Dynamics of dry deposition velocities (Vd) of atmospheric SO2 on rapeseed/rice rotation systems in selected area of South China Effects of long term application of nitrogen fertilizer on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence of upland winter wheat Quantification of dry matter accumulation and distribution among different organs of winter wheat Dry deposition flux of air sulphur at a typical red soil area-with Jiangxi Red Soil Station as example Dry deposition flux of air sulphur at a typical red soil area-with Jiangxi Red Soil Station as example Effect of plastic film mulching on crop yield and nitrogen efficiency in semiarid areas Daily dynamics of photosynthesis in alfalfa varieties under dry farming conditions Soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in Jinshajing Hot-Dry River Valley Hillslope vegetation restoration sity Effects of different wheat cultivation methods on residual nitrate nitrogen in soil in dryland Spatial transference of grazing space in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Songnen Plain Dry matter accumulation and nitrogen migration of high-yielding spring maize for different nitrogen efficiency in the flowering and milking stages Effects of subsoiling and N fertilizer application on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen use efficiency and yield of summer maize Characteristics of dry matter and nutrients accumulation and transformation of super-high yield spring maize Effects of sowing density and N rate on biomass accumulation and yield of winter wheat in furrow and ridge film mulching Effects of sulphur fertilization on protein, sulfhydryl group and disulfide bond content in developing grain and processing quality of wheat Effects of partial root-zone irrigation and N,K levels on dry mass accumulation, water and nutrients use of maize Accumulation and distribution of N, P and K in Platycodon grandiflorum and their relationships to dry matter production Studies on ultra-dry of pepper seeds Observation of leaf epidermis of 15 species shrubs in Helanshan mountain by SEM A study on the effect of soil moisture of different vegetations in Loess Hilly Region Nitrogen effect and leaching under nitrogen-application or plastic film mulching planting in wheat cropland of dryland Effect of fertigation depth on dry matter partition and water use efficiency of corn Compensation effectsof planting density and fertilization on grain yield,water use efficiency and seedsnutrient contents of dry land spring wheat The effect of blanching and drying methods on chemical compositions in leafy vegetables Partial rootzone irrigation:its physiological consequencesand impact on water use efficiency Fifteen-year Changes of Tree Layer in Secondary Castanopsis-schima Humid Evergreen Broad- Biomass and Dynamics of Soil Environment During the Early Stage of Vegetation Restoration in a Degraded Dry-hot Mountain Area of Nanjian, Yunnan A Correction of the Scientific Name of Dryopteris bissetiana (Baker) C. Chr. vs Dryopteris setosa (Thunb.) Akasawa in Chinese Fern Flora Effects of soil moisture on wheat grain yield and zinc utilization in zinc-deficient dryland soil Nitrogen recommendation for dryland winter wheat by monitoring nitrate in 1 m soil and based on nitrogen balance Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen concentration and enzyme activities in tobacco leaf in dryland and paddy field Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and yield in wheat/maize/soybean intercropping systems A Study on Climatic Adaptability of Dalbergia sissoo Technical Measures for Cultivation of Water and Soil Conservation Forest in Yuanmao Dry-hot River Valley in Yunnan Province and Its Preliminary Result Effect of adding lactic acid bacteria and glucose on alfalfa silage quality Ecological effects of black fluid-film mulched over in dry land winter wheat Effects of different fertilizer application countermeasures on the soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation in dryland maize. Effects of crop residues incorporation and N-fertilizer utilization on the matter production of summer maize Comparison research of growth development of high quality maize in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Impacts of drying-wetting cycles on CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in different ecosystems Eeffects of Exogenous to Rice Dry Weight and Nitrogen Content Effect of Biochar Application Amount on the Soil Improvement and the Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco Optimization of Combined Osmotic Dehydration and Tunnel Microwave Drying of Pleurotus eryngii Optimizing Deactivation and Drying Process for Pleurotus eryngii Chip Effects of Different Tillage Methods on Dry Matter Accumulation and Transfer Characteristics of Summer Soybean Effects of Vinegar Pickling and Drying on the Volatile Flavor Compounds of Garlic Optimization of Explosion Puffing Drying for Douchi at Variable Temperature and Pressure Study on Iron Yam Chips by Far-infrared-assisted Heat Pump Drying Spectral Monitoring of Winter Wheat Above-ground Dry Biomass in Various Sowing Dates Effects of Tillage Managements in Wheat and Maize Rotation Crop System on Leaf Senescence Biological Characteristics During Grain Filling in Maize Optimization of Combined Vacuum Microwave-Explosion Puffing Drying of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn Chips Effect of soil surface mulching and N rate on dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and translocation of winter wheat Effects of long-term application of fertilizer on wheat nutrient uptake and soil fertility in Loess Plateau Effects of zinc on development of grain and dry matter accumulation in spring wheat after the ear culture in Vitro Simulating the dynamics of dry matter and nutrient accumulation of flue-cured tobacco under different boron concentration Accumulation and distribution of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in Cynanchum bungei Decne and their relationships to dry matter production In situ study of ammonia volatilization from wheat cropland under long-term continuous fertilization Characteristics of dry matter production and N, P, K and S absorption for different garlic cultivars Spermatocyte and Spermatozoid Ultra-structures of Dryopteris crassirhizoma Dynamics of soil moisture and water use efficiency under different wheat cultivation modules in dryland ENERGY FLOWING OF AGRICULTURAL ECOSYSTEM IN DRYLAND FARMING EXPERIMENTAL SITE BETWEEN EASTERN SHANXI AND WESTERN HENAN PROVINCE Study on Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield Benefit Characteristics of Two High-yield Maize Cultivars Under Different Nitrogen Regimes Effect of Different Potassium Supply Levels on Transportation, Distribution of Dry Matter and K-fertilizer Utilization Efficiency After Anthesis in Oil Flax Effect of Different Drying Methods on Quality of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn Products Tremella Quality of Combined Hot-air and Vacuum Drying and Its Effect on Micro-structure EFFECTS OF NITROGEN APPLICATION RATES ON DRY MATTER, NITROGEN ACCUMULATION AND TRANSFORMATION IN BARLEY EFFECT OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN LEVEL ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION AND NITROGEN UPTAKE AT REPRODUCTIVE STAGE OF INDICA RICE Evidence for the Younger Dryas Event in the Eastern Part of Nanling Region Effects of organic fertilizer application rate on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield of dryland maize. Differences in phosphorus utilization efficiency among wheat cultivars. Effects of supplemental irrigation based on measuring soil water content on wheat photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation and allocation. Livelihood status assessment of farmers and herdsmen’s households based on participatory appraisal: A case in Taipusi Banner of Inner Mongolia.  Effects of alternative furrow irrigation and nitrogen application rate on photosynthesis, growth, and yield of cucumber in solar greenhouse. Effects of different mulching measures on winter wheat field soil respiration in Loess Plateau dry land region. Effects of sulfur plus resin-coated controlled release urea fertilizer on winter wheat dry matter accumulation and allocation and grain yield. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on winter wheat dry matter accumulation after anthesis and flag leaf senescence. Effects of climate warming and drying on millet yield in Gansu Province and related countermeasures.  Effects of light intensity on photosynthesis and dry matter production of flue-cured tobacco at its seedling stage. Currentprogress in plant ideotype research of dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Endophytic fungal diversity of five dominant plant species in the dry-hot valley of Yuanjiang, Yunnan Province, China Influence of water storage capacity on yield of winter wheat in dry farming area in the Loess Plateau

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