ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY ON THE FUSION AND SENESCENT DISINTEGRATION OF PERIBACTEROID MEMBRANE IN ACACIA ROOT NODULES Diversity of Origin and Expansion Mode of Peribacteroid Membrane in Legume Nodules Structural Analysis of Nodule-Like Tissue on Rice Roots Collected from Wenzhou District of Zhejiang Province Morphological identification of 20 medicinal species in Hypericum Cell Structures of Psudonodules Formed on the Roots of Barley and Rice Ultrastructure of the Multicellular Nodules in Hyperic um perforatum Leaves Ultrastructural Change in Sesbania Cann Abina Root Nodules During Their Developments A study of meiofauna in the COMRA‘s contracted area during the summer of 2005 Study on the Difference of Nodule Nitrogenase Activity and Amount of Nitrogen Fixation of Different Soybean Varieties ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATION ON A KIND OF CYTOPLASMIC INCLUSION IN THE INFECTED CELLS OF SOYBEAN ROOT NODULES Freeze fracture study on peribacteroid membranes in soybean root nodules Nuclear Ultrastructural Changes of Infected Cell during the Development of Root Nodules Response of Soybean Root Nodule and Yield to Biological-sugar Nitrogen Fertilizer and Urea STUDY ON HITOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY OF VICIA SATIVA ROOT NODULES INVESTIGATIONS ON THE SUBMICKOSCOPIC STRUCTURE AND NITROGENASE ACTIVITY OF STEM NODULES IN Sesbania rostrata Nitrogen-fixation Potential of Nodules in Four Types of Nitrogen-fixation Plants and Their Influencing Factors in Dry-hot Valley Characteristics related to symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes in northwest arid zone of China Distribution and morphological features of lipid bodies in pea root nodules Studies on the development of secretory structures and their secretory products accumulation of Hypericum perforatum A STUDY ON NATURAL RESOURCES OF NODULATING TREE LEGUMES AND STRAINS OF RHIZOBIA Screening and inhibition of antagonistic endophytic bacteria isolated from soybean (Glycine max) nodules against Alternaria longipes. The structure of root nodules in Trifolium repens and Medicago sativa Morphological and Histological Examination of Meristematic Nodules from#br# Adventitious Root of Pulsatilla koreana Effects of the iron nutrition on nodule development and nitrogen-fixing functions of peanut Localization of ATPese and Dynamic Change in its Activity within Root Nodules of Legumes Effect of Climatic Factors on Nitrogen Fixation in Three Leguminous Trees Cellular Structure of Root Nodules of Elaeagnus conferta Roxb. and Nitrogen Fixation Activity Inducement of Root Hair and the Root Epidermal Transfer Cells during the Formation of Root Nodule in Leguminous Plants Ultrastructural Changes Of Infected Cell Nuclei during Cell Apoptosis in Onobrychis viciaefolia Root Nodules Responses of growth, nodulation and yield of soybean to different nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization management Advancement in Research on Stress Resistance of Grass Pea Bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediment from northeastern Pacific Ocean Two mathematical models in rhizobium ecology Model study on gas exchange and diffusion in legume nodules Influence of long-term aridity on morphological characteristics of legume nodules in Xinjiang Effects of inoculations of Glomus mosseae and/or Bradyrhizobium japonicum on formation and distribution of nodules and phosphorus uptake of soybean The Patterns of Secretory Structure and Their Relation to Hypericin Content in Hypericum Effect of Elevated CO2 on Legume Plants With Nitrogen Fixation The Role of Stem Nodules in the Adaptation of Sesbana rostrata to a Pb/Zn Tailings Environment I.Effects on Growth Effects of Zinc on Rhizobia-Earleaf Acacia (Acacia auriculaeformis) Symbiotic Association Effects of the NO3--N on nodule formation and nitrogen fixing of peanut Effect of Rhizobia and PGPR co-inoculant on soybean characteristics and soil enzyme activities STUDOES ON RAPID PROPAGATION AND ORIGAN GENESISTION OF ATRACTYLODES MACROCEPHALA FROM STEM SEGMENT INFECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC NITROGENFIXING ACTINORHIZA OF CORIARIA NEPALENSIS WALL. Studies on the Nitrate Reductase Activity (NRA) and the Nitrogenase Activity (NA) in the Nodules of Groundnut (A.hypogaea L.) THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF ROOT NODULE CELLS OF LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA Phosphorus and Nitrogen Interactions in Field-Grown Soybean as Related to Genetic Attributes of Root Morphological and Nodular Traits Screening, resistance, phylogeny and growth promoting of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria isolated from soybean root nodules ISOLATION OF NODULE BACTERIA FROM PISUM SATNUM AND THE APPLICATION OF NITRAGIN FROM THE ISOLATE Effects of the intercellular rhizobla on meristematic nuclei in wheat nodule-like Study on competitive nodulation ability of Rhizobium meliloti in field test by using RAPD Molecular Marker Method Effects of improved iron nutrition of peanut intercropped with maize on carbon and nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen-fixing of peanut nodule Influences of the compound effects between nitrogen and zinc on growth,N-fixation and transfer of fixed nitrogen of white clover in mixed culture Selection of high photosynthetic efficiency Vigna angularis varieties and evaluation of their nutritional value Observation on Anatomic Structure of Eight Kinds of Calli in Anthurium andraeanum Effects of Phosphorus Deficiency on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Soybean after Nodule Formation Ultra-structure of the Inclusions of the Vacuoles in the Infected Cells of Onobrychis viciifolia Root Nodules Studies on the characteristics of Caragana root development and some relevant physiology NODULE CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE-YEAR-OLD CARAGANA MICROPHYLLA AND THEIR RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES IN AN INNER MONGOLIA GRASSLAND Review of research advancements on the molecular basis and regulation of symbiotic nodulation of legumes Interaction between AM fungi and Rhizobium and effects of flavonoids on it Experiment on Effect of Inoculation with Pure Culture of Frankia from Nodules of Casuarina Studies on the Main Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes Activities and Nodule Cell Ultrastructure in the Nodule of Alnus cremastogyne Anatomy studies on the root nodules of endangered medicinal plants Dalbergia odorifera A Study on the Characteristics of Myrica rubra in Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation Nodule Histology and Ultrastructure of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Subcellular Localization of Glycoprotein in Nodules Effects of copper on rhizobia-Acacia auriculaeformis symbiotic association Effects of nitrogen levels on nodule growth of soybean using 15N tracing method Cytological Observations on Nodules,Nodule-Like Structures and Crown Galls on the Roots of Phaseolus vulgaris Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum in the Formation of Peribacteroid Membranes Studies on the Relationship Between Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation in the Symbiotic System of Soybean and Nodule Bacteria( Rhizobium) Nitrogen Fixation and ATPase of Root Nodules from Sesbania cannabina with Chemical and Physical Treatments Electron Microscopic Observation on the Infected Cells During Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Nodule Senescence Morphological and Histological Examination of Meristematic Nodules from#br# Adventitious Root of Pulsatilla koreana Nitrate regulates rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) NITROGEN FIXATION OF PARA-NODULES OF ORGAN CULTURED CARROT ROOTS WITH 15N2 REDUCTION METHOD Effect of boron deficiency on structure and nitrogenase activity of nodules in soybean plants Efects of soaked seeds with phosphate-dissolving microorganisms on the growth and development and its nodule of soybean plant Ultrastructural Study on the Rhizobia in Alhagi sparsifolia Research Advances in the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes

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