Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL and ITS of Enteromorpha genus from Chinese coast A TAXONOMICAL STUDY ON THE SUBGENUS NEPALENSIS OF CHINESE IRIS Morphological and molecular identification of the larvae of three species of important dermestid pests Studies on Genetic Relationship and Evolutionary Path of Subgenus Amygdalus in China Pollen morphology of three Chinese endemic genera in Gesneriaceae Plant Resources of Genus Hypericum Yunnan Isozyme Analysis of Chromosome-Doubling Plant of Triploid Hybrid of Elymus Canadensis and Hordeum Brevisubulatum The Genus Arachnocrea, A New Record to China and Their Geographical Distribution Pattern in the World NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS RH0D0DENDRON FR0M YUNNAN-SICHUAN The Ecological Distribution of Genus Glycyrrhiza and Its Utilization in Xinjiang Prediction of Origin and Dispersal of the Chinese Genus Bupleurum using RASP Software Similar Distribution Patterns Between Genus Size of Spermatophyte Flora and Species Abundance Platydorina Kofoid,A Newly Recorded Genus of Volvocaceae from China Paraisometrum W.T.Wang, a newly recorded genus of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China Ornamental Germplasm Resources of Genus Buddleja L. in Yunnan HIMALAYAS--HENGDUAN MOUNTAINS--THE CENTRE OF DISTRIBUTI0N AND DIFFERENTIATION 0F THE GENUS ARISAEMA --T0 DISCUSS THE PROBLEMS AB0UT THE ORIGIN AND MIGRATI0N OF THIS GENUS TW0 NEW SPECIES OF GENUS SETARIA FR0M YUNNAN PROVINCE ,FR0M YUNNAN PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE GENUS UROCHLOA BEAUV. FROM YUNNAN SOME NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS ARISAEMA FROM HENGDUAN MOUNTAINS ONE NEW GENUS AND ONE NEW RECORDED GENUS 0F GESNERIACEAE FR0M YUNNAN A TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE GENUS ALBIZIA DURAZZ. FROM CHINA STUDY 0F GENUS C0RYDALIS SECT. TRACHYCARPAE FEDDE NEW SPECIES 0F THE GENUS SALVIA FROM ANHUI GENUS NOVUM GESNERIACEARUM E YUNNAN COCHLEARIOPSIS--A NEW GENUS OF CHINESE CRUCIFERAE A REVISION OF GENUS CAMELLIA SECT.TUBERCULATA From Nepal to Formosa,a Much Larger Foot Print for Vacinium Sect. Aethopus Anatomical Structure of Leaves of Different Evolutionary Type within Subgenus Soja Nujiangia (Orchidaceae: Orchideae): A new genus from the Himalayas Foonchewia guangdongensis gen. et sp. nov. (Rubioideae: Rubiaceae) and its systematic position inferred from chloroplast sequences and morphology STUDY ON PLANT KINDS IN HANZHONG REGION Component of Volatile Oils in 10 Chinese Species of Yulania Genus and Its Phylogenetic Implication AN INVESTIGATION ON DENDROBIUM SW. IN HENAN PROVINCE A New Subgenus of Platanthera (Orchidaceae) Archakebia—A New Genus of Lardizabalaceae from China tudies on the Chemical Constituents of Morinda officinalis How. Application of Hierarchical Cluster with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in the Classification of Genus Clinopodium chinensis Identification of Swertia mussotii and its adulterant Swertia species by 5S rRNA gene spacer Gymnocoronis, a new naturalized genus of the tribe Eupatorieae, Asteraceae in China A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Dryopteris Subgenus Erythrovariae (H. Ito) Fraser-Jenkins from Yunnan New Records from Tibet Genetic Variation in Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photosynthetic Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Tropical Rice Orchids Newly Recorded to China Study on chemical constituents of Inula cappa Pharmacognostical Study on the Chinese Drug Gualouzi Cross-compatibility between Maize and Maize Relatives Genomic DNA Sequence,Gene Structure,Conserved Domains,and Natural Alleles of Gln1-4 Gene in Maize Research advances in the calculating method of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in cultivated lands. Floral Ontogeny of Two Species in Magnolia L. Chenorchis: a new orchid genus and its eco-strategy of ant pollination Genetic relationship analysis of Zea species using RAPD markers Effects of Elevated Air Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Nitrogen Use of Double Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Open-top Chambers Genetic Evolution for Vigna Subgenus Ceratotropis Based on Chloroplast DNA Sequences Descriptions of a New Genus and Species of Leafhopper(Hemiptera:Cicadellidae:Mukariinae) Attacking Chimonobambusa (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) from Guizhou Province,China Zeuxinella, A Newly Recorded Genus of Orchidaceae from China Karyotypes of 12 Species of Paphiopedilum subgenus Paphiopedilum Analysis of Principal Components and Subordinate Function on Heat Tolerance of Two Seedlings of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes Study on the Relationships between Longitude and Radial Sound Vibration Parameters of Genus Picea Sinobacopa Hong—A New Genus of Scrophulariaceae from China A Revision of Lobelia Subgen. Tupa (Campanulaceae) in China Chemical constituents from Vaccinium bracteatum Overview of application and research of Echinops genus in Chinese medicine Studies on chemical constituents of Helwingia Chinensis THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF GENUS RHODODENDRON IN THE GONGGA MOUNTAIN REGION, SICHUAN FLORISTIC ANALYSIS OF SEED PLANT GENERA IN XINJIANG Foliar δ 13C and Nitrogen Use Efficient of Populus deltoides and the Different Growth Vigor F1 Hybrid Clones Establishment of the Screening Oligonucleotide Microarray of Apscaviroid in Genus Level TWO SPECIES OF GENUS SCAPANIA (HEPATICAE;SCAPANIACEAE) NEW TO CHINA Neo-Taraxacum Y. R. Ling & X. D. Sun, Genus novum et Addenda Subfamiliae Liguliflorae, Familiae Compositarum Factors Influencing Seed Germination and Seedling Survival of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes Studies on Geographical Distribution Pattern of the Subgenus Pogonophace (Fabaceae: Astragalus) in China Using GIS Technique Advances in study on chemical constituents from plants of genus Pfaffia and their bioactivities Studies on the chemical constituents in roots of Daphne odora var. atrocaulis A New Record Genus(Leucogyrophana, Coniophoraceae, Basidiomycetes)and A New Record Species (L . pseudomollusa) in China A Taxonomic Revision on Genus Aristolochia Subgenus Pararistolochia Genus Novum Gesneriacearum Vietnam First report of Protokeelia spinifera and Rhopalodia iriomotensis from China, with comments on their systematic positions Parasphenopteris Sun & Deng, a new genus from the Lower Permian of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China Allozymic Genetic Diversity in Eurycorymbus caraleriei (Levl.) Hand.-Mazz., an Endemic and Dioecious Tree in China Dimorphococcopsis Jao——A Genus of Freshwater Chlorococcales(Chlorophyta) Newly Recorded from China