Effects of Fertilizers and Sowing Rates on Growth Characteristics and Forage Yields of Alfalfa in Yangzhou Region Response of Root Growth to Nutrient Level in Alfalfa Seedling Stage Absorption and Transfer of Photosynthetic Carbon in Alfalfa (Zhongmu No. 1) Floral Morphology and Development of Alfalfa Cloning of an RNA-binding Protein Gene from Alfalfa and Expression in Tobacco Leaf Morphology and Development of Multifoliate Alfalfa Extraction and Separation of Alfalfa Flavonoids Effects of Three Additives on the Fermentation Quality of Alfalfa Silage Effects of Effective Microbial Inoculants on Alfalfa Growth Character The Research of Mixed Ensiling Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Tibet Influences of Different Drying Treatments on Alfalfa Hay Nutritional Value Influences of Storage Methods on the Nutritional Quality of Alfalfa Hay Effects of Shading on the Growth Characteristics of Three Alfalfa Cultivars in Summer Alfalfa Quality Classification System Based on MATLAB Transformation System of Medicago sativa ‘Xinjiang Daye’ with Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene Effects of Alfalfa Flavonoids on the Gene Expression of Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Ovarian Gonadal Axis in the Preadolescence and Maturity of Female Rat Expression Levels of PHYA and PHYB mRNA in Different Fall Dormancy Alfalfa Varieties Effects of Storage Style on the Nutritional Quality of Alfalfa Bale Effects of Se Application As Basal Fertilizer on the Nutrient Contents and Distribution Rates of Alfalfa at Different Growth Stages Transformation mechanism and availability of mutrients in albic soil plant system Ⅴ Effect of organic material on phosphorus availability in soil wheat rhizosphere system Availability and contributions of soil phosphorus to forage production of seeded alfalfa in semiarid Loess Plateau Effects of herbivore stress by Aphis medicaginis Koch on the contents of MDA and activities of protective enzymes in different alfalfa varieties Nutrients absorption and nodulation ability of alfalfas in acid purple soil PROTOPLAST CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM MESOPHYLL OF ALFALFA (MEDICAGO SATIVA L.) Study on Using Additives Silage and Wilted Silage and Mixed Silage of Alfafa Effect of Various Harvest Time and Drying Methods on Nutritive Value of Alfalfa Hay Study on the Genetic Diversity of the Alfalfa Local Varieties(Medicago sativa L.) in China:Seed Storage Protein Markers Relationship Between Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Happening of Secondary Roots of Alfalfa Research on Winter Injury and Prevent Technique of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.cv.‘Aohan’)in Chifeng Region Studies on RAPD Polymorphic in Alfalfa Resistant to Brown Blot A Preliminary Study of Callus for Inducing Cold Tolerance in Alfalfa Breeding Effects of the Cellulase on Nutritive Composition and Utilization Rate of Alfalfa Meal Pruning in Autumn,Spraying of Growth Regulators in Spring to Promote Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Seed Yield and Germination Regulating Alfalfa(Medicago Sativa L.)Vegetative and Reproductive Growth A Study on the Characteristics of Previously Fermented Alfalfa Juice In Situ Study of Ammonia Volatilization from Alfalfa Fields Study of Rhizobia Seed Treatment Formulations for Alfalfa Correlation Analysis on Quantitative Characters of Different Fall-Dormancy Alfalfa Cultivars Effect of Cutting on Reproductive Growth Stage,the Seed Yield and Seed Quality of Alfalfa(Medicago Sativa L.) Comparison of Alfalfa Varieties of Western Heilongjiang Province Studies on Adaptive Mechanism of Alfalfa in Drought Stress at Seedling Stage Optimizing of Reaction System of RAPD Molecular Marker for Verification of Alfalfa Cultivars Research on Leaf Morphology and Cold Resistance of Alfalfa Stress-Tolerance Evaluation of Alfalfa Nodule Bacteria in the Cold and Drought Regions of Gansu Province Productive Adaptability of 18 Alfalfa Cultivars Under Salinity Stress Relationships between Leaf POD and PAL and the Resistance of Alfalfa Cultivars Against Powdery Mildew Effect of Long-term Fertilization on the Soil Water and Nutrient Contents of Rainfed Wheat and Alfalfa lands in Loess Plateau RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Different Medicago L. Germplasms Influencing Factors on Alfalfa Transformation with Atriplex dimorphostegia NHX Gene Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Relationship between Row Spacing,Irrigation Rate and Growth Redundancy in Alfalfa Population Study on ISSR Markers Linked to Common Leaf Spot Disease Resistance Gene of Tetraploid Alfalfa Bioeffect Comparison of Mutation Induction by Mixed High Energy Particle Field and γ-rays Irradiation in Alfalfa ’Longmu 803’ Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Alfalfa by MsNHX1 Gene and Molecular Detection for Transgenic Alfalfa Study on the Characteristics of Reproductive Biology of Alfalfa Primary Study on Root System of Alfalfa in the Sowing Year Rooting Depth of Alfalfa Characteristics of IAA Secretion and Phosphate Dissolving of Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria and Its Effect on Alfalfa Growth Study on the Phenolic Acid Allelochemicals Contents of the Aqueous Extracts of Ten Alfalfa Cultivars at the Blooming Stage Effect of Soil Extract Solution from Different Aged Alfalfa Standings on Seed Germination of Three Species Construction of Antifreeze Protein Gene AFP Expression Vector and Transformation into Alfalfa Callus Analysis of Longdong Wild Alfalfa Based on Peroxidase Isozymes Zymogram Study on Diurnal Photosynthetic Characteristics in Different Alfalfa Leaf Layers in Loess Plateau Selection of Space Flight Mutation of Alfalfa and Its Polymorphic Analysis by RAPD Identification of Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Alfalfa of the rstB Tolerance of Alfalfa Varieties to Odontothrips loti Haliday Study on the Curing Technology of Alfalfa Hay in Hexi Corridor Area Effect of Long-term Alfalfa Succession on Soil Sulfur,Calcium,and Magnesium in the Loess Plateau Autotoxicity Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Different Aged Alfalfa on Seeds Germination Effect of Seed Moisture Content on the Mutagenic Effect of Satellite Carrying for Alfalfa Protective Effect of Sugar on SOD in Alfalfa Leaf Protein during Freeze Drying Study on Companion Crop Selection and Its Sowing Rate for Alfalfa Seeding in Autumn in Hilly Area of South Jiangsu Province Effect of Selenium(Se) on Herbage Yield and Quality of Alfalfa N RESOURCE OF GRASSES AND N_2-FIXATION OF ALFALFA IN MONOCULTURE AND MIXTURE EFFECT OF γ-RAY IRRADIATION ON in vitro CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION OF ALFALFA Changes of soil C,N and soil water under conversion of cropland into grassland Construction of Alfalfa Genomic Library and Some Improvements in Methodology Responses of leaf traits to drought at different growth stages of alfalfa Effects of air humidity and soil water deficit on characteristics of leaf cuticular waxes in alfalfa (Medicago staiva) Production Performance in Alfalfa with Different Classes of Fall Dormancy Construction and Transformation of RNAi Vector of MsZFN Gene from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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