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Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and imidacloprid on culturable bacteria and microbial biomass carbon in cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata)soil
Effect of ryegrass floating-bed on the nitrogen cycling bacteria and nitrogen removal in the synthetic municipal wastewater
The bacterial ecological distribution in water and sediment of cage culture area in Xianshangang Bay
Effects of earthworm on number of soil bacterial physiological groups and enzyme activity in a maize residue amended wheat agro-ecosystem
Vertical distribution and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in a sediment core from Zhushan Bay, Lake Taihu
Investigation of bacterial community structure within the sweet potato phyllosphere using culture\|independent techniques
Progress in Study of Foodborne Pathogens in Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Study on Antibacterial Effects of Fat-soluble Compositions in Nostoc commune
Research progress on PGPR/AMF interactions
Selection of drought resistant materials and drought resistant index for maize in South China
Study on the characteristics of nutrient releasing of the coated urea with tung oil as controlling materials
Identification of herbal medicinal materials using DNA barcodes
Confirmation of a natural hybrid species in
(Gesneriaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence
DNA Barcoding of
L. in China (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae)
Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activities of the Essential Oils Isolated from Leaves of
Mentha × piperita
M. haplocalyx
M. × gentilis
Effect of Location, Harvest Season and Plant Age on Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from
Rosmarinus officinalis
Studies of Innate Immunity Mediated by Lysin Motif Protein and Its Signaling Priming
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Essential Oil from Leaves of Jiang-Zhang
Effect of adding lactic acid bacteria and glucose on alfalfa silage quality
Evaluation of the role of microorganisms in composting
Study on the effect of photosynthetic bacteria liquid on the growth of sweet pepper
Evaluation of resistance of wheat variety and parental material to the air-spread disease
Effects of different acidic materials on pH value of calcareous soil
Effects of different mulch materials on the soil ecology and corn yield
Quorum sensing in anaerobic ammonium oxidation bacteria
Effect of
Ipomoea aquatica
Floating-bed on the quantity and distribution of nitrogen cycling bacteria and nitrogen removal
Effects of three land use patterns on diversity and community structure of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in
Leymus chinensis
Advances in influence of seawater eutrophication on marine bacteria
Effect of decomposition products of cyanobacteria on
Myriophyllum spicatum
and water quality in Lake Taihu,China
Analysis of bacterial diversity in the Songhua River based on nested PCR and DGGE
The community structure of laccase-like multicopper oxidase-producing bacteria in soil of Liangshui Nature Reserve
Screening and identification of associative nitrogen fixation bacteria in rhizosphere of sugarcane in Guangxi
The primary factors controlling methane uptake from forest soils and their responses to increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition: a review
Algicidal activity against
Prorocentrum micans
by a marine bacterium isolated from a HABs area, South China
Effects of nitrogen form on the activity of nitrogen bacteria group and inorganic nitrogen in rhizosphere soil of winter wheat
Effects of cyanobacterial accumulation and snail grazing on the growth of
vallisneria natans
Analysis of rhizosphere microbial community structure of weak and strong allelopathic rice varieties under dry paddy field
Investigation on spatio-temporal pattern of cyanobacterial community structure by T-RFLP during overwinter and recruitment period in Taihu Lake
The bacterial community structures in Xinjiang fault belt spring analyzed by PCR-DGGE
Growth release determination and interpretation of Korean pine and Koyama spruce in Shengshan National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province, China
Population dynamics of endophytic bacteria isolated from the roots of infected
Cymbidium faberi
Endophytic bacterial diversity in
Achnatherum inebrians
by culture-independent approach
Screening of bactericidal algicide in a circulting cooling system and their appplication
Preparation of Ag-doped TiO2 hollow spheres and their antibacterial activity
Advances of Heterogeneous Expression of Antimicrobial Peptides in Bacteria
Research Progress of Replication of Linear Plasmid in Bacteria
The Characteristics of Reflection Spectrum in Subaerial Blue-Green Algae in Ding Hu Mo Ore-field, Guangdong Province
Number, Volume and Distribution of the Puff-Like Structure in Interphase Nuclei of Allium cepa
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Fritillaria yuminensis
Preliminary study on the Blue-Green Algae Community of Arid Soil in Qaidam Basin
The Characterization of Antagonistic Bacterium A014 and Its Antibacterial Proteins
Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Vessel Elements of Eight Genera in Magnoliaceae
Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from the Peel of Citrus bergamia Risso
Studies on the Clausena dunniana Lévl Rutaceae , A New Resource of Isoanethole
Floral Morphology of Populus lasiocarpa Oliv and Its Phylogenetic Position in Populus
Beauveria bassiana
isolate selection against aphids
Research on
Tripterygium wilfordii
Hook. f. rhizosphere microbial characteristics
Effect of plant-based fungicide coated compound fertilizer on tomato growth, nitrogen use efficiency and disease incidence
Response of anammox bacteria community structure to nitrogen in paddy soils
Characteristics of ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission of different fermentation beds in pig pens
Effects of soil fumigants on soil nitrification and denitrification
Diversity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria in marine sediments from the Zhoushan Islands
Effects of long-term N fertilizer application and liming on nitrification and ammonia oxidizers in acidic soils
Role of soil microbes in the acquisition of nutrients by plants
Influence of reclaimed water on the bacterial community structure of sediment from an urban river
Physiological responses of
Lonicera japonica
container seedlings to plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria inoculation under drought stress
Microbial metabolic characteristics of carbon in the black soil parent material maturation process
A critical review of economy-wide material flow analysis
Bacterial community structure and composition in Lake Poyang: a case study in the Songmenshan Region, China
Differential analysis of soil bacteria diversity in different mixed forests of
Dalbergia odorifera
A review of the relationship between algae and bacteria in harmful algal blooms
Isolation, identification, and performance of two pyrene-degrading endophytic bacteria
From system to landscape: the other orientation of regional material flow analysis
Overcompensation and competitive effects of
Microcystis aeruginosa
Scenedesmus obliquus
after low temperature and light stresses
Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial abundance and related environmental parameters in Lake Bosten
The bacterial community changes after papermaking wastewater treatment with constructed wetlands
Life cycle assessment and environmental & economic benefits research of important building external insulation materials in Beijing
Dynamics of carbon storage at different aged
Koelreuteria paniclata
tree in Xiangtan Mn mining wasteland
Isolation and Biolog identification of the high-efficiency azotobacter from iron tailing under different vegetation restoration modes
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