Effect of feeding with fresh alfalfa forage on growth performance and blood physiological-biochemical indexes of Boer goat Physiological Response of Hard Seeds of Alfalfa on Accelerated Aging Duration Exploration of Protein Products from Diverse of Alfalfa Cells Verification of Molecular Markers Linked to Resistance Gene of Common Leaf Spot Disease in Tetraploid Alfalfa Establishment of A Tetraploid Alfalfa Family and Analysis of Its Genetic Variability Analysis of Characteristics for Six Alfalfa Cultivars Studies on RAPD Polymorphic in Salt-Tolerant Alfalfa and Salt Sensitive Alfalfa Study on Excised Leaf Tissue Inoculation of Common Leaf Spot in Alfalfa Study on the Suncuring Technique of Alfalfa in the Region of Yellow River Delta Study on the Adaptation of Alfalfa in Yellow River Delta The Genetic Variation in Rambler Alfalfa Preliminary Study on Salt Tolerance Genetic Characters in the Newly Released Salt Tolerant Alfalfa Cultivar "Zhongmu No.1 Study on the Genetic Diversity of the Alfalfa Local Varieties(Medicago sativa L.)based on RAPD markers The Influence of Moisture Content Before Baling on Alfalfa Hay Quality and Yield The Method and Effect of Inoculating Rhizobium to Alfalfa in Coastland Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee for Pollination of Alfalfa Twice a Year in Different Areas Studies on Ontogonesis and Ecological Adaptability of Creeping-rooted Character of Alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) Change of Esterase Isozyme and Endogenous Hormone in Root System and Ontogenesis of Creeping-Rooted Character in Alfalfa The Variation of Chloroplast DNA and Mitochondrial DAN in Tissue Culture of Alfalfa Field comparison of the resistance of 33 alfalfa varieties to thrips Effects of additives and crop ratio on quality of mixed naked oat (Avena nuda) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage Plastic covered sheds for drying alfalfa Comprehensive evaluation of the fasting-growing characters of 12 alfalfa varieties BREEDING OF NEW VARIETY NONGJING NO.1 OF Medicago sativa L. BY MAGNETIC FIELD FREE SPACE Breeding and Salt Resistance Evaluation of BADH Transgenic Alfalfa Cultivar Shanmu 2 Field evaluation of the response and resistance to low temperature of alfalfa root with different root types during over-wintering Effect of exogenous Gly on the growth and oxidative damage of alfalfa seedling under Cd stress Position and quantity of endogensis rhizobia in alfalfa plant Evaluation on carbon sequestration effects of artificial alfalfa pastures in the Loess Plateau area Mineral nitrogen in soil profiles under long-term wheat cultivation and alfalfa continuous cropping in the dry farming area ON THE SELECTIVITY AND DISPERSION OF ALFALFA PLANT BUG AMONG ITS HOST PLANTS IN EASTERN HENAN COTTON REGION Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Alfalfa Seeds with Different Moisture Contents after Satellite Carrying EFFECT OF NITRIC OXIDE ON ALFALFA SEED GERMINATION UNDER NaCl STRESS Interspecific Competition of Mixed Grassland of Bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.) and Alfalfa (Medicago sativaL.)

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