature and Soil Water Content to Needle Litter Leaf Decomposition of Pinus massoniana Plantations in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Interconnection among Species of Dominant Tree Populations of Castanopsis Community in Three Gorges Reservoir Region Effects of Submergence and Drought Alternation on Nutrient Contents in the Soil Growing Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Seedlings Responses of soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities to different land use patterns in the water-level-fluctuating zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir region The correlation of microcystins and water environment factors in Guanting Reservoir Organic carbon density and storage of forest ecosystems in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Relationships between soil nutrient contents and soil enzyme activities in Pinus massoniana stands with different ages in Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  Spatial optimum allocation of shelter-forest types in Three Gorges Reservoir Area based on multiple objective grey situation decision. Reduction effects of agricultural management practices on non-point source pollution in a watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. ITS Sequences Analysis and Toxin Characteristic of Microcystis Strains Isolated from Guangdong Reservoirs Comparative Analysis of Cyanobacteria Populations and Microcystin in Two Pumped Storage Reservoirs, South China Structure and Dynamics of Phytoplankton Community in Hedi Reservoir, South China Variation of the Phytoplankton Community in the Pumped Storage Reservoirs and the Non-pumped Storage Reservoirs in Zhuhai The Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Endangered Myricaria Laxiflora to Simulated Summer Flooding Background value of soil heavy metal in the Three Gorges Reservoir District Study On heavy metal behavior characteristics of soil in citrus orchar ds of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Phytoplankton functional groups and their spatial and temporal distribution characteristics in Hongfeng Reservoir, Guizhou Province The effects of winter water submergence on flowering phenology and reproductive allocation of Salix variegata Franch. In Three Gorges reservoir region Relationship between standing vegetation and soil seed bank in Water-level-fluctuating Zone of Three Gorges Reservoir at the beginning after charging water Assessment and spatial differentiation of sensitivity of soil erosion in Three Gorges Reservoir area of Chongqing Soil water environment and vegetation growth in the hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau: a case study of Yangou Catchment Annual dynamics of phytoplankton abundance and community structure in the Xionghe Reservoir Forest Ecosystem Quality Change over Ten Years (2000-2010) in the Three Gorges Dalaoling Nature Reserve Plant Species Dynamic Distribution in the Water-Level-Fluctuating Zone of the Main Stream and Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir Preliminary Report on Diel Vertical Distribution Patterns of Peridiniopsis in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir Dynamic Monitoring of Vegetation Coverage in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on MODIS NDVI Effects of Water Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Mulberry(Morus alba) seedlings in the Hydro-Fluctuation Belt of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Sources and assessment of heavy metal contamination in water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China Evaluation of farmland productivity after rural homestead reclamation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area - A case study of Fuling District, Chongqing City Ecological Stoichiometric Characteristics of Root and Leaf of Pinus massoniana in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Spatial Heterogeneity of Plant Community in Zigui and Wushan Typical Hydro-fluctuation Belt of Three Gorges Reservoir Areas The altitudinal pattern of insect species richness in the Three Gorge Reservoir Region of the Yangtze River: effects of land cover, climate and sampling effort Factors regulating recruitment of Microcystis from the sediments of the eutrophic Shanzai Reservoir Dynamics and Structure of Phytoplankton Community in Spring in a Tropical Pumped-water Reservoir Soil Nutrient Characteristics in Different Vegetation Successional Stages of Three Gorges Reservoir Area Species Composition and Species Diversity of Plant Community in the Water-lever-fluctuation Zone of Three Gorges Reservoir Comparative Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics off Taxodium distichum and Taxodium ascendens Seedlings under Simulated Soil Water Change in the Hydro-Fluctuation Belt of Three Gorges Reservoir Area Malic Acid, Shikimic Acid, and Biomass Accumulation in the Roots of Taxodium ascendens Seedlings under Different Soil Water Conditions Responses of Ring Width of Pinus massoniana to the Climate Change at Different Elevations in Zigui County, Three-Gorge Reservoir Area Effects of Submersion on Susceptibility of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Seedlings to Drought Population Structure and Regeneration of the Main Tree Species in Three Typical Forests in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

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