Historical range of variability in forest ecosystem management: Applications and prospects. Evaluation of forest ecosystem services value in Liaoning Province. Estimating the carbon storage of Fuyang forest ecosystems based on InVEST model Effects of lac-corn agroforest ecosystem on ground-dwelling antdiversity and functional groups Fluxes between agroforest ecosystem and low level atmosphere The Background Value and Ecological Effect of Water Quality of Tropical Forest Catchment in Jianfengling, Hainan Island Biogeochenlistry Characteristics on Tropical Forest Ecosystems in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Research Progress of CoarseWoody Debris in Forest Ecosystems N biogeochemical cycle and its impacts on environments in an agro-forest ecosystem Carbon cycle in ten kinds of forest ecosystem in Guangzhou City. Forest resources in Qingyuan County of Liaoning, Northeast China: Their structure and optimal spatial allocation. Characteristics of storage and decomposition of coarse woody debris (CWD) under three forests in Guangzhou Effects of harvesting and burning on forest N dynamics STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL ENZYMIC ACTIVITIES AND PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY IN FOREST ECOSYSTEM OF MT.JINYUN EVAPOTRANSPIRATION OF THE MONSOON EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAF FOREST IN DINGHUSHAN, GUANGDONG PROVINCE Transfer and transformation of PAHs in the hydrological process of camphor forest ecosystem Dissolved organic carbon in soil solution of paludalfs udalfs in Mt. Lushan forest under impact of acid deposition A review of ecological effects of remnant trees in degraded forest ecosystems after severe disturbances Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services Value of the National and Provincical Nature Reserves in Yunnan Province Researches on improving the quality of forest land and the productivity of artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata stands Distribution pattern of nutrient elements in masson pine plantation of Anhui province Ecological restoration effects of typical manmade ecosystems and relationships between restoration variables in middle Yunnan area Approaches for assessing forest ecosystem health Vegetation carbon storage and density of forest ecosystems in China A review of affecting factors of soil nitrogen mineralization in forest ecosystems Sulfate in liquid phase of forest ecosystem and its dynamics in Mt.Lushan under acid deposition Soil solution chemistry and element budget in the forest ecosystem in Guangzhou Suggestions on restoration and reconstruction of degraded forest ecosystem in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River The influences of regional atmospheric precipitation characteristics and its element inputs on the existence and development of Dinghushan forest ecosystems The characteristics of ecological energetics of the forest ecosystem in the successional process in Dinghushan,Guangdong,China A STUDY ON WATER BALANCE OF PROTECTIVE FOREST ECOSYSTEM IN LOESS AREA Evaluation of the Chinese Fir Forest Ecosystem Services Value Distribution and Gap Analysis of Hubei’s Priority Conservation Forest Ecosystems Carbon and nitrogen storage and distribution in four forest ecosystems in Liupan Mountains, northwestern China NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION AND SPECIES DIVERSITY OF CORTICOLOUS LICHEN COMMUNITIES IN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS OF THE TIANSHAN MOUNTAINS Regional and global estimates of carbon stocks and carbon sequestration capacity in forest ecosystems: A review. Carbon sequestration status of forest ecosystems in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. A model to assess the degradation degree of damaged evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem Forest ecosystem health and sustainable utilization of wild fauna and flora resources Efficiencies of earthworms(Eisenia foetida) decomposing forest litters An practical method for automatically identifying the evergreen and deciduous characteristic of forests at mountainous areas: a case study in Mt.Gongga Region Effects of nitrogen deposition on forest biodiversity: a review Establishing and validation individual-based carbon budget model FORCCHN of forest ecosystems in China Soil CO2 emission distribution along an elevation gradient and the controlling factors in the forest ecosystem Discussion on the study methods and models of litter decomposition The preliminary analysis of forest ecosystem site index using remote sensed data Zoning to forestry ecosystem functions: A case of Hui-Sun Forest Station in Taiwan Spatial and temporal variations of some hydrological factors in a climax forest ecosystem in the Dinghushan region The assessment of forest ecosystem biodiversity by remote sensing Characteristics and distributions of degraded ecological types in China Ecosystem Service Value of Forests in Yunnan Province On Study of Structure and Function of World Forest Ecosyste A review on cadmium contamination in forest ecosystem The effects of different components of the forest ecosystem on water quality in the Huoditang forest region, Qinling Mountain Range Hydrochemical Characteristics on Tropical Forest Ecosystems in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Biological Cycling of the Nutrient Elements in Forest Ecosystems Comprehensive Benefits of the Compound Agricultural and Forest Ecosystem in Raoyang Experimental Area in Huang-Huai-Hai Plan Studies on Leaves Decomposition of Some Tree Species in Changbai Mountain Nutrient Characteristics of Stemflow and Throughfall in two Coniferous Forest Ecosystems Assessment indicators system of forest ecosystem health based on the harmful disturbance A Review on Litter Decomposition in Forest Ecosystem Advances in Forest Soil Enzymology Service value evaluations of the forest ecosystem in Chizhou Changes in Soil Nutrients in Different Eroded Soils in Pinus massoniana Forest Ecosystems in Fujian Province,China LITTER FALL PRODUCTION IN RELATION TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN NORTHEAST CHINA’S FORESTS Responses of Pinus tabulaeformis forest ecosystem in North China to climate change and elevated CO2: A simulation based on BIOME-BGC model and tree-ring data. Biomass allometric models for understory shrubs of warm temperate forest ecosystem A STUDY ON PREVENTING RODENT PEST USING RESIDUE OF TENDING IN YOUNG FOREST Ecological Functions of Herbaceous Layer in Forest Ecosystem

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