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QTL Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Spot Race T3 in Tomato
Ginkgo biloba
leaves history: A model of research and development for Chinese materia medica/phytomedicine
Research progress in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for natural lignan production
Research progress in functional classification of Chinese materia medica on improving organism immune function
Advances in application of cell membrane chromatography in screening bioactive components of Chinese materia medica
Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica
Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica
Advances in studies on anti-adenovirus of Chinese materia medica and its active components
Spectrum-effect relationship on anti-gastric ulcer effect of
Astragali Radix
Advances in studies on metabolism of constituents in Chinese materia medica by intestinal bacteria
Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of
Gentiana macrophylla
and its rhizosphere microbial community structure
Materiomic release kinetics of Longdan Xiegan Pill
Establishment and practice for evaluating model of best harvest time of traditional Chinese medicinal materials
HTRF-based high-throughput PGE2 release prohibition model and application in discovering traditional Chinese medicine active ingredients
Influence of continuous cropping on growth of
Artemisia annua
and bacterial communities in soil
Investigation of original materials under traditonal Chinese medicine names of “Jinchai” and “Jinchai Shihu”
Study on material base of
Carthamus tinctorius
with antioxidant effect based on selective knock-out
Tri-dimensional omics analysis on effect of Zhuanggu Zhitong capsule against experimental postmenopausal osteoporosis
Problems in medicinal materials research of new traditional Chinese medicine
Analysis of complexity in Chinese meteria medica industrial chain
Analysis on ecological suitabilityand regionalizationof traditional Chinese medicinal materials
Antioxidant activity and antibacterial property of wild grape and grape wine
Characterization and Structural Analysis of a SOD-like Material from Rose Fruit
Cloning of the Gene Encoding FNR Domain of FNR of Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and its Overexpression in Escherichia coli
Soft X-ray Diagnosis on Seed Development and Observation on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Artificial Hybridization in Cunninghamia and Cryptomeria
Inheritance if Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA in Chinese Fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata)
RAPD Study on Interspecies Relationships in Roegneria (Poaceae: Triticeae)
Isozyme Analysis of F 5 and BC 1F 4 from Cultivated Barley (Hordeum vulgare)× Roegneria ciliaris
Rice Transformation with a Phytoalexin Gene and Bioassay of the Transgenic Plants
Studies on the Energy Transfer from Phycobilisome to Thylakoid Membrane of Cyanobacteria
In Vitro Heat Stability of Plasma Membrane Vesicles and Tonoplast Membrane Vesicles Isolated From the Hypocotyle of Phaseolus vulgaris
Mineralization of different dissolved organic matter containing various biogenic elements by natural bacteria in seawater
The possible mechanisms underlying improvement of soil auxin content by bacterial-feeding nematodes in a gnotobiotic microcosm experiment
Assessing relative contributions of various influencing factors to soil organic carbon in aerially-seeded
Pinus massoniana
Evaluation of bacterial diversity under different herb vegetation types in the hydro-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China
Transfer and transformation characteristics of cadmium from soil to
Vetiveria zizanioides
Diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in the intertidal zone of Taiping Bay, Qingdao
Diversity and plant growth-promoting potential of bacterial endophytes of
Alpinia Officinarum
Hance, a famous south-China medicinal plant
Effects of
Parafossarulus striatulus
on the Growth of
Vallisneria spiralis
Evaluation of ecological marine islands construction based on material flow analysis:a case study of Changhai County
Analysis of bacterial flora during the fahua-fermentation process of fuzhuan brick tea production based on DGGE technology
Temporal and spatial patterns of diversity and community structure of culturable endophytic bacteria isolated from
Populus euphratica
within the rivers of the Tarim basin
Effects of water stress and fungicide on the growth and drought resistance of
Flaveria bidentis
Effects of clipping on the growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of invasive plant,
Flaveria bidentis
The fungal to bacterial ratio in soil food webs, and its measurement
Research progress of microbial agents in ecological engineering
The community structure and abundance of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in surface sediment of Lake Taihu in winter
Structural change analysis of cecal bacterial flora in different poultry breeds using PCR-DGGE
Cyanobacteria bloom prediction model and parameters optimization based on genetic algorithm
Diversity analysis of bacterial populations in the fermentation liquid of hemp retting
Response of biocrusts’ photosynthesis to environmental factors:a possible explanation of the spatial distribution of biocrusts in the Hilly Loess Plateau region of China
Distribution patterns of, and the effects of tillage type on, bacterial and fungal biomass within soil water\|stable aggregates
Isolation and distribution of oxytetracycline\|resistant entophytic bacteria in plant of wheat
Impacts of three different hypersaline aniline\|containing waste water compositions on the bacterial community structure
The bacteria distribution on the culture environment of interdial shellfish
Bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediment from northeastern Pacific Ocean
Genus Novum Gesneriacearum Vietnam
Morphology, fertility and cytogenetics of intergeneric hybrid between Roegneria kamoji Ohwi and Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy (Poaceae: Triticeae)
The growth pattern of shoots in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae) with phylogenetic implications
A new species of Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae) from Anhui Province, China
A new species of Chirita Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China
Studies on Karyotypes of Two Species in Kengyilia and Three Species in Roegneria
New Material of Polypodiaceae
New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China (Cont. I)
Pollen morphology of the genus
(Zingiberaceae) in Thailand
New Material of Volvocales from Wuhan, China
A New Synonym of Kaempferia L.
Materials for Chinese Magnoliaceae
Chiritopsis lingchuanensis Yan Liu & Y. G. Wei, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
Delimitation and phylogeny of
(Nartheciaceae) with implication for perianth evolution
Duo Genera Nova Gesneriacearum e Sina Australi
Application of wavelet transform to monthly runoff time serial analysis in Zagunao watershed,the upper Minjiang River
Application effect of most probable number(MPN)method in photosynthetic bacteria counting
Effects of elevated CO
concentration on rhizosphere soil microbes under
Pinus koraiensis
Pinus sylvestriformis
Bacterial flora composition and its dynamics in tidal-flat
Sinonovacula constricta
aquaculture area
Effects of bacteria-feeding nematode at its different density on bacterial number,bacterial activity and soil nitrogen mineralization
Inhibitory Effects of Two Biocontrol Fungous Strains on Poplar Canker
Botryosphaeria dothdea
Response of Transcription Factors of
Populus tomentosa
to Inoculation with
Botryosphaeria dothidea
Response of the N-Cycling Associated Soil Microorganism to Simulated N Deposition in a Plantation of
Cunninghamia lanceolata
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