STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY AND TREE GROWTH IN A POPLAR PLANTATION.II.ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY IN THE FIELD, WATER-CONSUMPTION FOR TRANSPIRATION AND VOLUME INCREMENT AND ESTIMATION OF WATER REQUIRMENT IN Stand Density of Paraserianthes falcataria and the Fertilization Test with a Uniform Design Discuss in Stock Volume Index and Application of the Oasis Protection Forest System Characteristics of Soil Respiration in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Forest and Its Clear-Cutting Site in Dormant Period Proliferation of Adventitious Shoots of Vaccinium uliginosum Using Raft Bioreactors The response of pressure volume curve water parameters and root system hydraulic architecture of two apple rootstocks to drought stress INTERACTION OF SURFACTANTS, SPRAYING VOLUME AND WEED LEAF ANGLE IN DROPLET RETENTION OF IMAZETHAPYR Interspecific Niche Relations and Dynamical System Simulation of Artificial Sand-fixation Plants Employed in Sand Regions EFFECT OF TREE CROWN DISPOSITION ON THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL INCREMENT IN THE MAIN STEM OF POPLAR THE EFFECT OF FOREST HARVEST ON THE SOIL THERMAL REGIME IN THE WATERSHED OF CHINESE FIR Allometric Relationships between Morphological and Reproductive Traits of Chenopodium glaucum Cytological Study on Bidens bipinnata L. Cytological Study on Eclipta prostrata L. Temporal and spatial variations of soil respiration in Pinus tabulaeformis forest at Huoditang forest zone in the Qinling Mountains, China The change of water parameters in Tetraena mongolica with season and habitat Fast method to detect and calculate LVV Relationship between cell volume and cell carbon and cell nitrogen for ten common dinoflagellates Mathematical methods in niche theory study Viewpoints on the study of economic thresholds of cotton bollworm BIOMASS AND NET PRODUCTION OF FOREST VEGETATION IN CHINA A STUDY ON ESTABLISHMENT AND INVESTIGATION METHODS OF BAMBOO EXPERIMENTAL FIELD A STANDARD VOLUME YIELDING MODEL OF CHINESE FIR USED FOR SITE QUALITY EVALUATION THE APPLICATION OF SPOT DATA IN RESEARCH OF FOREST FIRE BEHAVIOR AND ESTIMATION OF FOREST STOCK DAMAGE IN AMUER FOREST BUREAU THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BINOMIAL STOCK VOLUME TABLES OF POPLAR Discussion on the Method of Establishing Stand Maximum Volume Yield Model Study on the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide and the Techniques of Monitoring Ⅰ.Property Test of the Aerial Equipement of Spraying Pesticide Study on the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide and Techniques of MonitoringⅡ.Controlling Dendrolimus punctatus by the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide STUDY ON RELATITE STEM RATIO A NEW METHOD FOR EXPRESSING STEM-FORM A STUDY ON OPTIMUM FITTING ONE-WAY VOLUME EQUATION BY MODIFIED SIMPLEX METHOD STUDIES ON THE CONTROL OF THE OSTER WEEVIL (CRYPTORRHYNCHUS LAPATHI L.)BY USING BENZOYLPHENOL UREA NO.3 THE EVOLVING PATTERN OF TREE SPECIES COMPOSITION.NUMBER AND VOLUME PROPORTIONS lN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS Compiling the Standing Volume Table of Chinese Fir Based on the High-Resolution Satellite Image A Preliminary Study on the Effect of the Main Climatic and Edaphic Factors on the growth of Paulownia elongata Sizes of soil macropores and related main affecting factors on a vegetated basalt slope. Effects of population density and culture volume on the growth and reproduction of Moina irrasa.  