A Preliminary Research on Improvement of Microspore Embryogenesis for Recalcitrant Broccoli Genotypes A New Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar by Isolated Microspore Culture ‘Yuxin 58‘ A New Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar by Isolated Microspore Culture ‘Yuxin 58‘ A New Cabbage Cultivar by Isolated Microspore Culture ‘Yusheng 4‘ Isolated Microspore Culture in Brassica campes tris ssp. chinensis Studies on Tetraploid Breeding Techniques by Using Isolated Microspore Culture Techniques in Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino A New Loose-curd Cauliflower Cultivar‘Zhe 091’ IN VITRO MICROSPORES MUTAGENESIS IN Brassica napus.——RESPONSE OFMICROSPORE EMBRYOGENESIS TO UV RADIATION THE CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF MICROSPORE EMBRYOGENESIS IN BRASSICA NAPUS Research Progress in Androgenesis and Haploid Breeding of Gramineous Forage and Turfgrass Plants Progress of Haploid Production in Compositae Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale A New Cabbage F1 Hybrid by Isolated Microspore Culture——‘Yusheng 1’ Plant Development from Isolated Microspores of Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica Derived from the Anther Culture of F2 Hybrids of Photoperiod-Sensitive Male-Sterile Rice Isolated-microspore Culture of F1 Hybrids between Brassica oleracea var. capitata and var. italica Studies on Enhancing of Plantlet Regeneration in Isolated-microspore Culture of Chinese Cabbage Embryogenesis and Doubling Mechanism of Isolated Microspore Culture inChinese Cabbage ( Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) Embryogenesis and Doubling Mechanism of Isolated Microspore Culture inChinese Cabbage ( Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) In vitro Haploid Production and Application to Pepper Breeding RELATIONSHIP OF NACL TOLERANCE BETWEEN HAPLOID
Study on Isolated Microspore Culture and Embryo Developmental Pathway in Autotetraploid Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var.italica) Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration in Cabbage In vitro Haploid Production and Application to Pepper Breeding Genetic Analysis of in vitro Microspore Embryogenesis in Brassica napus L ULTRASTRUCTURE OF MICROSPORE EMBRYOGENESIS AND SHAPE OF EMBRYOID IN BRASSICA NAPUS Embryogenesis of Isolated-microspore in Cabbage(Brassica oleracea var.capitata) A New Chinese Cabbage Hybrid—‘Yuxin 1’ Plantlet Regeneration by Isolated Microspore Culture of Somatic Hybrid ofEggplant Isolated-m icrospore Culture and Plantlet Regeneration in Cabbage ( Brassicaoleracea L. var. capitata L. ) Establishment and Application of the System for Isolated Microspore Culturein Kale ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ) Isolated Microspore Culture and Ploidy Variation of Regenerated Plants in Ornamental Kale A New Cabbage Cultivar‘Yugan 1’ Microspore Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Brassica Plants A New Cabbage F1 Hybrid by Isolated Microspore Culture——‘Yusheng 1’ Disomic Alien Addition Lines Generated through Microspore Culture from Progeny of Intergeneric Hybrids between Brassica napus and Sinapis alba Effects of Medium Renovation and Colchicine Treatment on Embryogenesis of Isolated Microspores in Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis
A New Ornamental Cabbage Hybrid‘Beijing Peony Red 2’
In vitro Microspore Embryogenesis and Chromosome Doubling of Kale Induction of Isolated Microspore and Optimization of Their Culture System of Different Radish Varieties Field Response to Low Nitrogen of Barley DH Lines from Microspores Mutagenesis and Culture under Nitrogen Stress Establishment and Application of the System for Isolated Microspore Culturein Kale ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ) Studies on Enhancing of Plantlet Regeneration in Isolated-microspore Culture of Chinese Cabbage Plantlet Regeneration by Isolated Microspore Culture of Somatic Hybrid ofEggplant A New Chinese Cabbage Hybrid—‘Yuxin 1’ Primary Studies on the Isolated Microspore Culture in Radish ( Raphanus sativus L.) ‘Yuxin 60’—A New Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Hybrid A New Chinese Cabbage‘Yuyuan 50’ Effect of Different Pre-treated Temperatures on the Microspore Embryogenesis in Broccoli Effect of Different Pre-treated Temperatures on the Microspore Embryogenesis in Broccoli
A New Ornamental Cabbage Hybrid‘Beijing Peony Red 2’
A New Loose-curd Cauliflower Cultivar‘Zhe 091’ Obtaining of One Chinese Cabbage–Cabbage Translocation Line by Microspore Culture A New Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid‘Yubaicai No. 12’ Studies on Isolated Microspore Culture of the Allotriploid Hybrids BetweenCabbage and Chinese Cabbage Studies on Isolated Microspore Culture of the Allotriploid Hybrids BetweenCabbage and Chinese Cabbage Embryoid Induction and Plant Regeneration of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through Microspore Culture Embryoid Induction and Plant Regeneration of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through Microspore Culture Effects of Sucrose and Mannitol in washing medium on microspore embryogenesis in Chinese cabbage [Brassica rapa L .ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson]