Characters of endosperm cells in the seeds of some species of Roegneria and their taxonomic significance ON SCUTELLARIA ALASCHANICATSCHERN. Isolation and Molecular Characterization of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes 1Bx13 and 1By16 from Hexaploid Wheat Screening Landraces for Additional Sources of Field Resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease and Green Mite for Integration into Cassava Improvement Program Crossability Barriers in the Interspecific Hybridization between Oryza sativa and O. meyeriana The botanical origin and pharmacophylogenetic treatment of Chinese materia medica Beimu Antibacterial Activities of Neolignans Isolated from the Seed Endotheliums of Trewia nudiflora Histological Analysis of the Bamboo Residues after Digestion of Giant Panda Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Essential oil from the Leaves of Da Ye Fangzang Cinnarnornurn porrectum Pathogen resistant Transgenic Plant from Dwarfing Rootstock of Cherry by Introducing Antibacterial Polypeptide Genes History of Disturbance and Regeneration Strategies of Fagus engleriana and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Forests in Shennongjia, Hubei Province Pyrgophyllum, a New Genus of Zingiberaceae from China A Study on the Karyotype in Keteleeria calcarea and K. oblonga Effects of marine bacteria on the growth and toxin production of red-tide algae under different pH and salinities A review on modelling bacterial transport in soils On the chitin digestive bacteria from larval gut of Eriocheir sinensis Field efficacy of emulsifiable suspensions of Beauveria bassiana conidia for control of Myzus persicae population on cabbage Effect of ecological organic fertilizer on tomato bacterial wilt and soil microbial diversities Detection of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios in shoal of Bullacta exarata Effect of inorganic nitrogen on CH4 oxidation in soils Bio-active substances derived from marine microorganisms Time-specific infection rate of Beauveria bassiana on Myzus persicae after topical inoculation of conidial suspension Age structure and dynamics of Keteleeria davidiana varchien-peii population in Guizhou Province Indices and criteria of highly effective and multi-functional management of windbreaks/shelterbelts in northeast China Molecular genetic variation of soil bacteria as determined by polymorphism of restrictive fragment length of 16SrRNA genes and its relation w ith vegetation shift Ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker and bacteriostatic action of bacteriocides on Pseudomonas syringae pvactinidae Prevalent forecast of kiwifruit bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae The topography heterogeneity of Fagus engleriana-Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon community in Shennongjia region Biological characteristics and frost-inciting mechanisms of ice nucleation active (INA) bacteria and the research in frost control Cytology observation and formation conditions of somatic embryog-enesis in Vetiveria zizaniodes The Effect of Different Soil Mulch Materials on the Growth and Yield of Rice Characteristics of Organic Materials Decomposition in Infertile Red Soils Effects of Soil Organic Matter and Exogenous Organic Materials on Methane Production in and Emission from Wetlands A Study on Aerial Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria) on the Surface of Carbonate Rock in Yunnan Stone Forest, Yunnan Province, China Evaluation of Lipid Peroxidation for Use in Selection of Cold Hardiness Cultivars of Almond Seasonal Dynamics of Litterfall and Nutrient Concentrations in Leaf Litter in Scenic Forests of Nagoga Expression of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Gene in Cyanobacteria Action of Reactive Oxygen Species in Laminaria japonica Against Infection by Alginic Acid Decomposing Bacteria A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE GENETIC DIVERSITY OF DIPTERONIA Effects of Environmental Factors on Azimuth Distribution in Cryptomeria Tree Rings in The Ecological Distribution of Different Bacterial Physiological Groups in Several Forest Soils in the Tiantai Mountain Research on N-fixing property of bacteria with N-fixation and dissolving P function Effects of cooperation between associative azotobacteria and rhizobia on wheat seedling Modulating soil ecology for the healthy of root Effect of bacterial sludge on crops growth A study on stipulation of the criteria for the construction of eco-agricuitoral counties in China Material flux of agro-forestry systems on slope iu hilly regions of Sichuan basin A study on the induced endurance of cucumber to downy mildew by root inducing with chemical materials Energy,Material and Value Transfer and Utilization in Multi-grade utilization of Organic Waste Materials Bacterial Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions such as Cd2+ Hair morphology as functional adaptation in winter Mustela sibirica in Tonghe forest area Screening and Application of the Antagonistic Bacterium HY32 Against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Progress in the Mechanism of Host Cell Apoptosis Induced by Pathogen Virulence Factors Applications of Nanobiosensor in Biomedical Field Investigation of Microbial Species in Domestic Refrigerator Isolation and Identification of PQQ Producing Strains Using Methanol-utilizing Bacteria Structures of bacteria cloning communities in the soil environment and their ecological characteristics Study on the effects of two germicides on sterilizing for some bacteria in the cycling hot water heating of pipeline, Taiyuan THE STUDY AND ITS ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL GROUPS OF BACTERIA The application of selective inhibition technique in the measurement of soil bacterial and fungal ratio Interactions of bacterivorous nematode and bacteria and their effects on mineralization-Immobiolization of nitrogen and phosphorus THE ECOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF BACTERIA AND ALGAE IN THE STIMULATING WETLAND SYSTEM INVESTIGATION ON THE DOMINANT SPECIES OF ICE NUCLEATION ACTIVE BACTERIA IN CHINA Community structure characters and differences of N2-fixing and CO2-fixingbacteria under longterm fertilization in paddy soils of Taihu Lake region, China Analysis on Microbial Flora and Dominant Populations in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ⅰ. Bacteria, Bacillus and Fungi Species in Forest Land Soil Study on the Sap Flow Characters of Two Old Trees of Cryptomeria fortunei on Tianmu Mountain Detection of Poplar Canker Fungal Pathogens by ArrayTube Technique Research on the Biocontrol ofM onocham us a lte rna tus Larvaeby B eauve ria bassiana with Severa l Synerg ists Studies on Preserva tion and So il Inocula tion ofa Kind ofM ixed Bacter ia lManure Variation of nifH gene diversity of soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Moso bamboo(Phyllostachys pubescens)plantation converted from broadleaf forest A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE ESTERASE AND PROXIDASE ISOENZYME OF ROEGNERIA C, KOCH AND ELYMUS L. Effects of snail herbivory on interspecific relationship between Elodea nuttallii and Vallisneria spiralis Survival and growth response of Vetiveria zizanioides, Acorus calamus and Alternanthera philoxeroides to long-term submergence Effects and mechanisms of interactions between arbuscular mycorrrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Aquatic ecotoxicities of nanoscale TiO2, ZnO and Al2O3 water suspensions Colonization of antagonistic bacteria on rice plants and their influence on native bacteria Embryonic growth and mobilization of material and energy in oviposited eggs of the white-striped grass lizards Takydromus wolteri Influences of forest floor cleaning on the soil respiration and soil physical property of a larch plantation Bacterial diversity of the sediment from Cangnan Large Fishing Bay Methods for developing nutrient criteria in estuarine waters

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