Identification of the antagonistic bacteria BJ1 and its antifungal activity against Valsa ceratosperma Pathogenicity of Beauveriaspp. strains to three species of mirids, Apolygus lucorum, Adelphocoris suturalisand Adelphocoris lineolatus Identification of the endophytic bacterial isolate Itb57 from tobacco plant and its control efficacy on tobacco black shank caused byPhytophthora nicotianae Isolation and characterization of antagonistic endophytic bacteria again Fusarium proliferatum Detection of Leptosphaeria maculans and L.biglobosain oilseed rape samples imported from Australia Antifungal activity of endophytic bacterium AmS2 against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its identification A survey of race and virulence types of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici in China’s northeastern spring wheat region during 2004-2008 Resistant evaluation of rice bacterial leaf streak and virulence differentiation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola in Jiangsu Metagenomic fosmid library construction of Meloidogyne incognita associated bacteria and features analysis Isolation and identification of INA bacteria in hybrid ‘Skiranui tangerine’ citrus cultivars and their indoor control Optimization of spore formation conditions for antagonistic strain 6-59 of Bacillus megaterium against Ceratosphaeria phyllostachydis Control of Solanaceae vegetable bacterial wilt with avirulent hrp-mutants Bio-control efficacy of a marine bacterium CⅢ-1 from mangrove on capsicum bacterial wilt Studies on the genus Schiffneria Steph. (Hepaticae) The Evaluation of Blast, Bacterial Blight and Brown Planthopper for Rice Breeding lines from IRRI Genetic Diversity Analysis of Phenotypic Traits in Erianthus rockii Wild Species Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi Bacterial community and its relation to environmental variables in a subtropical stratified reservoir for drinking water supply in autumn Prediction of bacterial species richness in the South China Sea slope sediments Characteristics of cultivable microbial community number and structure at the southeast edge of Tengger Desert Selection of bactericides controlling INA bacteria and their efficacy on frost damage prevention during blooming period of apricot Enhancement of innate immune system in monocot rice by transferring the dicotyledonous elongation factor Tu receptor EFR Screening of Antifungal Protein Producing Strain TG26 of Bacillus spp. and Studies on Its Cultrual Conditions Assessing the Response of Seasonal Variation of Net Primary Productivity to Climate Using Remote Sensing Data and Geographic Information System Techniques in Xinjiang Cell Structures of Psudonodules Formed on the Roots of Barley and Rice Cytoembryological Studies on Apomixis in Boehmeria silvestrii A BAC Library Constructed to the Rice Cultivar Embryology and Embryo Rescue of an Interspecific Cross Between Actinidia deliciosa cv. Haywardand A. eriantha Effects of different cutting system on main typical steppe populations in Inner Mongolia Effects of pine wood nematode on propagation of its carrying bacteria Response of Vetiveria zizanioides to Pb2+ stress Removal of pollution indicating bacteria in simulated stabilization pond systems Effect of endogenous materials in cotton plant and JH analogs on alate rate of adult aphid and population dynamics Rhizospheric effect of organic material on heavy metals in coastal saline soil I Distribution of soil native zinc forms Interactive effect of time temperature and time moisture on Beauveria bassiana conidia Application of continuous-flow culture in microecological research Effect of bacterivorous nematodes on bacteria population under gnotobiotic culture Microbial degradation of Abamectin in soil Remediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using four greening tree species The diversity of the radio-resistant bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans The characterization of glyphosate degradation by Burkholderia multivorans WS-FJ9 Effect of Eco-planting and Breeding of Rice and Frog on Soil Microorganisms and Soluble Phosphorus Contents Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Ramie Under Drought Stress and Re-watering Isolation and Identification of Beauveria bassiana From Maize Rhizosphere Soil Studying on Purification of Total Flavonoids From Perennial Lablab sp. and Its Bacteriostatic Activities The Isolation, Identification, and the Property Research of Degrading Bacteria of Tribenuron-methyl-methyl A study on acid detergent lignin content and digestibility of 5 species herbage in Tibetan Plateau Phylogenetic Relationships among Species of Roegneria, Elymus, Hystrix and Kengyilia (Poaceae: Triticeae) Based on RAMP Marker Identification of Common AFLP Markers Linked with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt in Potato Extraction and Microemulsion Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis of Koelreuteria henryi Flavonoids Studies on Mechanism of Hydraulic Lift by Astragalus adsurgens Endophytes Isolation and Broad-spectrum Antagonistic Bacterias Screening from Banana Detection and Application of Three Food-borne Bacterial Pathogens by Multiplex PCR Characteristics and Application Prospects of Bacterial Exopolysaccharides Construction of Genetic Recombination for Sea Cucumber Lysozyme in Bacillus subtilis Study the Effect of Tachyplesin I on Proteus vulgaris Effect of the lipA Inactivation on the Cell-bound Lipase Yield of Burkholderia sp. ZYB002 Chemical Mutagenesis Breeding of Protoplast of Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria Study of Changes in Abundance and Degradation Crude Oil Capacity of Endogenous Bacteria and Andexogenous Bacteria Activation in Oilfield Under Injecting Activation Agent Conditions Investigation on Diversity of Endophytic Bacterial Community in Xisha Wild Noni(Morinda citrifolia L.)Seed Research Progress of Magnetosome Formation Genes and Proteins Advance of the Classification in Ralstonia solanacearum Species Screening and Characterization of a Marine Actinomycete with Antagonist Activities Against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria A study on bacterioplankton productivity of experimental shrimp polyculture enclosures Studies on the growth and starvation survival of Rhodospirillum sp. The numerical distribution of halophilic bacteria and halotolerant bacteria in Aydin Lake and the surrounding area Resistance to and uptake of heavy metals by Vetiveria zizanioides and Paspalum notatum from lead/zinc mine tailings Study on the Ecological Relationship Between a Red-tide Causative Alga and Three Strains of Bacteria Isolated from Xiamen Harbor The microbial population in an anaerobic baffled reactor for the treatment of dye wastewater Growth and heavy metal accumulation of Vetiveria zizanioides grown on lead/zinc mine tailings Phytoplankton and bacterial biomass and their relationship with the environmental factors in autumn and winter in the Sanya Bay, China Material flow analysis (MFA) of an eco-economic system: a case study of Wujin District, Changzhou Studies on root biomass and productivity in dominant plantation populations in the mountainous land in western Scihuan A critical review of material flow analysis (MFA) Species diversity of Fagus engleriana community in Daba Mountains, Sichuan, China EFFECTS OF SUB-LETHAL DOSAGES OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS GALLERIAE ON THE METABOLISM OF SUBSTANCES IN GALLERIA MELLONELLA LARVAE THE SELECTION OF AN APPLE STOCK LINE,SIBERIAN CRABAPPLE JIN 67,IMMUNE FROM WOOLY APPLE APHID STUDY ON KENAF HEMP BACTERIAL WILT DISEASE THE VARIETAL RESISTANCE OF RICE TO BACTERIAL FOOT ROT AND THE DIFFERENTIATION ON VIRULENCE OF THE PATHOGEN Phosphate dissolving capability and the affect of phosphate-dissolving bacteria in the rhizosphere on Sorghum bicolor

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