Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Perennial Ryegrass Seedlings under Osmotic Stress NITROGEN FIXATION OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Anabaena 7120 UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS COMDITION MOLECULAR CLONING AND GUS-AIDED ACTIVITY ASSAYING OF PROMOTER SEQUENCE OF AhNCED1 GENE FROM Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Yueyou 7 The 63.5 kD Heat-Stable Protein in Maize Seedling Roots Regulated by Salicylic Acid under Osmotic Stress Effect of Abscisic Acid (ABA) and Alternative Split-root Osmotic Stress on Root Growth and Transpiration Efficiency in Maize EFFECTS.OF OSMOTIC STRESS ON OXYGEN FREE RADICAL DAMAGE AND MEMBRANE LIPID PEROXIDATION OF LEAVES IN POPULUS CATHAYANA REHD Expression Profile Analysis of Maize Resistance Under Osmotic Stress Induced by Secondary Metabolites of Endophytes Analysis of drought resistance of hexaploid triticale at sprouting stage Physiological Responses and Mechanism of Drought Resistance in Leaves of Different Olive Varieties under Osmotic Stress Cloning,Expression and Subcellular Localization of P5CS Gene from Perennial Ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) Osmotic Stress-Induced Oxidative Injury of Rice Seedlings Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Acyl-CoA-binding Protein 2 (MdACBP2)Identified from Malus domestica Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Acyl-CoA-binding Protein 2 (MdACBP2)Identified from Malus domestica Effect of osmotic stress on K content of flue-cured tobacco 两种生态型芦苇胚性悬浮培养物对渗透胁迫的响应Ⅰ、生长及渗透调节物质的变化 Effects of Osmotic Stress and Ionic Toxicity on Growth and Ion Allocation in Transgenic Bt Cotton Seedlings Osmotic Adjustment in Wheat Roots and Hydrolysis of Starch in Root-cap of Wheat under Osmotic Stress Effects of osmoticstress on chlorophyll fluorescence in leaf discs of mungbean (Phaseolus aureus) Effects of Endophyte Infection on Seed Germination, Seedling Growth and Osmotic Stress Resistance of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Difference in seedlings ammonium assimilation of wheat cultivars with different drought resistance under osmotic stress Physiological Responses and Their Correlations of Populus hopeiensisLeaves Under Osmotic Stress EFFECTS OF SOMOTIC STRESS ON ELONGATION GROWTH AND H + EXTRUSION OF MUNGBEAN SEEDLING HYPOCOTYL Responses in suspension cultures of two ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis) under osmotic stressII . Changes of the reactivity of anti-oxidative enzymes Effects of 6-BA and AsA on photosynthesis photoinhibition of attached poplar leaves under osmotic stress of root K+ Accumulation in Poplar Roots Induced by Osmotic Stress Integrin-like Protein Is Involved in the Osmotic Stress-induced Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana Identification, occurrence, and validation of DRE and ABRE Cis‐regulatory motifs in the promoter regions of genes of Arabidopsis thaliana Relationship between photo-inhibition of photosynthesis and reactive oxygen species in leaves of poplars suffering root osmotic stress The Role of Calcium in Proline Accumulation under Osmotic Stress in Leaves of Chinese Fir Seedling Involvement of Singlet Oxygen in the Breakdown of Photosynthetic Pigments in the Leaves of Rice Seedling Exposed to Osmotic Stress and Light Effects of Antioxidant and 6-BA on the Properties of Photosynthetic Membrane of Maize Leaves Under Osmotic Stress of Root Seed Dormancy and Germination Characteristics of Vicia angustifolia The Effects of Spermidine Pretreatment on Antioxidative Capacity in Wheat Seedlings under Osmotic Stress Osmotic Stress Decreases the Activity of ATPase Associated with the Root Cap Plasmodesmata in Zea mays Relationship between osmotic stress and polyamine levels in leaves of soybean seedlings Effects of osmotic stress on growth and redox system of plasma membrane in wheat roots and shoots Functional analysis of DA1-Related Protein 2 in Arabidopsis under salt stress ZjAPX Gene Improving Resistance to NaCl and Drought Stress in Arabidopsis ENHANCING EFFECT OF MANNITOL ON NITROGEN FIXATION ACTIVITY IN ANABAENA UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS Effect of Osmotic Stress and Calcium Treatment on Membrane lipid Peroxidation and Protective Enzyme in Chinese Fir Seedling Seed Germination Response to Osmotic Stress and Tolerance Evaluation of Orchardgrass Identification of Sweetpotato Drought-Resistance and Physiological Response of Sweetpotato Leaves under Osmotic Stress Growth characteristics of endophyte-infected and endophyte-free Lolium perenne L. seedlings under osmotic stress conditions Physiological Response for Different Drought Resistance of Sweet Potato under Osmotic Stress Regulation of 63.5 kD Heat-stable Protein in Maize Seedling Roots by ABA and Calcium/Calmodulin under Osmotic Stress Expression in Escherichia coli of Three Different Soybean Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Genes to Investigate Enhanced Stress Tolerance Effect of Osmotic Stress in Early Stages of Ontogenesis on Root Respiration, Growth, Sugar Content, and Cell Injury in Maize Seedlings Differing in Drought Sensitivity Effects of osmotic stress on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of wheat seedling Effect of PEG Treatment on Seed Germination and Growth of Seedlings of Xanthoceras sorbifolia THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FREE PROLINE AND MEMBRANE LIPID PEROXIDATION IN RICE SEEDLINGS UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS Influence of Osmotic Stress on the Lipid Physical States of Plasma Membranes from Wheat Roots Effects of two exogenous chemical substances on the osmotic stress-induced damages to rice roots Effect of Osmotic Stress on the Contents of Different form Polyamines in Leaves of Maize Seedlings Construction and analysis of Tamarix albiflonum suppression subtractive hybridization library under osmotic stress Physiological role of Na+ in adaption of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum to osmotic stress A comparison of stress effects between chloridion and sodium ion on grain amaranth seedlings under NaCl stress Phylogeny and function characterization of DREB transcription factors in Leymus chinensis Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic and bioluminescent characteristics in ryegrass seedlings under osmotic stress Physiological responses in leaves of Reaumuria soongorica from different altitudes under osmotic stress Cloning,Expression and Subcellular Localization of P5CS Gene from Perennial Ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) Differently Expressed Genes in Tobacco Leaves under Osmotic Stress Response of Gas Exchange, Chlorophyll a Fluorescence and Anti-oxidation Enzymes Activities to Osmotic Stress in an Upland Rice Progeny YF2-1 Derived from Oryza sativa × Echinochloa caudata In silico Expression Profile of Maize Genes in Response to Osmotic Stress Active Oxygen Damage Effect of Chlorophyll Degradation in Rice Seedlings Under Osmotic Stress Effects of salicylic acid on osmotic injury on wheat seedling leaves EFFECTS OF OSMOTIC STRESS AND CO~(++) ON ETHYLENE PRODUCTION AND ENDOGENOUS POLYAMINE CONTENT IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS EFFECT OF Met ON ENDOGENOUS POLYAMINE CONTENT AND ETHYLENE PRODUCTION IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS THE RESPONSE TO DROUGHT STRESS OF ROOTS AND SHOOT OF WHEAT AND THEIR DROUGHT RESISTANCE EFFECTS OF OSMATIC STRESS ON EXCHANGES OF OXYGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE IN PHEOTOSYNTHESIS OF WHEAT SEEDLING 渗透胁迫下玉米幼叶延伸生长与生长部位质膜H~+─ATPase的关系