Ethanol Production Technology by Fermentation form Fiber Residues Enzymatic Hydrolysis Technology from Tala Fiber Residues Effects of applying potassium fertilizer at peak bolling stage on cotton photosynthetic characteristics and its yield and quality under different population Effects of potassium application on the photosynthetic characteristics, yield and fiber properties of different genotypic cotton(G.hirsutum L.) Genetic Variation and Selection of Wood Property of Alnus cremastogyne Provenance and Family Research of Fiber Reinforced Wood-Plastic Composites: a Review REGULARITY OF WOOD TEMPERATURE CHANGE AND RELATION BETWEEN WOOD TEMPERATURE AND THE MOISTURE CONTENT STUDY ON THE PRINCIPLE OF HOT-PRESS FORMING FOR PLANT FIBER TABLEWARE MADE BY STONE MECHANIC PULP Progress of New Biomass-Based Carbon Materials Experimental Equipment and Technology of Forming Micron Wood Fiber Mould Product Physiological mechanisms of growth regulators 6-BA and ABA in mitigating low temperature stress of cotton fiber development. Effect of Fertilization on Woody Characteristics of Betula platyphylla The Theory Computational and Beneficial Analysis on Wood Cutting Power Study on the Properties of Plantation Timber Study on the Improvement of Properties of Wood-fiberglass Panel STUDY ON SELECTION OF EUCALYPTUS FINE CLONE FOR FIBER TIMBER IN SOUTHERN HILLY LAND OF FUJIAN STUDY ON CELL BREAK THEORY OF USING WOOD FIBRE MICRO-METER ALIGNED RECONSTITUTED TECHNOLOGY FORMING SUPER HIGH-INTENSITY WOOD-BASED PANEL Effects of Fruiting Branch Position, Temperature-Light Factors and Nitrogen Rates on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber Elongation Physiological Characteristics Associated with Fiber Development in Two Different Types of Natural Colored-Cotton Cultivars Identification of Fiber Length-Related Genes Using Cotton Oligonucleotide Microarrays Genetic Effects of Fiber Color in Brown-Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Construction of IF2 Population and Its Application in Studies on Genetic Effects and Heterosis for Fiber Quality in Upland Cotton (G. hirsutum L.) Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of  GhCYP51G1 Gene,a Homologue of Obtusifoliol-14α-demethylase Gene, from Upland Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) Effects of steam explosion and micro protease treatments on structure of sisal fiber A STUDY ON REGULARITY OF THE CHANGE OF FIBER LENGTH OF WOOD IN POPLAR SHELTERBELTS AND ITS APPLICATION IN SHELTERBELT MANAGEMENT STUDY ON THE INHERITANCES AND CORRELATIONS OF WOOD QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULUSבPOPULARIS‘IMPROVED CLONES GENETIC VARIATION IN GROWTH AND WOOD PROPERTIES AND MULTIPLE-TRAITS SELECTION OF POPLAR CLONES STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AND SELECTION OF MAIN WOOD CHARACTERISTICS AMONG PROVENANCES OF LIRIODENDRON STUDY ON FEASIBILITY OF EARLIER SELECTION OF MAIN WOOD CHARACTERISTICS IN LIRIODENDRON CHINENSE Study of Wood-Activation with Laccase and the Effect on the Auto Adhesion of Pinus Fibers Quantitative analysis on the relationships between cotton fiber quality and meteorological factors STUDIES ON THE WARTY LAYER IN VESSEL ELEMENTS AND FIBRES OF MAIN CHINESE HARDWOOD BY ELECTRON MICROSCOPY STUDIES ON FORAGING STRATEGY OF THE BEAVER IN XINJIANG POPLAR BREEDING OF RESISTANCE TO BATOCERA HORSFIELDI (HOPE) GENETIC ANALYSIS OF WOOD QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS Studies on the Characteristics of the Induction of Cotton Fiber Derived from Cot ton Ovule Callus Cells Comparison of Proteome in Cotton Fiber Cell during Different Development Stages in Gossypium hirsutum Cloning of a Phospholipase C Gene from Gossypium hirsutum and Its Functional Analysis of Participating in Lipid Metabolism A test on microzyme fermentation of corn straw Constructing expression vector of genes phaB and phaC drived by specific promoter LTP12 for cotton fiber Pressure Drop Gradient of Carbonized Micro-Length Wood Fiber DPF Advance on Mechanics Properties of Wood Single Fiber Electromagnetic Shielding Property of UF Adhensive Conductive Sheets