Analysis on drying process, equipment application status and problem of Chinese materia medica pills Mass spectral fragmentation pattern and spectroscopic rules of phloroglucinol constituents in plants of Dryopteris Adanson Preparation of hyperoside solid nanocrystal and evaluation of its in vitro release Application and modern research on fresh herbs of Chinese materia medica Research on Petroleum Ether Extract of Rhizoma Drynariae STUDIES ON CONTROL OF GALL FORMATION OF DRYOCOSMUS KURIPHILUS YASMATAO A PRELIMINARY MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON IMMATURE STAGE OF NATURAL ENEMIES OF DRYOCOSMUS KURIPHILUS YASUMATSU A Study on Clover Moisture Measurement by Microwave Oven Method Effect of Irrigation Frequency and Amount on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Russian Wildrye On the Mechanism of Developing Forage Industry Biochemical Changes Induced by Natural Fermentation of Dry Cornstalk, Wheat Straw, and Rice Straw Relationship of Interdependence and Contradictory between Ecological Restoration and Economic Development in theEcotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in North China Studies on Siberian Wildrye’s Water Demand and Irrigation Efficiency Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Nutritive Value of Alfalfa Meal Effects of Harvest Time on Seed Yield of Siberian Wildrye Changes of Physiology and Biochemistry During Seed Development of Siberian Wildrye Mitotic Division and Karyotype Analysis of Russian Wildrye Grass Study on Comprehensive Degree of Grassland Husbandry Development of the 30 Poor Counties in Southwestern Mountainous Area Effects of Cultivation Methods on the Absorption and Use Efficiency of Phosphorus in Upland Rice and Paddy Rice Effect of Plant Distrbution in Population on Dry Matter Accumulation,Pantitioning and Yield in Summer Soybean Accumulation and Transportation Characteristics of Dry Matter after Anthesis in Different Mung Bean Cultivars Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Translocation of Dry Matter and Utilization of Nitrogen in Rice and Wheat Effect of Sowing-Date and Planting Density on Dry Matter Accumulation Dynamic and Establishment of Its Simulated Model in Maize Population Quality of Rice under Different Irrigation Regimes Post-Anthesis Photosynthetic Assimilation and the Changes of Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Varieties of Spring Maize Influences of Conservation Tillage Practices on Farmland Soil Ecological Factors and Productive Benefits in Dryland Region with Triple Cropping System in Southwest China Photosynthesis Characteristics of Flag Leaf and Dry Matter Accumulation and Allocation in Winter Wheat under Supplemental Irrigation after Measuring Moisture Content in Different Soil Layers Effect of Low Nitrogen Rate Combined with High Plant Density on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Super Rice Effects of Brassinosteroids (BRs) on Photosynthetic Matter, Nitrogen Accumulation and Use Efficiency during Grain Filling Stage of Hybrid Japonica Dynamic Model and Its Characteristics Analysis for Dry Matter Production after Heading of Indica/JaponicaHybrid Rice of Yongyou Series Effects of Mulching and Nitrogen Application on Photosynthetic Characteristicsand Yield Traits in Broomcorn Millet Experimental study on efficiency of Spanishneedles Herb eye drops in treating perimenopausal xerophthalmia in rabbits Weibull distribution for modeling drying of Angelicae Sinensis Radix and its application in moisture dynamics Study on totai flavonoids of Epimedium assisted with soybean polysaccharide spray-drying powder Study on suitable harvest time of Dendrobium officinale in Yunnan province Effects of different drying methods on processing performance and quality in bulbus of Tulipa edulis Effect on quality of Scrophulariae Radix with modern drying technology Status and problem analysis of drying process and equipment for traditional Chinese medicinal materials and preparations Effect of drying methods on monoterpenes, phenolic acids and flavonoids in Mentha haplocalyx Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Drug Guanzhong Produced in East China Preliminary Studies on Breeding Quality Indicates and Strategies of Processing