Lagarosolen jingxiensis Yan Liu, H. S. Gao & W. B. Xu, A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China Cloning of Two House-keeping Genes from Erianthus arundinaceus and the application in cDNA microarray Inhibitory Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Extraction Tissue Culture of Common Banana Changes in Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Parakmeria omeiensis after Cutting Root and Branch in Different Seasons Notes on Gesneriaceae from Guangdong Province Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oil f rom the Roots of Peucedanum praeruptorum and Its Antibacterial Activities STUDY ON THE CORRELATION OF RESISTANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO BACTERIAL BLIGHT WITH THE ACTIVE OXYGEN AND THE DEFENSIVE ENZYMES IN HYBRID RICE SEEDINGS Study on Excellent Strains ofBeauveria bassiana againstNotodontidae inPopulus × euramer icana and Controlling by D ifferent Formulations in Forest The breeding of transgenic tobacco with peptide antibiotic genes against bacterial wilt Evaluation and identification of antagonistic bacteria against different biovars of Ralstonia solanacearum and their active metabolites A duplex PCR method for rapid detection of Burkholderia glumae Effect of the fungal pathogen, Beauveria bassiana on number and encapsulation of hemocytes in Ostrinia furnacalis larvae Colonization trends of endophytic bacteria EBS05 in wheat and its control effect on wheat sharp eyespot A rapid laboratory evaluation system for apple ring rot Seed transmission of Pantoea agglomerans, causal agent of dry stalk rot, in maize Pathogen identification of Ageratum conyzoides bacterial wilt disease and its biological characteristics Comparison of bacterial diversity in rotational and continuous soybean cropping soils in Heilongjiang Evaluation of rice varieties resistant to bacterial leaf streak in Jiangsu The occurrence and fertility analysis of bisexual strains of Setosphaeria turcica Effects of silicon application on resistance against bacterial blight and antioxidant defense activities of rice leaves Effects of calcium treatments on cell wall material metabolism and related enzyme activities and gene expression in grapefruit(Citrus paradisi Macf.) Characteristics and driving factors of soil bacterial and archaeal communities under long-term fertilization regimes in black soil Review on the Systemic Taxonomy of Genus Botryosphae ria Inh ibiting Effect of Assoc ia tive Nitrogen-f ixa tionBacter ia on Bacter ia W ilt D isea se of Euca lyptus Physiolog ica l and Biochem ica l Changes of PoplarInfected by Ice Nuclea tion Active Bacter ia l Canker D isea se ( Ⅱ) Degradation behavior of PPC/PBS as urea coating in soil Isolation and Identification of an Antagonistic Bacterial Strain Against Rice Blast Fungus Expression of diptericin Gene from Musca domestica in Escherichia coli Analysis of the bacterial communities in continuous cotton fields of Xinjiang Province Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil microbial community composition in temperate typical grassland in Inner Mongolia Effects of warming on soil microbial community structure in Changbai Mountain Tundra Effects on the transformation of phosphorus in sediment with growing of Vallisneria natans Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the coral Pocillopora damicornis analyzed by PCR-RFLP Environmental performance index for eco-industrial park development in China Effects of Beauveria bassiana on paddy antioxidant enzymes activities and phyllosphere microbial diversity The bacterial community of coastal sediments influenced by cage culture in Xiangshan Bay, Zhejiang, China Diversity and plant growth-promoting potential of culturable endophytic bacteria isolated from the leaves of Atractylodes lancea The effect of transgenic cucumber with double strands RNA of mapk on diversity of rhizosphere bacteria Effects of Combination Bacteria PS11 on Growth and Physiological-biochemical Characters of Cucumber Seedlings Screening, Identification and Application of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria under Drought Conditions Research on Extracted Quantity of Rice Bran Polysaccharide Processed by Microwave and Ultrasonic Wave Influence of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Color Stabilization and Freshness Preservation of Chilled meat INDUCTION AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBENDAZIM-RESISTANT MUTANTS OF Beauveria bassiana IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF EMSINDUCED DWARF MUTANTS IN RICE SOME NEW RECORDS OF ACROCHAETIACEAE FROM CHINA,Ⅲ NEW COMBINATIONS IN ROEGNERIA(POACEAE) Effects of Forest Gap on Underforest Species Diversity in a Cryptomeria fortunei Plantation in Zhougong Mountain,West Sichuan Mechanism of AM Fungi on Competitive Growth between Invasive Plant Flaveria bidentis and Native Plant Setaria viridis Prelimilary Study on the Lichen Family Lichinaceae Xinjiang,China New Distribution Record of Phascum (Pottiaceae) in China Isolation and identification of the pathogen causing celery bacterial soft rot Study on log infection by Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker and the heat treat-ment technics Temperature sensitivity and its correlation with virulence of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates in some wheat growing The Correlation between temperature and survival time of conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in vitro Combination of Glomus spp. and Bacillus sp. M3-4 promotes plant resistance to bacterial wilt in potato Cloning the genes of Pseudomonas chlororaphis YL-1 dedicated to antibacterial activities against microbial phytopathogens Overexpression of Cu/Zn-SOD gene from Chaetomium thermophilum enhanced resistance of transgenic rice against three major diseases Triadimefon sensitivity and its correlation with the virulence population of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in some wheat growing areas in 2012 Detection of viruses infecting Wisteria sinensis by deep sequencing and assembly of small RNA Identification of the bacterial leaf spot pathogen of betel palm in Hainan Province Signalling pathway controlling induced systemic resistance mediated by endophytic bacteria strain EBS05 in tobacco plants DECOMPOSITION AND ACCUMULATION OF ORGANIC MATTER IN CHAO SOIL IRRADIATION EFFECT FOR THE CONTROL OF COLIFORM BACTERIA IN SPICES AND DEHYDRATED VEGETABLES EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF CHILLED COOKED DUMPLING PHENOTYPIC CHARACTERIZATION OF PARTIAL GENETIC MATERIAL TRANSFER IN F_3 AND BC_1 HYBRIDS DERIVED FROM THE GENERIC CROSS OF SORGHUM AND UPLAND RICE A NEW MUTANT INDICA RICE DISEASES RESISTANCE VARIETY "ZHE101" FOR BY SPACE MUTATION ISOLATION OF MICROSATELLITES FROM BACTERIAL WILT RESISTANT PEANUT GERMPLASM LINES INDUCTION AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBENDAZIM-RESISTANT MUTANTS OF Beauveria bassiana Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism in Rice Leaves of 9311 and its Mutant in Response to Bacterial Blight Activity analysis and gene expression of cell wall degradation enzymes in Setosphaeria turcica f. sp. zeae and S. turcica f. sp. sorghi Monitoring of resistance and baseline sensitivity of Setosphaeria turcica to azoxystrobin in Gansu Advances in the researches on bacterial stem and root rot of sweet potato caused by Dickeya dadantii Control efficiency of endophytic actinomycetes A-1 against apple fruit ring rot and its influence on the activity of defense-related enzymes Screening, identification of biocontrol bacterial strain Hy11 against white radish soft rot and its colonization characteristics Effect of methyl jasmonate on induced resistance of rice seedlings against bacterial leaf blight and activities of related defense enzymes Control effect of the antinematode endophytic bacteria and rhizosphere actinomycetes to root-knot nematodes of tomato plant Screening and identifying antagonistic bacteria against Rhizoctonia solani and their biological control effects on soil-born damping-off disease of cucumber Identification of the pathogen causing bacterial wilt of sesame and its biovars The overwintering ability of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans in soil and plant debris Screening, identification and antifungal activity of antagonistic rhizospheric Bacillus FB-16 against tobacco black shank

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