Filled with Copper Fibers Timber Yields and Fiber Morphology of Intensive Short-Rotation Pulpwood Plantations for Triploid Hybrids of Populus tomentosa Molecular and Biochemical Evidence for Phenypropanoid Synthesis and Presence of Wall-linked Phenolics in Cotton Fibers Molecular Biological and Biochemical Studies Reveal New Pathways Important for Cotton Fiber Development Comparative Development of Lint and Fuzz Using Different Cotton Fiber-specific Developmental Mutants in Gossypium hirsutum Association analysis of fiber quality traits and exploration of elite alleles in Upland cotton cultivars/accessions (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Preparation of Dietary Fiber from the Root Dregs of Kudzu Vine (Pueraia lobata Ohwi) by Enzymatic Method Analyses of Heredity and Correlation between Boll Traits and Fiber Quality Traits in “0” Plant Type Island Cotton Composition Analysis of Pigment in Colored Cotton Fiber Effects of Different Maturity Maize Cultivars Relay-cropping in Spring-sown and Summer-sowing on the Nutritive Values of Whole Plant for Feeding Low-temperature responses of enzyme activities related to fiber development of two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars with different temperature-sensitivity. A comparison of in vitro fermentation characteristics of eight fiber substrates
by faecal microbiota from Meishan and Landrace sows
Cloning and Deletion Analysis of GhRACK1 Promoter from Gossypium hirsutum Development of Pima cotton chromosome segment substitution lines with Gossypium hirsutum background Effect of factors on pepsin and trypsin fibrinolytic activity and deactivation of fibrinolytic activity Effect of Danshen Dropping Pills on hepatic fibrosis in rats induced by carbon tetrachlotide and its mechanism Purification technology for decarburization fluid of Reduning Injection by polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane Advances in Biology and Applications of Fiber Plant Triarrhena lutarioriparia Progress in Molecular Biology Researches on Cotton Fiber Differentiation and Initiation Relationship between Endogenous Hormone Contents and Fiber Quality during the Cotton Fiber Development Longitudinal Tensile Properties Determination of Vegetable Single Fibers by the Micro-Tensile Technology Relationship between the Pilodyn Penetration and Wood Property of Larix kaempferi Effect of Kneading Temperature and Wood Fiber Moisture on Properties of Polylactic Acid in Wood Fiber-|Polylactic Acid Composite Maleic Anhydride Grafted PP/PE Blend and Their Composites with Wood Fiber Location of 45S and 5S rDNA on Barley Chromosomes and FISH Analysis for 5S rDNA on Extended DNA Fibers Observation of Differentiation and Pigment Deposition Process in Colored Cotton Fibers Effects of Controlled-release N Fertilizer on Fiber Quality, Yield and N Use Efficiency Effects of Nighttime Temperature Increase at the Late Growth Stage on the Cotton Fiber Yield and Fiber Strength in Xinjiang Ecological Regionalization of Cotton Fiber Quality Based on GGE Biplot in Yangtze River Valley Cloning and Expression Analysis of Ghkinesin13 Subfamily Genes in Gossypium hirsutum Alterations of Root and Fiber in Transgenic Cotton Plants with Chimeric Ph/P-ipt Gene Expression Classification and Nomenclature of Plant Metallothionein-like Proteins Based on Their Cysteine Arrangement Patterns (in English) Molecular Engineering on Quality Improvement of Cotton Fiber Ultrastructural Study of Secondary Wall Formation in the Stem Fiber of Phyllostachys pubescens Effect of bast-fiber film mulching and fertilization interaction on soil nutrient, soil enzyme activity and pepper growth Cloning and Functional Analysis of GhPRP10 Related to Fiber Development in Gossypium hirsutum Recent Advances in Brassica Genome Research by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization(FISH) A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE ANATOMY OF STEM AND ITS FIBER OF Cloning and Expression Analysis of Three Aquaporin Genes in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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