Lead absorption by weeds from lead-polluted soil Study on Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Taxus chinensis var. mairei Research Prospect and the Important Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Forage Grasses and Grassland Ecosystem Arbuscular Mycorrhizae of the Family Amaranthaceae Effect of Ectomycorrhizae on the Growth of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Seedlings ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SPRING AND AUTUMN PLANTS OF TWO DESERT EPHEMERALS Symbiotic association of Hippophae rhamnoides and the microbes STUDY ON THE JOINT SYMBIOTIC ASSOCIATION OF ROBINIA PSEUDOACACA AND THE MICROBION ADVANCES IN MYCORRHIZAE RESEARCH ON POPLAR Studies on the relationship between the activity of alkaline phosphatase in intraradical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and efficiency of mycorrhizal symbiosis Mycorrhizae and its application in desertification land restoration Mycorrhizae and its application in desertification land restoration Seasonal Varrations of VA Mycorrhizae in the Rhizospheres of Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum) and Corn (Zea mays) in Beijing and Their Relationship to Several Environmental Factors A Study on Effect of Ectomycorrhizae on Promoting Castanea mollissima Resistance to Drought and Its Mechanism A Study on Mycorrhization of Pines with Vegetative Inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius in Nursery Micropropagation and Mycorrhizae Formation of pinus massoniana Lamb.in vitro Ectomycorrhizal infection intensity of subalpine forest ecosystems in western Sichuan, China Influence of VA Mycorrhize on Nutrient and Water Absorption in White Clover Morphological Type and Molecular Identification of Ectomycorrhizae on Betula platyphylla in Inner Mongolia Area Transformation of phosphorus in rhizosphere of wheat and effect of VAM on phosphorus transformation in rhizosphere of wheat Morphological Type and Molecular Identification of Ectomycorrhizae on Picea crassifolia in Helan Mountain The Ecological Relation Between Pinus taiwanensis and Fungi in the Process of Ectomycorrhizae Synthesis Effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi (tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch)on the biomass of masson pine (Pinus massoniana) seedlings under simulated acid rain Study on Absorbtion and Exploitation to P Nourishment in the Mycorrhiza of Dendrobium candidum Advances in Researches of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Hevea brasiliensis Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on growth and essential oil of Atractylodes lancea Effects of AMF on soil improvement and maize growth in mining area under drought stress Mycorrhizal studies and their application prospects in China STUDIES ON FERMENTATIVE CONDITIONS OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS——SUILLUS GREVILLEI Effects of four host plants and different cultivation densities on the propagation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizae of Viburnum utile in karst areas Role of a buscular mycorrhizae in phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils THE EFFECT OF VA MYCORRHIZAE TO ACCELERATING GROWTH AND CONTROLLING DISEASES OF EGGPLANT AND CUCUMBER ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN PURE CULTURES A STUDY ON VA MYCORRHIZAE FORMED ON THE TISSUE-CULTURED PLANTLETS OF PAULOWNIA The absorption of Zn2+ and Cd2+ by different strains of Suillus bovinus and its effect on the tolerance of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings to Zn2+ and Cd2+ Preliminary Research on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi of Dipterocarpaceae in Xishuangbanna,Southern Yunnan Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Eriobotrya japonica Plants Under Different Water Regimes Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Eriobotrya japonica Plants Under Different Water Regimes Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Inoculation on the Seedling Growth of Quercus Liaotungensis STUDY OF NEGATIVE ASSOCIATIONS AMONG VAAND ECTOMYCORRHIZAE OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA A STUDY OF APPLICATION OF DIFFERENT INOCULA OF PISOLITHUS TINCTORIUS TO SOME CHINESE TREE SPECIES Study on the Morphological Changes of the Ectomycorrhizae Formed by Tuber aestivum on Cyclobalanopsis glauca Seedlings Summary of Research on Orchidaceous Mycorrhizae PROTEOME ANALYSIS OF ROOTS OF COTTON SEEDLING ON AM INFECTING BY SALT STRESS Legal Issues Surrounding the Genetic Resource Conservation and Use of Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms Application and progress of split-compartment facility in studies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi METABOLISM OF PHYSIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN PURE CULTURE Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Nutrient Elements of Pinus massoniana Seedlings under Simulated Acid Rain

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