Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Dominant Long-culm Mutant in Rice Study on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Culms of Cold Resistance Sympodial Bamboo,Bambusa textilis var. fasca Characteristics of Temporal and Spatial Tissue Development During the Rapidly Growing Stage of Moso Bamboo Culms A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE ANATOMY OF STEM AND ITS FIBER OF Isolation, identification and analysis of rDNA-ITS gene sequence of Fusarium culmorum from maize ear rot samples Study on the Culm cutting Techniques for Pulp making in Phyllostachys pubescens Stands QTL Analysis of Lodging and Related Traits in Soybean The Structure Characteristics of Bamboo Groves in Dagangshan Region.,Jiangxi Province The characteristics of culm structure to ecological self adaptability of Oligostachyum lubricum ramet Influence of Obtruncation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of 5 Years Old Culms of Phyllostachys edulis Structural Characteristics of Thicker-culms in the High-yield Wheat Cultivars Response of soil seed banks to invasion by Echinochloa caudata in restored Scirpus planiculmis wetlands in the Momoge National Nature Reserve Effects of old bamboo forests and relevant management measures on growth of new bamboo forests Study on the Structure of Culm Form of Bambusa wenchouensis The Effect of Management on the Growing and Form of Moso Bamboo Culms Study on Crown Structure and Function of Phyllostachys pubescensStands for Culm and Shoot Production Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Transplanting Density on Physical and Chemical Characteristics and Lodging Resistance of culms in Hybrid Rice Characterizations and Gene Mapping of a Brittle Culm and Leaf Mutant in indica Rice The Structure of A Culm and Shoot Producing Stand of Phyllostachys pubescens Comparative Analysis of Culm Form and Timber Characteristics in Three Dendrocalamus Species The Culm Lodging Resistance of the Heavy Panicle Rice Type Ultracytochemical Localization of Peroxidase during the Ground Tissue Development in Phyllostachys edulis (Poaceae) Culms Studies on the Relations between Shoot-Culm Growth of Phyllostachys dulcis and Meteorological Factors Real-time PCR quantification and deoxynivalenol production of Fusarium culmorum in inoculated head tissues of wheat The Seedling Culture Test with Culm Node of Sympodial Bamboo Species for Pulping Studies on the Primary Productivity of Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) Grove Study on Numerical Taxonomy of the Asexual Propagation of Scirpus planiculmis in Songliao Ecological Area Culm Form Characteristic and Fiber Morphology of Phyllostachys reticulata ‘Shouzhu’ STUDY ON PREDICTION OF BAMBOO SHOOT WEIGHT AND YIELD THE APPLICATION OF TWO-WAY CONTINGENCY TABLE TO STUDY THE OUTPUT OF BAMBOO FOREST Ⅱ. STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NEW BAMBOO YIELD AND NUMBERS OF BAMBOO CULM ON-YEAR Effects of planting density and spraying PP333 on winter wheat lodging-resistance and grain yield. Inheritance of Lodging Resistance Index and Its Correlations with Culm Traits in Wheat Comparison of Culm Characteristics with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiencies for Rice Cultivars Effects of Paclobutrazol on Yield and Mechanical Harvest Characteristics of Winter Rapeseed with Direct Seeding Treatment Relationship of characteristics of culm construction to lodging resistance and yield of Fujian-bred super-rice cultivars Microsatellite Markers for Culm Wall Thickness and Anatomical Features of Solid Stem Wheat 86-741 Mapping QTLs for Uppermost Internode Diameter and Thickness and Area of Culm Wall with Doubled-Haploid Population in Wheat  Identification and Gene Mapping of Dwarf and Brittle Culm Mutant dbc1 in Oryza sativa An Evolution on Productiveness Factors of Phytlostachys pubescens Stand for Culms and Shoots by Quantitative Theory I Anatomical and Chemical Alterations but not Photosynthetic Dynamics and Apoplastic Transport Changes are Involved in the Brittleness Culm Mutation of Rice Genetic Analysis and Gene-Mapping of Two Reduced-Culm-Number Mutants in Rice Anatomical and Chemical Features of High-Yield Wheat Cultivar with Reference to Its Parents IDENTIFICATION AND GENETIC MAPPING OF A FRAGILE AND DWARF RICE MUTANT Distribution Characteristics, Flowering and Seeding of Dendrocalamus sinicus in Yunnan, China Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Application Model on Culm Lodging Re-sistance in Winter Wheat Effects of Planting Methods on Culm Lodging Resistance of Indica Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Culm anatomy of Kobresia (Cyperaceae) from China Effects of Planting Density on Characters of Culm and Culm Lodging Resistant Index in Winter Wheat A Study on the Intrinsic Growth Rate of Scirpus planiculmis Populations Ultracytochemical Localization of ATPase during the Rapid Elongation Growth Stage in Phyllostachys edulis ‘Pachyloen’ Culms