FUNCTIONS OF BRANCHES OF THE CLONAL TREE SYMPLOCOS LAURINA Persisters and their effects on microbial biofilm tolerance: A review. Reproductive allocation in four desert species of the genus Nitraria L. Characteristics of Reproductive Modules of Endangered Heptacodium miconioides Dynamics of soil moisture and water use efficiency under different wheat cultivation modules in dryland Density-dependent regulation of above- and below-ground modules in Allium cepa var. proliferum populations Ecophysiological characteristics of leaves and fine roots in dominant tree species in a subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan during seasonal frozen soil period Variation of module of Artemisia frigida population under different grazing intensities Effect of Phenol-Formaldehyde-Modified on Mechanical Properties of Tracheids Cell Wall Dormancy Module Structures of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites