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N metabolism
Effect of HKL-4 on active oxygen metabolism and photochemical efficiency in licorice leaf
Changes in sugar, pyruvic acid content and nitrate reductase activity of
Elymus sibiricus
reproductive branches during seed development
Effects of Non-acid Rhizosphere pH on the Iron Elements Uptakes and Expressions of Iron Metabolism Related Genes in Blueberry
Time and Does Effects of Cadmium on Active Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves
Evaluation of N Fertilizers Effects Based on the Expression of N Metabolic Genes
Effects of Pb Stress on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves
Winter Wheat Flag Leaf Aging and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism under Different Nitrogen and Cultivation Modes in Dryland
Effects nitroprusside, a nitric oxide donor,on carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the activity of the antioxidation system in wheat seedings under salt stress
Effects of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of summer maize
Effects of sulfur and salicylic acid on nitrate accumulation and nitrogen metabolism in leaves of Chinese chive
Inheritance and correlation analysis of genotype × environment interaction for nitrogen metabolism-related traits of wheat
The Characteristics of Active Oxygen Metabolism in Pepper Leaf Cells underSuboptimal Temperature, Weak Light and Salt Stress
Boron in Plants: Deficiency and Toxicity
Effects of ginsenoside-Rb on cardiac hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism in dogs with acute myocardial infarction
Effects of Selenium on Leaf Senescence and Antioxidase System in Pyrus bretschneider‘Dangshan Suli’
Effects of Water and Fertilizer Coupling on Nitrogen Metabolism of Cucumber Under Soilless Culture in Greenhouse
Effects of Exogenous γ-aminobutyric Acid on Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism and Mineral Elements Contents of Melon Seedling Under Hypoxia Stress
Bagging for the Development of Stone Cell and Metabolism of Lignin in
Pyrus bretschneideri
‘Dangshan Suli’
Effects of Fertilizer Application on Expression of Genes Related to
Nitrogen Metabolism in Fujiminori Grapevine
The Effects of Sulfur Nutrition on Some Physiological Parameters in Relation to Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Wheat and Maize
Effects of nitrogen application on carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities in eucalyptus plantations with different levels of soil organic carbon
Urban metabolism process based on emergy synthesis: Theory and method
Relationships between reactive oxygen metabolism and endodormancy release of peach bud under short-term heating.
Effects of exogenous NO
on cherry root function and enzyme activities related to nitrogen metabolism under hypoxia stress.
Effects of applying different nitrogen form on cherry tomato nitrogen metabolism during fruit development.
Functional Complement Between General Nitrogen Regulator GlnG in Escherichia coli and General Nitrogen Regulator NtrC in Pseudomonas
Effects of Exogenous NO on NO3--N ,NH4+-N and Soluble Protein Contents and NR Activities in Cucumber Seedlings under NaCl Stress
Characteristics of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Phyllostachys heteroclada at Flowering Stage
Effect of Ultrasound Wave Combined with Calcium on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism of Postharvest Peach
Effect of Aluminum Stress on the Content of Protein and Nucleic Acid of Longan (
Dimocarpus longan
) Seedlings
Effects of Paclobutrazol on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism and Lipid Peroxidation in Dioscorea zingiberensis Wright Leaves
Effect of NO-3 N concentration on nitrate nitrogen metabolism of winter wheat seedlings under water culture
Correlation between high expression of hepcidin and vascular endothelial damage as well as intervention of tetramethylpyrazine
Relationship between Lignin Metabolism and Lodging Resistance in Wheat
Effects of Low-light Stress on Kernel Setting, and Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Different Maize (
Zea mays
L.) Genotypes
Effect of Ni on the growth and nitrogen metabolism in foxtail millet seedlings of different genotypes
Characterizing the urban metabolism of food-sourced carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous: a case study of Xiamen
Research progress on endophyte-promoted plant nitrogen assimilation and metabolism
Influence of dehydration and rehydration on photosynthetic chlorophyll characteristics and reactive oxygen species metabolism in
Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis
Effects of exogenous betaine on the secondary metabolites of
Pinellia ternata
under drought stress
Effects of different soil moisture on growth and physiological characteristics of
Astragalus sinicus
Effects of Fertilizer Application on Expression of Genes Related to
Nitrogen Metabolism in Fujiminori Grapevine
Effects of Silicon on Ultrastructure and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Mitochondria of Tomato Roots Under Drought Stress
Effects of zinc levels on endogenous hormone and nitrogen metabolism in leaves and yields of balsam pear
Changes in Nitrogen Metabolism Indices of Arachis hypogea Leaves During Leaf Senescence
Effects of exogenous glucose and starch on soil carbon metabolism of root zone and root function in potted sweet cherry.
The Chinese urban metabolisms based on the emergy theory.
Urban metabolism process based on emergy synthesis:a case study of Beijing
Study of urban metabolic structure based on ecological network:a case study of Dalian
Effects of nitrogen on photosynthetic characteristics and enzyme activity of nitrogen metabolism in maize under-mulch-drip irrigation
Soil nitrogen and enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism under different vegetation in Ziwuling mountain in the Loess Plateau, China
Effects of Reduction Nitrogen on Grain Yield, NUE and Enzymes Activities Relat ed to Nitrogen Metabolism in Semi-Winter Medium-gluten Wheat
Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid (SA) on Ascorbate Glutathione Cycle (AsA-GSH) Circulation Metabolism in Grape Seedlings Under High Temperature Stress
Effects of Hypobaric Storage on Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism of
Pleurotus eryngii
During Cold Storage
Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism of Walnut Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress
Effects of Sink Size on Nitrogen Metabolism in Different Position Leaves of Rice
Effects of zinc on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in leaves of
Pinellia ternata
and their yield
Effects of molybdenum on nitrate metabolism of winter wheat
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