Purification and Characterization of Cotton Lectin The Latest Cretaceous Flora of Heilongjiang Province and the Floristic Relationship Between East Asia and North America (Cont.) A Novel Method Based on Etiolation for Increasing Efficiency of In Vitro Propagation of Populus tomentosa On Fossil Pollen Morinoipollenites and Jianghanpollis Plant Regeneration from Barly (Hordeum vulgare) Immature Inflorescences Cryopeserved by Vitrification Temperature effects on the formation of DNA damage in Nicotiana tabacum leaf discs induced by UV-B Irriadiation Identification of Two Novel Phosphorylated Sites of Homeoprotein Msx1 THE MODELING AND APPLICATION OF APPROPRIATE MEASURE OF CROP Effects of Carbofuran Imidacloprid Thiram Complex Treatments on Soil Enzyme Activities in Maize Rhizosphere Plant Regeneration of Rosa chinensis‘Vendela‘ for Scale-up Production via Direct Qrganogenesis Study on isolation and determination of glycoprotein from tea plant leaves Response of Photosynthetic Capacity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Quercus mongolica and Tilia amurensis Seedlings after Light Intensity Transfe Cloning and Expression Analysis of SLG Gene in Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis Cryopreservation of Shoot Tips from Prunus Direct Budding from Explants in Young Panicle Culture of Some Monocotyls Electron Microscopic Cytochemical Studies on the Glycoproteins in Cellular Membranes of Winter Wheat Seedlings with Concanavalin A-Horseradish Peroxidase Method GUS Activities Under Control of HRGP Promoter of Carrot Transfer of Lysine-rich Protein Gene into Rice and Production of Fertile Transgenic Plants Characterization of a S-locus-related Receptor-like Kinase Cluster in Rice Chromosome 4 Cleavage of the Carboxyl-Terminus of LEACS2, a Tomato 1-Aminocycl-opropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Synthase Isomer, by a 64-kDa Tomato Metalloprotease Produces a Truncated but Active Enzyme Isolation of a Tomato Protease that May Be Involved in Proteolysis of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Synthase Two New Isoprenylated Stilbenes from Artocarpus chama Protective effect of oxymatrine on chronic heart failure and ADMA metabolism pathway in isoproterenol-induced chronic heart failure in rats Studies on hydroxyapatite applicatied in coprecipitate of total salvianolic acids phospholipid complex Study of screening nephroprotective bioactive substances based on triple-color fluorescence probes in Carthami Flos Study on anti-oxidative effect of extracts from Cichorium endivia on HepG2 cells and its mechanism The Inhibitive Effect of Tea Polyphenols on Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Intake in Cultured Rat Mesangial Cells Effect of osteopractic total flavone on bone mineral density and bone histomorphometry in ovariectomized rats Effect of three different curcumin pigmens on the prdiferation of vascular smooth muscle cells by ox-LDL and the expression of LDL-R Effects of matrine and imidacloprid on Orius similis Study on absorption mechanism of genistein self-microemulsifying system in rat intestines Protection of Danshensu on endothelial vascular functions in rats damaged by isoproterenol and its mechanism Transformation of Wheat with a Gene Encoding for the Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase(BADH) Advances in Molecular Biology of Plant Isoprenoid Metabolic Pathway BVOCs EMITTED FROM PLANTS OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSAND THEIR ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS A bibliometrical analysis of status and trends of international researches on the agronomic and environmental effects of nitrogen application to farmland The diurnal feeding behavior comparison between the released and captive adult female Przewalski’s horse (Equus przewalskii) in summer BIOLOG analysis for fungal communities in environmental samples Effects of imidacloprid on population dynamics of Apolygus lucorum under different application modes Toxicity and field efficacy of metham-sodium against common soil-borne pathogens of summer squash Comparison for activities of antioxidant enzymes in imidacloprid resistant-and susceptible symbiotic strains in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) Sensitivities of Magnaporthe grisea to isprothiolane, iprobenfos and tricyclazole Effects of methomyl and imidacloprid on contents of condensed tannin in cotton seedlings The negative cross-resistance and biological characteristics of pyridaben to imidacloprid-resistant population of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) STUDY ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Begonia macuiata Radd. Effects of Low Sink Demand after Fruit Removal on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photoprotection in Strawberry Plants Organ-specific and Time-course Expression of ACC Synthase Gene FhACS1 in Freesia Flowers Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Micropagated Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott. ) Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength Analysis of Dehydrins in Cryopreservation of Protocorm-like-bodies of Dendrobium candidum by the Air-drying Method Pollination-Induced Ethylene Synthesis and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Oxidase Gene Expression in the Gynoecium of Phalaenopsis Orchid Flower Preliminary Study on Transformation of Wheat Apical Point Effect of Drought on Lipoxygenase Activity,Ethylene and Ethane Production in Leaves of Soybean Plants Cryopreservation of Calli of Arnebia euchroma Effects of Thidiazuron on Micropropagation ot Ficus benjamina and F.Lyrata Cryopreservation of Sainfoin Tissue Cultures and Their Ultrastructural observation Transport characteristics of ligustrazine across Caco-2 cell monolayer model and its effect on P-glycoprotein expression Application of SOS/umu in screening cytoprotectors of plants against mitomycin C-induced genotoxic damage Research progress in natural products with regulation target on P-glycoprotein Inhibition of astragaloside IV against isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy in neonatal rats and its mechanism Prevention of Arrhythmia in Rats by Puhuang Advances in biological functions and biosynthesis regulation of tocotrienols Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan red bud taro (Colocasia esculenta var. cormosus cv. Hongyayu)embryogenic callus by vitrification and its plantlet regeneration Advances in Research of Insect Cell Engineering The Current Status of Larix Somatic Embryogenesis Research Cloning of ACC Oxidase cDNA and Its Inhibition of Ethylene Synthesis by Its Antisense RNA in Transgenic Populus deltoides Study on the Optimum Structure of Agroforestry Study on Cryopreservation of Dendrobium chrysanthum (Orchidaceae) Seeds Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan Red Bud Taro (Colocasia esculenta var. cormosus cv. Hongyayu) Embryogenic Calli by Encapsulationdehydration Carotenoid Metabolism: Biosynthesis, Regulation, and Beyond Assessment of Genetic Stability Among In Vitro Plants of Arachis retusa Using RAPD and AFLP Markers for Germplasm Preservation Effects of P-Glycoprotein Inhibitor and Elicitor on the Salt Tolerance of Rice Seedlings Ethylene Production and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carbo- xylate (ACC) Synthase Gene Expression in Tomato (Lycopsicon esculentum Mill.) Leaves Under Enhanced UV-B Radiation Advances in the Plant Isoprenoid Biosynthesis Pathway and Its Metabolic Engineering Regulating the Cell Growth and Shoot Induction of Crocus sativus Embryogenic Callus by Rare Earth Elements Activated expression of AtEDT1/HDG11 promotes lateral root formation in Arabidopsis mutant edt1 by upregulating jasmonate biosynthesis Effects of exogenous NO on the growth and antioxidant enzyme activities of cucumber seedlings under NO3- stress. Contribution of fungi to soil nitrous oxide emission and their research methods: A review. Ecological function and application of toxin β-ODAP in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus). Growth-promoting effect of inoculating Klebsiella variicola DX120E on different sugarcane cultivars.

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