Reducing variable hierarchical vector analysis of correlations between Robinia pseudocacia and environmental factors THE VERTICAL BELTS OF NATURAL VEGETATION PARTITIONING OF THE GUANDI MOUNTAINS BY USING ORDERED PLOT CLUSTERING,SHANXI,NORTH CHINA PARADIGM SHIFT IN ECOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW Life form spectra, leaf character, and hierarchical-synusia structure of vascular plants in Thuja sutchuenensis community. Rapid seed identification of Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix by SIMCA based on FTIR Detecting molecular signatures of natural selection in Morus alba populations from trans-Himalaya Individual grain yield potential and nitrogen utilization efficiency of Zea mays cultivars widely planted in North China Genetic Basics of Seed Traits in Soybean with Bayes Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model Method Comparative study on main economic characters of different populationsof Pinellia ternata in China Based on 1H-NMR-PR to establish an identification method ofOphiopogonis japonicusfrom different habitats HPLC-ELSD Fingerprints of Yinhuang preparations Quantitative analysis of nucleosides in four Cordyceps genus by HPLC Quality control and evaluation of Radix et Rhizoma Gentianae from GAP production base Technique for Controlling Greenhouse Environment on Hierarchical Collaborative Structure Hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting the soil nitrogen of forest Integrated assessment of marine aquaculture ecosystem health: framework and method Altitudinal Patterns of Plant Communities and Species Diversity in the Habaxueshan Mountains,Yunnan, China Modeling and Impact Analysis on Distribution Prediction of Forest Tree Species in Northeast China Based on Climate Change Climatic Zonation of Wheat Powdery Mildew in China Physiological Evaluation of Drought and Heat Resistance for 21 Tall Fescue Turfgrass Hierarchical responses to grazing defoliation in a clonal plant Kobresia humilis A Study of Hierarchical Classification for the Steppe Vegetation on the Song-Nen Plain Effects of removing low fresh leaf on the quality and economic characteristics of flue-cured tobacco Cluster Analysis and Codon Usage Bias of psbA Genes From Prokaryotic Microalgae A study on snow fraction mapping based on hierarchical dynamic endmember spectral mixture analysis (DESMA) over Northern Xinjiang Characteristic of Plant Functional Groups Based on Ecophysiological Traits in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest of Hainan Island,South China Characterization of weed community in winter wheat in Hebei Province Multi-Source Data for Forest Land Type Precise Classification Hierarchical cluster analysis of Radix Glycyrrizae from different habitats Characteristics and methods of macroscopic ecological research Some themes on eco-regionalization of China Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow HPLC fingerprint analysis of Cordyceps and mycelium of cultured cordy Screening, identification of antagonistic rhizospheric Bacillus sp. LW-6 against tobacco bacterial wilt Detection of Satsuma dwarf virus by real-time RT-PCR Bacterial magnetic particles real-time RT-PCR for detecting Bean pod mottle virus Analysis population structure of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici using race-specific-marker in Yunnan during 2009-2010 Study on Classification System for Wetland Types in China The Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Chemical Composition of Grassland Plants at Xilin River Valley and Their TAXA and Habitats The Application of the Ordered Plot Clustering to the Vertical Belt Partitioning of Vegetation of Main Mountains Shanxi Stepwise Clustering and Its Application to Vegetation Classification Sub-areas compartmentalization of Changjiang Estuary based on the natural geographical characteristics Maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and likelihood ratio tests in the molecular phylogeny of Alismatales UPLC fingerprint of Paeoniae Alba Radixfrom different regions Species composition and characterization of weed communities in wheat fields in Henan Province HPLC fingerprint analysis on Wei Medicine Ziziphora tenuior and Ziziphora clinopodioides Fingerprint of Sarcandrae Herba by UPLC coupled with chemometrics methods Studies on numerical characteristics of insect community structure of five stored export agricultural products Establishment of high performance liquid chromatographic fingerprint of Callicarpa nudiflora on different harvesting time Species composition and characterization of weed communities in wheat fields in Shandong Province Numerical Taxonomy of Leaf Color Phenotypes for Tea (Camellia sinesis) Study on content determination of alkaloids and HPLC fingerprint of “Jianlian” Nelumbinis Plumula Primary study on vegetation succession of saline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake STUDIES ON THE HIERARCHIC PROBLEM OF GENUS BLYSMOCAREX IVAN.BY NUMERICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL METH0DS Application of Hierarchical Cluster with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in the Classification of Genus Clinopodium chinensis HPLC fingerprint of Liuwei Dihuang soft capsule NrDNA ITS sequences analysis and genetic rela tionship identification of Magnolia officinalis from different geographical regions