Gene Cloning of the Orange Carotenoid Protein from Cyanobacteria,and Its Ectopic Expression and Functional Evaluation in Escherichia coli Study on the Quinolone-resistant Mechanisms of Listeria monocytogenes Colonization of Double-resistance Strain of Marine Bacterium L1-9 and Its Biocontrol Effect on Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber Research Progress on Methanotrophic Bacteria in Landfills and the Reduction of Methane Emission Effects of GC Clamps on RpoB-PCR-DGGE Fingerprint of Three Types of Food Borne Pathogens Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria in Red Grape,and Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Botrytis cinerea Research Progress on Regulatory Function of Bacterial Small RNA Resistance to Nutritional Stress Differences in Regulation of Photosynthetic Gene Expression Between Different Purple Bacteria Research Progress of Acidobacteria Ecology in Soils The Screening of Efficient Phosphorus-solubilizing Bacteria and the Primary Study on Its Mechanism of Plant-growth-promoting Soil bacterial-feeding nematodes enrichment culturing in situ Research progress on the microbial ecology of aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Diversity analysis of bacteria capable of removing nitrate/nitrite in a shrimp plnd Effect of N application on fertilizer-N use efficiencies, nitrification and nitrifying microorganisms in rhizosphere soil growing with different lowland rice cultivars Lysis of Alexandrium tamarense mediated by bacteria in its phycosphere The relationship between cyanophage PP and its wild host (filamentous cyanobactria) : adsorption rate, latent period and burst size Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria with High Autolysis Rate by N+ Implantation MUTANT SCREENING AND MEDIUM OPTIMIZING OF A PHOSPHATE-DISSOLVING BACTERIA STRAIN UING ~(15)N ISOTOPIC DILUTION METHOD TO DETERMINE THE QUANTIFICATION OF ASSOCIATION NITROGEN FIXATION BACTERIA SOIL FROM OAT ROOTS MUTATION OF MAIZE NATURAL HYBRID AND GERM PLASM MATERIAL SELECTION BY γ RAY IRRADIATION Antibacterial Components from the Twigs of Aglaia odorata var. microphyllina New Records of Genera of Spermatophyte from Xinjiang The Latest Cretaceous Flora of Heilongjiang Province and the Floristic Relationship Between East Asia and North America (Cont.) New Taxa of Orchidaceae from China (3) Hormonal Control of Sex Differentiation of Potentially Female Floral Buds of Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida In Vitro Plantlet Regeneration from Leaf Protoplasts in Seedling of Actinidia eriantha Benth. Stress resistance and genetic diversity of endophytic bacteria isolated from Caragana spp. root nodules. Screening, identification, and phosphate-solubilizing capability of phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain B25. Responses of biological soil crust to and its relief effect on raindrop kinetic energy. Effects of Beauveria bassiana on Myzus persicae and its two predaceous natural enemies. Ecological design of ditches in agricultural land consolidation: A review. Main bacterial groups in banana soil under rotated and continuous cropping. Cold resistance of Pistacia chinensis and Koelreuteria integrifoliola. Spatial distribution patterns of heterotrophic, nitrogen, and phosphate bacteria in hypoxic zone of Yangtze River Estuary. Biodegradation of o-chlorophenol by photosynthetic bacteria under co-metabolism. Niche comparison of dominant entomopathogenic fungi in three |forest ecosystems. Ecological relationships between Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and its companion microorganisms. Eco-efficiency change and its driving factors in Tongling City of Anhui Province. Effect of plantation of transgenic Bt cotton on the amount of rhizospheric soil microorganism and bacterial diversity in the cotton region of Yellow River basin. Prediction of potential suitable distribution area of Flaveria bidentis in China based on niche models. Population genetic structure of Beauveria bassiana from south and southwest Anhui sericultural regions: ISSR analysis. Interactions between natural vegetation succession and waste residue in lead-zinc tailings deposited sites. Effects of continuous cropping on bacterial community diversity in rhizosphere soil of Rehmannia glutinosa. Application of nanoscale material in environmental remediation and its eco-environmental toxicity assessment: A review. Effects of long-term fertilizations on microbial biomass C and N and bacterial community structure in an aquic brown soil. Diversity of bacterial community in rhizosphere soils under effects of continuously planting burley tobacco. Isolation, identification, and degrading effect of a pyrene-degrading strain SE12. The correlation between maize genetic polymorphisms and endophytic bacteria population in plant roots Effect of intercropping on bacterial community composition in rhizoshpere of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize(Zea mays L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Studies on the interactions between phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in rock phosphate solubilization Microbial diversity in an acetamiprid-polluted upland soil Effects of colloids with different origin and size on the growth of photosynthetic bacteria Role of winged perianth in germination of Haloxylonh (Chenopodiaceae) seeds THE CAUSE FOR THE PLUGGING OF WATER PIPE AT A HYDROPOWER STATION SURVEY OF ECOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRECIOUS PLANT CRUDE DRUGS IN CHINA The Isolation and Identification of a Silicate Bacterium and the Promoting Effects on Watermelon Rapid Molecular Identification of Actinidia Bacterial Canker and Preliminary Screening of Resistant Materials in Kiwifruit Improvement of Early Indica Rice Varieties by Space Mutagenesis GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF Beauveria bassiana USING Agrobacterium tumefaciens-MEDIATED TRANSFORMATION AND MUTANTS SCREENING WITH SPECIAL TRAITS Dynamics and ecological strategies of aerial seed bank of main species in the hill-gully Loess Plateau Slr0151 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is required for efficient repair of photosystem II under high-light condition Economic and environmental efficiencies based on material flow analysis and data envelopment analysis:a case study of Liaoning Province Effect of the flood on the bacterial community of bacteriaplankton in Daling River Changes in cotton rhizosphere soil bacterial community diversity and structure induced by chlorpyrifos Effect of corn-stalk biochar on soil microbial functional diversity and bacterial community in cinnamon soils Effect of potato continuous cropping on genetic diversity of soil microorganisms Screening, identification, and biocontrol effect of antagonistic bacteria against Phytophthora capsici. Evolvement of soil bacterial community in intensively managed Phyllostachys praecox stand and related affecting factors. Colonization and disease control and fruit preservation functions of endophytic bacterial strains in lychee. Growth-promoting effect and triptolide production regulation of endophytic bacteria from Tripterygium wilfordii. Effects of substrate on Vallisneria natans and Elodea canadensis under cyanobacterial stress conditions Effects of snowpack and litter input on soil microbial count and biomass in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Isolation and screening of hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial strains from mangrove wetland soils Variation of a spring bacterial community from Wuqia Sinter in Xinjiang during the pre- and post-earthquake period The abundance and diversity of nanoplankton in Arcitic Ocean Advances in Botryosphaeriaceae: identification, phylogeny and molecular ecology Excellent Provenance Selection of Parakmeria latungensis by Analytic Hierarchy Process The impact of bacterial-feeding nematodes on root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana L. and the possible mechanisms Cyanobacterial diversity in biological soil crusts on wastelands of copper mine tailings Effects of fertilization and soil management on microbial biomass and communityBI Mingli1,2, YU Wantai1,*, JIANG Zishao1, ZHOU Hua1, SHEN Shanmin1

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