Dynamics of stand biomass and volume of the tree layer in forests with different restoration approaches based on tree-ring analysis Correlations among leaf structure, drought tolerance and photosynthetic capacity in saplings of Euphorbiaceae from different micro-habitats in a seasonal tropical rainforest The Relationship between Crown Size and Pine Nut Yield for Korean Pine Plantation The Response of Pressure-volume Curve Water Parameters of Four Desert Shurb Seedlings to Drought Stress Forest Volume Estimate Based on 3S Technologies in Shandong Province Forest Biomass Estimation Methods and Their Prospects Sweet Sorghum Cultivation Techniques Population dynamics and life history strategy of the common Brachionus species (Rotifera) in Lake Jinghu Growth and Yield Model System for Casuarina equisetifolia Automatic Measurement Technology for Standing Tree Volume Based on Laser Scanner Compatibility of Stand Volume Model for Chinese Fir Based on Tree-Level and Stand-Level The Simultaneous Equation System of Total Volume in Fir Plantation Influence of Human Disturbance on Community Structure and Tree Species Diversity of Secondary Forests on Northern Slope of Mt. Changbai STUDIES ON THE GROWTH OF FORESTS WITH DIFFERENT DENSITY IN THE SYSTEM OF AFFORESTATION BY WATER-HARVESTING FIFTEEN-YEAR CHANGES OF TREE POPULATIONS IN THE SECONDARY SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS IN SOUTHWESTERN CHINA Evaluation of a sustainable forest utilization program for broadleaved Korean pine mixed forests in the Changbai Mountain region of Northeast China Horizontal impacts of urban constructed bodies or patches on the temperature and moisture patterns in the soil of adjacent green space in urban areas of Beijing COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FOR BIOMASS MEASUERMENT OF TROPICAL MOUNTAIN RAIN FOREST IN HAINAN ISLAND, CHINA THE EFFECT OF HIGH-PRESURE HOMOGENIZATION ON EMULSIFYING PROPERTIES OF ENZYMATIC PEPTIDES OBTAINED FROM SWEET POTATO HEAT-DENATURED PROTEIN BY ALCALASE Influence of leaf incline angle,droplet size and spray volume on deposition of chlorpyrifos on rice plants Effect of Root-Zone Volume Restriction on the Growth and Gas Exchange Parameters and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Apillm graveolens L.Seedling Multi-scale biomass estimation of desert shrubs: a case study of Haloxylon ammodendron in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China Research on preparation technology of baicalein particles by supercritical CO2 antisolvent method Culm Form Characteristic and Fiber Morphology of Phyllostachys reticulata ‘Shouzhu’ THE RELATIONSHIP OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY TO ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION IN RELATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION IN SEMI_HUMID EVERGREEN FORESTS, YUNNAN PROVINCE,CHINA Karyological Studies in Cunninchamia unicanaliculata and var. pyramidalis Differences and sources of CO2 concentration, carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition between inside and outside of a green space system and influencing factors in an urban area. Research on Whole-stand Volume Models The effect of Hongjingtian (Gadol) injection on cardiac hemodynamics and myocardial oxygen consumption of dogs Establishment of Compatible Tree Volume Equation Systems of Chinese Fir Effect of Thinning on Growth and Timber Outturn in Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Using Segmented Modeling Approach to Construct Tree Volume and Biomass Equations for Larch in Northeastern China Forest Volume Estima tion Method for Sma ll Area s Ba sedon k-NN and Landsa t Da ta RADIOIMMUNOASSAY FOR ESTRADIOL IN SERUM Quantifying relationships between rooting traits and water uptake under drought in Mediterranean barley and durum wheat Carbon storage of forest vegetation under the Natural Forest Protection Program in Northeast China Nitrogen losses under simulated rainfall conditions in rice-wheat rotation of Taihu lake watershed plain Forest Volume Estimate Based on Bayesian Regularization Back Propagation Neural Network Application of Mixed Effects Models in Forest