Soil algal biomass and its influential factors in desert soil crusts A Preliminary Study on In-stream Fallen Wood in Erdaobaihe Forested Watershed, Changbai Mountain CALCULATION OF OPTIMAL ANNUAL FOREST FELLING VOLUME BY STAGES AND COMPREHENSIVE BALANCE STUDIES ON THE DENSITY AND THINNING EXPERIMENTS OF CHINESE FIR SIANDS VARIABLE RELATIVE TREE HEIGHT CURVE MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION IN TREE VOLUME ESTIMATION THE METHOD OF FORM POINT FOR MEASURING STAND VOLUME ON THE POINT OF ANGLE GAUGE Formation Time and Accumulation Intensity of HMW-GS and LMW-GS and the Relationship with SDS-sedimentation Volume in Winter Wheat Quantitative evaluation on the influence of environmental factors on timber production of Pinus tabulaeformis Individual Stem Volume Modeling Based on Tree Height and Crown Characteristics Aboveground biomass, ANPP and stem volume of birch stands in natural restoration process of subalpine secondary forest in Western Sichuan PRELIMINARY STUDY ON SPACE MUTAGENESIS OF THREE SPECIES OF WOODY PLANTS Effects of Vetiveria zizanioides roots on soil properties in the Purple Soil Area of China and the role of different root diameter classes Structural Parameters of Wind Protection of Shelterbelts and Their Application EFFICACY OF OIL FORMULATION OF BEAUVERIA BASSIANA TO DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS BY ULV SPRAYING Effect of Zige lyophilized powder for injection in improving acute cerebral microcirculation disturbance in rats Analysis of the concentration of total phenolics in Fargesia denudate A rainfall-runoff model associated with forest vegetation in a small watershed Estimation on volume and weight of the eggs of Chinese alligators (Alligator sinensis) and the effect on their hatching success Study on Growth Dynamics of Tropical Secondary NaturalForest on Hainan Island A New Kind of Stem Profile——Four-parameter Cylinder-volume Ratio Stem Profile Estimation of Amount of Carbon Pool in Natural Tropical Forest of China Effect of Spacing on Volume,Storm-resistance and Wood Quality of Eucalyptus urophylla A Volume Table for Hevea brasiliensis in Leizhou Peninsular Fertilizer Response of Eucalyptus urophylla Establishment of Economic Volume Table(Rate)of Chinese Fir Pole-timber Study on volume and length units of Chinese medicine in Song dynasties Study on tissue cultivation of adventitious roots of Pseudoxtellariae heterophylla Soil respiration patterns during restoration of vegetation in the Shapotou area, Northern China Litter amount and its dynamic change of four typical plant community under the fenced condition in desert steppe STUDIES ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROOT GROWTH AND YIELD IN MAIZE (ZEA MAYS)——Ⅱ.The Interaction of Root System and Leaves of Maize and Its Relation with Yield Simulation of Larix gmelinii tree volume growth based on random effect. Forest biomass and its spatial pattern in Guizhou Province. Spatio-temporal variation in soil moisture and vegetation along the lower reaches of Tarim River, China The growth pattern of Pinus elliottii plantation in central subtropical China Boll Development Characteristics for High-Quality Upland Cotton Cultivars The Fusion Patterns During Sexual Cell Fusion Preparation process of apigenin particles by supercritical CO2 anti-solvent method DROUGHT RESISTANCE INDEX OF THREE SPECIES OF TREES IN THE NORTHWESTERN SHANXI Effects of long-term fertilization on soil particles and microaggregate distribution in the loess area Effect of soil conditioner on the growth of Lolium multiflorum Effects of water supply volume and seed treatments on seedling emergence of Alhagi sparsifolia Effects of the Growth of Cultivated Puccinellia tenuiflora on Physical Characteristics of Alkali Soil Relationships between mound size and captured ergate amount of Solenopsis invicta. Response of P Absorption-allocation Rate and Root Morphology of Peanut to P Foliar Fertilizers With Different Acidities The Predicting Models of Crown Surface Area and Crown Volume for Mongolian Pine Plantation

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