A New Species of Holboellia from Gansu New Taxa of the Chinese Umbelliferae (3) Two New Species of Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) from Inner Mongolia New Taxa of the Genus Parnassia from China Some New Taxa from Shandong Province Primary studies on allelopathy of Sonneratia apetala Allelopathic Effects of Sonneratia apetala Aqueous Extracts on Growth Performance of Some Indigenous Mangroves List of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Classification System Study on Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition in Exotic Species Sonneratia apetala The Structure of Sonneratia apetala+S. caseolaris-Kandelia candelMangrove Plantations of Futian,Shenzhen Morphological Studies on Floral Organ Development of the Flowers with Single- and Triple-whorled Petals in Lisianthus ( Eustoma grandiflorum ) Morphological Studies on Floral Organ Development of the Flowers with Single- and Triple-whorled Petals in Lisianthus ( Eustoma grandiflorum ) Histological Investigation on Floral Reversion of Impatiens balsamina L. Genetic Relatives Analysis of 41 Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Cultivars by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Endangered Plant Monimopetalum chinense in China Detected by ISSR Analysis Studies on the Biomass of Mangrove Plantation of Sonneratia apetala and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in the Wetland of Nansha in Guangzhou City Effect of Light Intensity on Growth and Photosynthetic Properties of Sonnerratia apetala Seedling Genetic Map Construction and Apetalousness QTLs Identification in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Changes of Physiology and Biochemistry during Leafcolor Transformation in Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum A Preliminary Study on the Function of Ethylene Induced 60 kD Protein in Carnation Petal Floral structure of different evolutionary types of Clycine L New Species of Glyptopetalum from Yunnan—Glyptopetalum reticulinerve Ecological Responses of Vitex negundo and Loropetalum chinense Leaves in Southwest Karst Areas Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Cloning and Transformation of apetala2 Homologues Genes from Apple Histological Investigation on Floral Reversion of Impatiens balsamina L. Morphological Characters and Anatomical Construction of Tubiform Petal from Stamen Primordium as Well as Its Formation in Paeonia suffruticosa and P. lactiflora Research Progress on the Mechanism of Petal Conical Epidermal Cells Formation and Attraction to Pollinating Insects Behavioral responses of Chrysopa septempunctata to synomones of tea plants and sex pheromones of aphids: Effectiveness on tea aphid control Microwave-assisted Extraction Techniques and Some Properties of Anthocyanidin inLoropetalum chinense var.rubrum Flowers Cloning and Expression Analysis of APETALA2 Homologous Genes in Strawberry Primary study of skin wound healing in rats for Loropetalum chinens New taxa of the Rosaceae from Zhejiang, China Chemical investingation of Chinese mangrove Sonneratia apetala Flavonoid Glycosides from Seeds of Lepidium apetalum Willd. (Ⅱ) Mussaenda longipetala , A Newly Recorded Species of Mussaenda ( Rubiaceae ) from China A new combination of Eranthemum Linn.(Acanthaceae) from China Cloning of an APETALA3 Homologous Gene (PtAP3) from Populus tomentosa andPreliminary Study on Its Sense and Anti-Sense Transformation in Tobacco Evolution and protein interactions of AP2 proteins in Brassicaceae: Evidence linking development and environmental responses Study on nutrient competition between Sonneratia apetala and Spartina alterniflora seedlings Study on biological acute toxicity of Sonneratia apetala fruit and leaves and its aqueous extracts Preliminary study on species diversity of communities with endangered plant Monimopetalum chinense Comparison on purification effects of Sonneratia apetala and Phragmites communis wetland systems on nitrogen and phosphorus The analysis of natural regeneration and diffusion of the seedling of Sonneratia apetala in the Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai Analysis on introduction and trial of mangrove Sonneratia apetala on the seashore of east Guangdong Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. ) Changes of Antioxidative Activity During Florescence and Flower Senescenceof Peonies Petal Morphological Relation among Direction of Petals’ Order, Seminal Leaves and Leaf Rank in Cotton and Some Plants Else of Malvaceae and Other Families Petal evolution and distribution patterns of Epimedium Linn. (Berberidaceae) Autogamy of an endangered species: Loropetalum subcordatum (Hamamelidaceae) Ypsilorchis and Ypsilorchidinae, a new genus and a new subtribe of Orchidaceae Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics between an endangered species Camellia pubipetala and its widespread congener C. sinensis Cloning and Expression Analysis of the APETALA1(AP1)Homologous Gene cDNA from Litchi chinensis Identification of Anthocyanins Involving in Petal Coloration in Chaenomeles speciosa Cultivars 常绿阔叶园林6树种(品种)对模拟酸雨的生理响应及敏感性 Construction of Yeast Two-hybrid cDNA Expression Library of Stellaria apetala Ucria and Acquirement of Interaction Partner of PG, a Virulence Factor From Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Energy situation of Sonneratia apetala-S caseloris forest in Futian of Shenzhen Introduction and ecological effects of an exotic mangrove species Sonneratia apetala Investigation on the Ultrastructure of the Tapetum in Pinus bungeana STUDY ON SEXUAL HYBRIDIZATION OF SYRINGA A NEW VARIETY OF LOROPETALUM FROM HUNAN NEW TAXA FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE Morphological Characters and Anatomical Construction of Tubiform Petal from Stamen Primordium as Well as Its Formation in Paeonia suffruticosa and P. lactiflora Cloning and Transformation of apetala2 Homologues Genes from Apple CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND PLOIDY OF SEVERAL PLANTS IN HIBISCUS L. Tissue Culture and Tetraploid Induction of Drumstick Antagonistic effect of flavone from Lepidium apetalum against platelet activating factor DNA extraction and optimization of ISSR reaction system for rare and endangered plant Monimopetalum chinense Spatial Distribution of Monimopetalum chinense populations in different forest types
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Endangered Plant Camellia pubipetala Detected by ISSR The Characteristics of Low Temperature Tolerance during Seed Germination of the Ephemeral  Plant Lepidium apetalum (Cruciferae) Identification of a RAPD marker linked to a petal-controlled gene in Brassica napus Dynamic Change of Stomatal Density and Stomatal Index on the Flower during Canna generalis Bailey Development Biological Characteristics of Variegated Bud Sports of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum The Life Table and Dynamics of Populations of Monimopetalum chinense, an Endangered Plant A new cassane diterpene from seeds of Caesalpinia decapetala Genetic Relatives Analysis of 41 Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Cultivars by ISSR Markers Antioxidant defense and photosynthesis for non-indigenous mangrove species Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa under NaCl stress Research Progress on the Mechanism of Petal Conical Epidermal Cells Formation and Attraction to Pollinating Insects