Growth Model Establishment of Tree Volume and Aboveground Biomass Equations for Masson Pine Plantation in Guizhou Province Validation and Comparison of Two-Variable Tree Volume Tables for Larix spp. in Different Regions of China Inhibitory effects of total flavones of Metasequoia glyptostroboides on experimental cardiac hypertrophy and expression of c-Fos protein in ventricle Study on Selection of Pulpwood Clone of Chinese Fir Research on Application of Four-parameter Cylinder-volume-ratio Stem Profile Theoretical Bucking:Taper Equations and Merchantable Volume Tables Effects of Rotation Length and Repeated Harvesting on the Sprouting Reproduction of Acacia auriculiformis Effects of Selective Cutting on Stand Growth and Structure for Natural Mixed Spruce (Picea koraiensis )-Fir (Abies nephrolepis) Forests Study on Consociation Equation Set Model Method to Establish Duality\n Standing Tree Volume Model Estimating Stem Volume Using QuickBird Imagery and Allometric Relationships for Open Populus xiaohei Plantations Effects of ultra low volume Beauveria bassiana oil formulation on biological diversity Dynamics of biomass and stem volume of Picea asperata stands in artificial restoration process of subalpine coniferous forest DERIVATION OF THE PRACTICAL APPROXIMATE FOPMULA FOR MEASUREMENT OF BENDING LOG VOLUME APPROACH TO DRAWING UP TREE-LENGTH VOLUME TABLE AND COMMERCIAL VOLUME TABLE BY STEM FORM EXPONENT METHOD A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF DOTHJORELLA GREGARlA CANKER ON THE GROWTH AND VOLUME OF YOUNG POPLAR TREES RESPONSES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PV-PARAMETERS TO WATER STRESS IN POPLAR CLONE SEEDLINGS Compatible Tree Volume and Aboveground Biomass Equations of Chinese Fir in China Above-Ground Biomass Distribution Models for Arbor Layer of Eight Subtropical Forest Types Cultivation of protocorms of Dendrobium candidum in air-lift bioreactors Effects of testosterone and cortisol in sports fatigued organism by Chinese material medica of Shixiang Yaofa Influence of Tinglizi on collagen volume fraction and perivascular collagen area in left ventricle tissue of cardiac hypertrophy induced by abdominal aortic banding in rats Present biomass distribution and timber physical structure of Guadua amplexifolia Experimental Measurement of the Water Relations Parameters of Nine Shrubs and Some Ecological Interpretations Correlation analysis on selected traits of high-yield wheat THE EFFECT OF SOIL VOLUMETRIC WEIGHT ON NITROGEN SUPPLYING ABILITY OF SOIL AND ABSORPTION,UTILIZATION OF NITROGEN BY COTTON INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENTS AND DENSITY STRESS ON EAR HIGH DIMENSIONAL SIZE OF GROWING EAR AND ITS RELATION TO KERNEL YIELDIN CORN Moisture Content Distribution of Wood via X-Ray Method Based on the Volume Density Expanded Gap Space Nutrition Index of Mangrove Variation of Soil Volumetric Water Content in Grassland and an Oak Forest at Different Depths in a Forest Farm in Nanjing Relationship between leaf traits of Melica przewalskyi and slope aspects in alpine grassland of Qilian Mountains, China Research on the Technology of Forest Volume Prediction Effects of food component and concentration on population growth, body size, and egg size of freshwater rotifer Brachionus rubens Effect of rooting -zone restriction on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of muskmelon seedling Short Effects of Pruning on Growth of Poplar(Populus×euramericana cv.‘74-76‘) Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effects Planting in Swamp-Forest in Daxing‘an Mountains Optimization for formulation of Ginkgo biloba liquid-filled hard gelatin capsules by orthogonal design EStablishment of Biomass and Volume Tables for Acacia auriculiformis Self-adjusted Height-Diameter Curves and One-entry Volume Model A Study on Standard Volume Dynamic Model STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY AND GROWTH IN A POPLAR PLANTATION I. THE EFFECT OF WATER SUPPLY ON GROWTH, ARCHITECTURE AND LEAF QUANTITY OF TREE A NEW STUDY ON ESTIMATING FOREST STOCK VOLUME USING SPACE REMOTE SENSING DATA

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