Special Varieties of Purple Sweet Potato Granules Effects of Wide Belt Planting on Population Quality and Yield in Winter Wheat Studies on Growth and Development of Artemisia annua L. in Wuling Mountain Area Leaf Functional Characteristics in Different Strains of Prunus campanulata Seed Dispersion and Seed Bank Characteristics of Terminalia franchetii in Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River Curcin Content of Jatropha curcas Seeds and Its Correlationship with Seed Traits in Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River Allocation and Accumulation of Pollutants in 8 Tree Species Grown in Ceramic Industry Polluted Area Study on the Development of Perispore of Dryoathyrium coreanum(Christ)Tagawa Effects of Nitrogen on the Dry Matter,Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution of Cotton under Short-term Soil Drought during the Flowering and Boll-forming Stage Hardseedness Release in Two Populations of Sophora alopecuroides under Simulated Moisture and Temperature Conditions Drying Evenness of Small-Diameter Larix gmelinii in Polygonal Cutting Research on the Pathogen of Dry Shrink on Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) in Heilongjiang Province Technology and Its Mechanism of Color Keeping in Red Rose Petals during theProcessing of Dry Pressed Flowers Technology and Its Mechanism of Color Keeping in Red Rose Petals during theProcessing of Dry Pressed Flowers Effect of Different Ultra-drying Methods on Vegetable Seeds for Longterm Storage Effect of Different Ultra-drying Methods on Vegetable Seeds for Longterm Storage Effects of Nitrogen Application on the Forage Dry Matter Yield and Quality of Alfalfa with Seasonal Cultivation Effects of Plant Tannin on the Nutrition and Healthy Production of Ruminant:A Review Effect of Anti-TRX s Gene on Thioredoxin Reduction Characteristics in Seeds of Transgenic Wheat The Expression Difference of OsEXP3 and OsEXP5 mRNA in Dryland Rice Regulation of Controlled Soil Drying on Remobilization of Stem-stored Carbohydrate to Grain in Wheat Grown under Unfavorably-delayed Senescence Effects of Controlled Soil Drought on Remobilization of Stem-stored Carbohydrate and Grain Filling of Wheat with Unfavorably-delayed Senescence The Response of Yield Formation and Abscisic Acid Content in Root, Stem, and Leaf of Maize to Soil Drying Physiological and Ecological Effects of Crimpy Leaf Character in Rice (Oryza sativa L. ) Ⅱ.Photosynthetic Character, Dry Mass Production and Yield Forming Association between Wheat Quality Traits and Performance of Pan Bread and Dry White Chinese Noodle A Preliminary Study of Simulation on Shoot Dry Matter Partitioning in Rice Remobilization of Carbon Assimilates in the Stems during Grain Filling and its Physiological Mechanism in Dry-cultivated Rice A RESEARCH ON THE FLORA OF NUJIANG DRY-HOT VALLEY IN LUJIANGBA OF YUNNAN A STUDY ON THE THORNY SUCCULENT SHRUBS IN DRY-HOT VALLEY OF YUANJIAN COUNTY An Investigation of the Therapeutic Effect of Drynaria baronii Diels on Experimental Osteoarthritis Effective constituents and kinetic model of microwave drying from Shuxiong prescription Study on Xinyueshu spray drying assisted with copovidone and its effect on powder property Studies on absorption kinetics characteristics of diterpenoid alkaloids in rats after oral administration of Sini Tang powder Studies on new co-processed excipient consisting of lactose and gelatinized starch Stem Sap Flow Characteristics of Acacia auriculaeformis in Dry-hot Valley and Their Relations to Meteorological Factors Yield Component and Dry Matter Accumulation in Wheat Varieties with 9000 kg ha−1 Yield Potential in Sichuan Basin Effects of Nitrogen Application Depth on Water Consumption Characteristics and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in Rainfed Wheat Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation and Translocation in Rice Cultivars with High Yield and High Nitrogen Use Efficiency Effect of Interaction between Nitrogen Rates and Irrigation Regimes on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice Effects of Cultivation Methods on Dry Matter Production and Yield of Rice under Different Ecological Conditions

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