Interactive effects of low phosphorus and drought stress on dry matter accumulation and phosphorus efficiency of soybean plants The pattern of photosynthate partitioning in drought-stressed winter wheat and its relationship with yield EFFECTS OF DEEP CULTIVATION\|ROOT CUTTING ON NITROGEN DISTRIBUTION AND UTILIZATION AND YIELD IN DRY LAND WHEAT OF HIGH YIELD THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ABOVE GROUND ORGANS WITH ROOTS OF WINTER WHEAT USING 32 P TRACER MOISTURE TRANSFER IN MIXTURE OF WET AND DRY CORN SEEDS DURING DRYING PROCESS Seed transmission of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus on gourd and the evaluation of the effect of heat treatment Response of Gangyou725 to the toxin of four rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae physiological races Identification of the pathogens causing potato dry rot in Hebei and Inner Mongolia Cynanchum forrestii var.conduplicatum (Asclepiadaceae) A New Variety from Yunnan and Sichuan,China Stability of alfalfa and wheatgrass pasture under dry farming in a pastoral agronomy area Analysis of botanical traits and self-compatibility in winter rapeseed Brassica napus and Brassica rapa and F1 hybrid populations Effects of polyethylene glycol priming on the vigor of aged oat seeds Investigation on the Growth Rule of Root System of Winter Wheat in Semiarid Red Clay Soil Hills Surface Flow in an Acacia mangium Plantation and an Orchard in Heshan, Guangdong Province, China Effect of Fertilization on Sensitivity of Abaxial and Adaxial Stomatal Resistance in Winter Wheat Leaves Under Dryland Conditions The Growth Rhythm of the Grasses Populations and their Adaptability of Environment in Kobresia humilis Meadow Studies on the Solar Energy Utilization Ratio in a Chamaecyparis obtusa Plantation (I) ——Community Productive Structure, Standing Crop, Increment and Solar Energy Utilization Ratio Investigation of bud burst, shoot growth and leaf expansion in Populus euphratica of different ages Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on post-silking dry matter production and leaves function characteristics of low-nitrogen tolerance maize Photosynthetic responses of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings to shading caused by maize in an intercropping system Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Danjiangkou Reservoir area of Northwest Hubei The effect and mechanism of intercropping pattern on yield and economic benefit on the Loess Plateau Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of Nitraria tangutorum in the artificially simulated precipitation Spatial recognition of ecological importance and analysis of terrain gradients characteristic of unused lands in Guyuan County The compensation growth and salt ion distribution in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) after salt stress reduction Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils Nutrient restrictive factors, nutrient absorption and accumulation of red kidney bean Physiological activity and material production in processing tomato under continuous cropping Distribution characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in dry farmland soil aggregates under different tillage methods in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province Response of soil respiration to repeated cycles of drying and rewetting in soils of the sand-fixed region of the Tengger Desert Effects of irrigation on plant growth and nitrogen use characteristics of Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk seedlings The effects of different mulching way on soil water thermal characteristics in pear orchard in the arid area Spatial-temporal variability of dry and wet deposition of atmospheric nitrogen in different ecological regions of Shaanxi Assessing effects of Cupressus chengiana plantations in the dry valley of Zagunao River, Li county of Sichuan Province

Combination Drying Method of Microwave and Hot Air in the Production of Suyu-303 Sweet Potato Chips Film-covering modes of drought prevention for dry land maize PRELIMINARY STUDY ON A NOVEL PIEZOELECTRIC IMMUNOSENSORS FOR DETECTION OF METHYL PARATHION EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF RICE EXPLOSION PUFFING DRYING BY MODIFIED TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE FOR CITRUS Study on Anatomical Property of Xylem Cells of the Eight Woody Xerophytes Grown in China Changes of Growth, Development and Photosynthesis Indicators of Jerusalem artichoke Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation and Partition of Different Summer Corn Varieties at the Later Growth Stage Two New Records of Dryopteridaceae of Qinling,Shaanxi Substitution Indexes of Carbon Isotope Discrimination for Spring Wheat Effects of Different Drying Methods on Officinal Qualities of Flos lonicerace Major Viruses and Effect of Major Virus Diseases and Virus-Eliminating Meristem Culture on Sweetpotato Yield and Quality in China Floral sex allocation and flowering pattern in the andromonocious Soranthus meyeri (Apiaceae) Effects of a winter wildfire on plant community structure and forage quality in subalpine grassland of western Sichuan, China Variability and association of leaf traits between current-year and former-year leaves in evergreen trees in Tiantong, Zhejiang, China Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on phloem sap composition and root nitrogen accumulation in oilseed rape Analysis of ecological and environmental effects of coordination of farming and animal husbandry of “rice-ryegrass-goose” Technical researches on sustainable development of dry land farming Eco-agricultural construction at dry valley in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River Regional difference of cropping-animal husbandry system and its developmental trends at intensive farming region in the Changjiang River Delta The role of agro-forestry-animal husbandry ecoeconomic system in agricultural sustainable development Effects ot mulch and ridge plant on dayland millet field at fallow stage Ecological efect of retnrning corn stalks to the field and applying fertilizer in autumn in dry land Study on dry resistance of seven young coniferous and broad-leaved trees with PV-technology Basic theory and practice of agro-animal husbandry eco-engineering Effects of plastic film mulching periods on the soil nitrogen availability in semiarid areas The effect of arid climate on the structure and above-ground growth of Bothrichloa ischaemum community THE RAINWATER HARVESTING TECHNOLOGY APPROACH FOR DRYLAND AGRICULTURE IN SEMI ARID LOESS PLATEAU OF CHINA Effects of seabuckthorn( Hippophae rhamnoides L.)on nutrient distribution and biological cycling of poplar plantations in dry subhumid area of China Spatial and Temporal Variations of Water Poten tia l of theMa in Tree Spec iesfor Vegeta tion Restora tion in the Dry-hot Va lleys of the Jin sha River Seed transmission of Pantoea agglomerans, causal agent of dry stalk rot, in maize Year-round accumulation of dry matter and NPK of ‘Nanguo’ pear trees Profit analysis of different rotations based on leguminous green manure in dryland area Analysis on status of soil potassium and the effects of potassium fertilizer in dryland soil in Guizhou Progress and Perspectives on Vegeta tion Restora tion in the Dry-hot Valley Stock Sap Flow Characters of Juglans reg ia and Relationship withM eteorological Factors in Dry Season Effect of Air-drying on Vigor of Melia toosendan Seedlings in Dry-hot Valley of Jinshajiang River Effects of excessive nitrogen fertilization on soil organic carbon and nitrogen and nitrogen supply capacity in dryland Effects of Plantation on Soil Nutrient and Evaluation in Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley Comparative Research on Soil Fertility of Different Artificial Plantations in Yuanmou Dry-iot Valley,Yunnan Province Growth and nitrogen uptake of maize relay intercropped with soybean or sweet potato Study of  tillage patterns suitable for soil physicochemical properties and crop yields in wheat/maize fields Chromosome localization and regulation role in phosphorous uptake of phosphate transporter gene TaPht1; 4 under Pi deprivation in wheat Effects of ultradrying storage on vigor and antioxidase activity of Cichoriun intybus seeds Effect of ultra-dry treatment on seed storage of Hedysarum laeve Effect of Day time Sub-high Temperature on Photosynthesis and Dry MatterAccumulation of Tomato in Greenhouse

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