Breviscapine listed on progress of new varieties and dosage form research Protoplasts isolation, purification and plant regeneration of Pinellia cordata Chemical mechanisms involved in slow fire processing and pulverization of Brassica juncea Structure of cell and histology around sprout tumble of Pinellia ternata A Survey on the Varieties of Flemingia (Flemingia)and Comparison of Their Respective Quality Numerical analysis of inter-specific relationships in Alpine steppe community in Bayanbulak Growth response to climate in Chinese pine as a function of tree diameter Characteristics of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea abundance in soil organic layer under the subalpine/alpine forest Bryoflora of the Alpine Tundra of Changbai Mountain and Its Floristic Relationship to the Bryofloras of Arctic Tundras Respiration of non-photosynthetic organs of Korean pine in spring Anatomical structure and stomatal activity of tea leaves in a pine-tea interplantation Effect analysis of release cutting for young growth of artificial Korean pine forest Preliminary study on tree death of Korean pine-deciduous mixed forest of Changbai Mountain Geostatistic analysis of spatial pattern of Dendrolimus punctatus Eco-value level classification and ecosystem management strategy of broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain INDUCTION, HIGH FREQUENCY REGENERATION AND ULTRASTRUCTURE OF EMBRYOGENIC CALLUS FROM ORNAMENTAL PINEAPPLE POLYPLOID INDUCED OF Pinellia ternata BASED ON SUSPENDED CELL CULTURE: Ⅱ. INDUCTION OF POLYPLOID CELL BASED ON SINGLE-CELLED LEVEL VIA COLO AND REGENERATION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS Relationship between plant communities, characters, soil physical and chemical properties, and soil microbiology in alpine meadows Analysis of AHP strategic decisions for the ecological risk of grazing system and management decisions in an alpine meadow at Gannan, Gansu Analysis of adaptation of a climate productivity model on alpine grassland Response of dominating species flowering phenology to fertilization in Qinghai-Tibetan alpine meadow Modeling dynamics of soil organic carbon in an alpine meadow ecosystemon Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using the Century model Plant diversity variations in zokor-mound communities along a successional stage in sub-alpine meadow A study on niches of dominant species of subalpine meadow in the Yunding Mountain Studies of chemical control of Pedicularis verticilata with 2,4-D butyl ester and the effect on grassland vegetation Effect of grazing intensity on characteristics of alpine meadow communities in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau The temporal and spatial distribution of soil microorganism physiological floras in alpine shrubs of the eastern Qilian mountains Response of PSⅡ photochemistry efficiency and photosynthetic pigments during exposure of
alpine plants Saussurea superba to natural UV-B radiation
Relationship between productivity and plant functional traits along successive recovery stages in an alpine meadow A study on carbon storage administration in alpine Kobresia humilis meadow in relation to influence of human activity Adaptation to Extremely High Temperature in an Alpine Environment: Systemic Thermotolerance in Arabis paniculata Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) Germplasm with SCoT Molecular Marker Quality control for alkaloids of Corydalis Rhizoma based on quantitative analysis on multi-components with single marker Simultaneous determination of seven alkaloids in Cuyanhusuo Granule by RP-HPLC Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Root of Thellung Pimpinella (Pimpinella thellungiana)(Ⅲ):Separation and Identification of Thellungianin F Separation and Identification of Thellungianol from Thellung Pimpinella (Pimpinella thellungiana) Isolation and Identification of Thellungianin C and D from the Root of Thellung Pimpinella (Pimpinella thellungiana) Effects of Breviscapine on Isolated Rat Thoracic Aortic Ring Quality of Pinellia ternata grown in Funan Dynamics and affecting factors of bulbil germination in Pinellia ternata