Behavioral responses of Dialeurodes citri to leaves and their volatiles of citrus cultivars A rearing method for mirids using the green bean, Phaseolus vulgaris in the laboratory THE PATHOGEN AND CONTROL OF KIDNEY BEAN WILT DISEASE Regulation of Phytochrome on Swelling of Protoplasts Isolated from Hypocotyl of Etiolated Mung Bean Seedlings Cytological Observations on Nodules,Nodule-Like Structures and Crown Galls on the Roots of Phaseolus vulgaris The Isolation of Plasma Membrane from Vicia faba Leaves and Pollen Tubes of Luffs cylindrica by the Two-Polymer Phase System Cytological and Statistical Analysis of Secondary Association in the Genus Phaseolus Effects of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth,yield and quality of Phaseolus vulgaris field Study on the cultivation and utilization of fine green manure of Phaseolus calcalatus the tropical areas of southern Yunnan Province Studies on insect community characteristics and time dynamics of juju be tree in greenhouse Mieroclimate in tea tree crown and its effect on growth, development and biochemical composition of new shoots Characterization of photosynthetic responses to shading and a light/shade switch during the rapid growth phase of tobacco (Nicotianatobacum L.) subjected to different fertilization regimes The Introduction and Cultivation of Heliconia in South China Botanical Garden A REVIEW OF THE STUDIES ON DEVELOPMENTAL PHASES OF TREES AND ITS APPLICATION FOR HEVEA BRASILIENSIS BREEDING Studies on Observation of Growth Rhythm of Young Betula luminifera Analysis of Growth Process and Partition of Growth Phase on Poplar Clone I-69 Studies on Vegeta tive Propaga tion Coeff ic ient of L ycoris radia ta and Biolog ica lCharacters’D iversities of Cormel in D ifferent Developmen t Pha se Phenological Variation of Larix kaempferi and Its Hybrid Clones and Early Selection Determination of Volatiles of Puer Tea Stored for Different Lengths of Time Determination of Volatiles of Puer Tea Stored for Different Lengths of Time Etiology of Thick Liquid Disease Fruit of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Zhanhua Dongzao‘ and Its Control Etiology of Thick Liquid Disease Fruit of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Zhanhua Dongzao‘ and Its Control THE DIVISION OF ECOLOGICAL PHENOLOGICAL SEASONS AND DYNAMIC SUITABLE DATES PREDICTION FOR AGRICULTURE AND FOREST PRACTICES IN QINGHE FOREST REGION Analysis on domestic patent documents of Gingko biloba in recent 20 years In vivo evaluation on transdermal delivery properties of matrine transfersomes by skin microdialysis method Ionic liquid extraction technology and its application in field of Chinese materia medica Study on the extraction recovery of ginsenoside Re in plasma by different solid-phase cartridges Determination of constant for the inclusion complex of Yinqiao volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin Quantitative determination of seven major absorbed volatile constituents in mice brain, liver and blood after intragastric administration of Asari Radix et Rhizoma suspension by headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Determination of rutin,quercetin,kaempferol,and isorhamnetin in extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves by HPLC with solid phase extraction Theory and Practice of Extraction Technology of Chinese Traditional Drugs Effect of CO2 Concentration Doubling on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production in Different Growth Stages of Soybean Plant Effect of Strong Light on Net Photosynthetic Rate between Two Rice Subspecies du ring Leaf Aging RS-Land Three-Phase Sampling Technique and Its Application to Area Estimation in Annual Forest Inventory Determination on the Selectivity of Two Kinds of Spider Mites to Ginkgo biloba Leaves and Foliar Volatiles Effects of Enhanced UV- B Radiation on Protein Metabolism of Bean Leaves Retardation of Leaf Senescence by Triadimefon Treatment in Mung Bean Seedling Ultrastructural Changes in the Mesocarp Cells of Grape Berry During Its Development Morphological Studies on the Process of Chromosome