Integrated control of maind diseases and insects of Dendranthema morifolium Cloning and Transient Expression Assay of BADH Gene Promoters from Dendronthema lavandulifolium Cloning and Transient Expression Assay of BADH Gene Promoters from Dendronthema lavandulifolium Genetic Relationship of 85 Chrysanthemum〔Dendranthema×grandiflora(Ramat.) Kitamura〕Cultivars Revealed by ISSR Analysis Genetic Relationship of 85 Chrysanthemum〔Dendranthema×grandiflora(Ramat.) Kitamura〕Cultivars Revealed by ISSR Analysis MICROVARIATION OF CHROMOSOME KARYOTYPE IN Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.‘Chuju’ EFFECT OF SPACIAL MUTAGENESIS ON DWARF CHARACTER IN CHRYSA NTHEMUM (DENDRANTHEMA GRANDIFLORUM) Embryo Rescue of Interspecific Hybrids between Wild Diploid Dendranthema Species and Dendranthema morifolium Studies on Chemical Constituents from Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) Tzvel.: Structure Elucidation of Two New Triterpenoid Esters Structure Elucidation of a New n-Pentyl Fructofuranoside in Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvel. STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL FROM DBNDRANTHEMA VESTITUM A CLADISTIC STUDY ON SOME DENDRANTHEMA SPP. IN CHINA STUDY ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL FROM DENDRANTHEMA INDICUM(L. ) DES MOUL CV.‘AROMATICUM‘ Species Evolution of Chinese Flos Dendranthematis Chemical Constituents in Volatile Oil from the Flos of Dendranthema indicum var. aromaticum var. nov. THE CYTOLOGIC STUDY ON TEN SPECIES OF DENDRANTHEMA Chemical costituents in volatile oil from white chrysanthemum in Jining with GC-MS analysis THE STUDIES ON THE CHARACTERS OF THE DENDRARNTHEMA(DC.)DES MOUL.IN THE EAST-NORTH CHINA Intergeneric hybrid of Dendranthema×grandiflorum “Aoyunhuoju” and Ajania pacifica and its taxonomic implications Two new species of the genus Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul. from China Compatibility of Interspecific Cross in Dendranthema Genus Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendran-thema ×grandiflorum and Ajania pacifica and the seed sets of their F1 progenies in different conditions of backcross, selfing and open pollination THE RESEARCH OF INTRODUCTION AND PROPAGATION OF DENDRANTHEMA INDICUM VAR. AROMATICUM A NEW COMBINATION VANRIELY OF DENDRANTHEMA A VARIETY DENDRANTHEMA NORTH EAST OF CHINA Effects of NaCl stress on organ compartmental allocation of K+, Na+ and Cl- and growth of two Dendranthema species seedlings Effect of Sound Stimulation on the Lipid Physical States and Metabolism of Plasma Membrane from Chrysanthemum Callus A study on the Chemical Constituents of the Essential oil from Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul Self-incompatibility in Dendranthema morifolium Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema grandiflora witll SmallInflorescences KARYOTYPICAL STUDY OF FIVE SPECIES OF CHINESE DENDRANTHEMA The LT50 and Cold Tolerance Adaptability of Chrysanthemum During a Natural Drop in Temperature Heterosis and Major Gene Plus Polygene Mixed Genetic Analysis for Vegetative Traits in Chrysanthemum Cloning and Expression Analysis of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene from Dendranthema lavandulifolium on Salinity GC-MS analysis of essential oils from the red-core flos chrysanthemi (inflorescencs of Dendranthema morifolium) Conversion of RAPD Marker Linked to Creep Plant Type in Ground-Cover Chrysanthemum to SCAR Marker Variation of Inflorescence Traits in F1 Progeny of Chrysanthemum and the Association with SRAP Markers THE DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY ON THE TRICHOMES OF THE LEAVESIN DENDRANTHEMA ZAZWADSKII(HERD.)TZVEL. Effects of DA-6 on Growth and Leaf Nitrogen Metabolism of Dendranthema morifolium cv ‘chuju’Seedlings KARYOTYPE STUDIES OF TWO SPECIES ON DENDRANTHEMA STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ABSOLUTE OIL OF DENDRANTHEMA VESTITUM FLOWER STUDIES ON THE ABSOLUTE OF THE DRY FLOWER OF DENDRANTHEMA INDICUM VAR. AROMATICUM Pollen Viability,Pistil Receptivity and Embryogenesis in the Cross between Dendranthema indicum and D.grandiflorum Phylogenetic Relationship of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul. Revealed by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Bacteriostasis of Volatile Compounds from Six Perennial Root Flower Plants Karyotype Diversity of 17 Chrysanthemum Cultivars with Small Inflorescences Compatibility of Interspecific Cross in Dendranthema Genus The LT50 and Cold Tolerance Adaptability of Chrysanthemum During a Natural Drop in Temperature Distant Hybridization Between Chrysanthemum and the Intergeneric Hybrids of Dendranthema and Allied Genera Chemical constituents of essential oil from Dendranthema lijiangensis by GC-MS Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema grandiflora witll SmallInflorescences Primary study on abnormalities of meiosis in some species of Dendranthema and their hybrids Identification of aphid resistance in eleven species from Dendranthema and Artemisia at seedling stage Research on Meiosis of Some Dendranthem a Species and Their Hybrids Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences Research on Meiosis of Some Dendranthem a Species and Their Hybrids Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences A Study on Producing Areas of Chinese Flos Dendranthematis

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