COMPATIBLE DYNAMIC MODEL STUDIES ON COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF DIAMETER FOR THINNED AND UNTHINNED EVEN-AGED STANDS Expression of Strictosidine Synthase in Selected Subcellular Compartments of Tobacco Plant Response of photosynthetic characteristics and disease resistance of watermelon to companion with wheat A marginal model-based study of the ultimate influence of China‘s urbanization evolution on cropland Effects of intercropping and accompanying anion fertilizer on Cd uptake by Brassica campestris L. Measurement and regulation of socio-cultural impact of tourism inagro-cultural heritage site- A cause study of Longji Ping‘anzhai Terrace in Guilin, Guangxi Allelopathic effect of Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) leaf litter on four herbaceous plants in invaded regions Assessment of natural rubber plantation life cycle in China Impact evaluation of low temperature to yields of maize in Northeast China based on crop growth model Relationship of vegetation degradation classification and landscape accessibility classification in Shenzhen EFFECT OF SPACE FLIGHT ON MEIOSIS OF POLLEN MOTHER CELLS AND ITS DERIVED POLLENS IN Impations balsamina TRAITS AND MEIOSIS IN MUTANT OF Impations balsamina INDUCED BY SPACE TREATMENT DUAL EFFECT OF LOW DOSE OF IRRADIATION ON WHEAT× Leymus angustus: ENHANCEMENT AND DAMAGE ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF FOOD CROP VARIETIES BRED BY MUTATION METHOD IN CHINA Discuss of almond-apricot great base construction in Baiyushan mountainous area Comparative study of drought and salt resistance of different genotypical triticinae The increasing of compatible solutes to SOD activities in maize roots under water stress Comparative anatomical studies on the vessel elements in the secondary xylem of Juglandaceae from China and discussion on their evolutionary position New variety breeding of seedless Ningxia wolfberry Spatial Structure Characteristic of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Natural Forest in Xiaolongshan Determination of S Genotypes of Seven Cultivars and Identification of a Novel S RNase Allele in Pyrus pyrifolia Climate Change and Forest Ecosystem: Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment of Ecological and Economical Impacts of the 3-north Shelterbelt Forest System Program in China ——Taking Yuanzhou District and Chaoyang County as Examples Review on the Study of Ecology-Based Forest Harvesting Current Status and Progress of Studies in Biological Invasion of Exotic Trees Molecular Detection and Sequences Characterization of Self-Incompatibility S-Rnase Gene in Apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris) Subcompartment Dividing Method in Forest Management Survey Based on Edge Locking Technique Studies on Interspecific Cross Compatipility between Ogura Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and B. oleracea var. acephala Studies on Interspecific Cross Compatipility between Ogura Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and B. oleracea var. acephala Cloning and Expression Analysis of the SLF and S-RNase Genes in Almond Expression and Possible Role of S4(SSM4) Genes in the Styles of Self-incompatible Pear Cultivar and Its Self-compatible Mutant A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE GENETIC DIVERSITY OF DIPTERONIA COARSE WOODY DEBRIS BIOMASS AND ITS POTENTIAL CONTRI-BUTION TO THE CARBON CYCLE IN SUCCESSIONAL SUBTROPICAL FORESTS OF SOUTHERN CHINA ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON LEAF LIFESPAN AND ASSOCIATED LEAF TRAITS NUTRIENT DYNAMICS IN RESPONSE TO HARVESTING PRACTICES IN A PINE FOREST OF SUBTROPICAL CHINA N Internal Cycling in Leymus chinensis Grassland Vegetation-Soil System Assessment of the overall arrangement of urban modern agriculture industry in Beijing using location quotient technique Impact of organic manure on the environment and its corresponding preventive researches Impact factors decomposition and empirical analysis of energy consumption carbon emissions in Shenyang, China Photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of Davidia involucrate Study on nitrification and impact factors in Pearl River estuarine wetlands Environmental impacts of chloride-based deicing salt and research progress of its alternative materials Advances in ecotone width determination and its impact factors Reviews on the impacts of invasive plant on ecosystem productivity Intraspecific competition characteristics between Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis forests Growth space competition index(GSCI)and application in the individual intraspecies competition of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis forests Comparison of land cover/use changes in recent 10 years in two watersheds of Wolong Naure Reserve Environmental impact analyses of noise from Nanjiang Industrial Estate in Guangdong Province Analysis of the ecological environmental impact on Nanjiang Industrial Estate building in Guangdong Province Spatial heterogeneity of the north slope‘s plant communities in the mountain desert grassland of the arid region Recent development in coral reef bleaching research A NEW SPECIES OF IMPATIENS (BALSAMINACEAE) FROM HENAN Biomass Study on Pinus koraiensis Plantations in Eastern Heilongjiang Province Effect of Fire Disturbances on Short-term Soil Respiration and Its Components of Larix gmelinii and Betula platyphylla Forests in Xiaoxing’an Mountains Flower Distyly and Breeding System of Limonium chrysocomum THE INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDIZATION OF GLYCYRRHIZA IN XINJIANG The impact factors on differentiation of somatic compatibility of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1-IA COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMMON CULTIVATED JUNCUS EFFUSUS L.VAR. DECIPIENS BUCHEN IN JIANGSU AND ZHEJIANG PROVINCES COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON LEAF EPIDERM OF ATHYRIACEAE ANATOMY OF XEROMORPHIC SHRUBS LIVING IN DIFFERENT HABITATS OF HELAN MOUNTAIN Molecular Mechanism and Genetic Characterization of Self-compatibility in Peach Molecular Mechanism and Genetic Characterization of Self-compatibility in Peach Studies of Cross Compatibility and Fecundity on Part of Diospyros Cabbage Self-compatible Line‘Zhonggan 87-534’ Identification of Self-incompatibility SFB Genes for Apricot Cultivars in Xinjiang Area Screen and Identification of Pollen γ-thionin Interacting with Style S-RNase in Apple Screen and Identification of Pollen γ-thionin Interacting with Style S-RNase in Apple Effect of Soil Compaction on Growth and Root Nitrogen Metabolism of Rosa rugosa Seedlings Post-marketing reevaluation for potential quality risk and quality control in clinical application of traditional Chinese medicines MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF RICE CARRIED BY RECOVERALLBE SATELLITE AND IRRADIATED WITH ~(60)Co γ-RAY Pollination ecology of Gentiana siphonantha (Gentianaceae) and a further comparison with its sympatric congener species Comparative anatomy of secretory structures of leaves in Hypericum L. New taxa of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from Zhejiang, China Comparative anatomy of oil cells and mucilage cells in the leaves of the Lauraceae in China The Restoration of the Genus Cyclocodon ( Campanulaceae) and Its Evidence from Pollen and Seed-coat Two New Species of Impatiens from Guizhou The Comparative Morphology of the Floral Nectaries of Cruciferae The Geography of the Campanulaceae: On the Distribution Centres Comparative Leaf Anatomy of Nymphaeaceae (s. l.) Systematics of the Genus Cyananthus Wall. ex Royle

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