Construction in Physarum polycephalum Studies on RNA in the Metaphase Chromosome of Zea mays by Electron Microscopy in Situ Hybridization In Vitro Heat Stability of Plasma Membrane Vesicles and Tonoplast Membrane Vesicles Isolated From the Hypocotyle of Phaseolus vulgaris Localization of Heat Shock Protein on Cell Membranes of Phaseolus vulgaris Localization of Heat Shock Protein of Low Molecular Weight by Electromicroscopic Immunogold-Labelling Translocation characteristics of trichloroethylene in saturated clays MASS PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND DISTRIBUTION OF PHOTOASSIMILATES OF WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES WITH DIFFERENT MATURITY FEATURE EFFECT OF RADIATION ON THE STERILITY OF CHINESE CITRUS FLY Analysis of Volatiles and Wound-Induced Volatiles Component of Ricinus communis Analysis on Volatile Components of Caryophylli Flos from Different Habitats STUDY ON COLD RESISTANCE OF POPLAR BY ESR SPIN LABEL Studies on cinnamaldehyde microemulsion preparation and its antibacterial activity Isolation and identification of two sesquiterpenes from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius Preparation and quality evaluation of tea tree oil microemulsion gel Determination of gelsemine and koumine in human plasma by HPLC-UV Quantitative Determination of Glycinebetaine in Plant Tissues by Reverse Phase Ion-pair HPLC Revealing the F-actin Networks in Interphase Nuclei of Garlic Clove Cells by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CLIMATE CHANGE AND VEGETATION IN BEIJING USING REMOTE SENSED DATA AND PHENOLOGICAL DATA Purification of Plasma Membrane of Maize Sperm Cells by Aqueous Polymer Two-Phase partitioning Growth Characteristic and Insect-Resistance of Transgenic Populus alba Populus hopeiensis The flowering phenophase response of early spring herb to the urbanization process in Beijing Analysis of Volatile Compounds of Meat Flavor Essence Through Two Comprehensive Dimensional Gas Chromatography-time of Flight Mass Spectrometry The study of fertilization and duration of its different phase in Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. Knots’ Rings in Different Development Phases for Larch Plantations Anatomical studies on the fruit development of dwarf cherry Flowering Characteristics and Chemical Control of the Buds of Arceuthobium sichuanense Process of Flower Bud Morphological Differentiation in Salvia splendens Head-space Solid Phase Microextraction and GC-MS Analysis of Fragrance ofCucumber C-banding of Prometaphase Chromosomes in Cucumber and the Procedure for Slide Preparation Effect of calcium on desiccation tolerance of imbibed Phaseolus radiatus seeds Nasal submicron emulsion of Scutellariae Radix extract preparation technology research based on phase transfer of solute technology Study on identification of traditional Chinese medicine Yangqishi and Yinqishi by X-ray diffraction Complex network analysis on dynamic change regularity of combining use of Chinese and western medicine in 27 678 cases with ischemic stroke in acute phase Studise on the Two-liquid-phase Culture of Japanese Yew (Taxus cuspidata) for the Production of Paclitaxel Plantlet Regeneration from the Petiole and Stem of Pueraria phaseoloides Determination of 2,4-D Acid Residues in Four Kinds of Vegetables and Fruits by Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography Comparison of Three Solid Phase Microextraction Fibers for Aromatic Compounds in Muskmelon Juice Analysis of alkaloids in Nelumbo nucifera leaves by solid phase extraction-rapid resolution liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry Analysis of alkaloids in Nelumbo nucifera leaves by solid phase extraction-rapid resolution liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry Sustained Characteristics and Combination Characteristics on Phenophase of Plants in Minqin Desert Region Predictability Time Scale and Fractal Characteristics of Temporal \nVariation of Eucommia ulmoides Plantation Transpiration Analysis and identification of Liriomyza sativae-attractants from cowpea and kidney bean volatiles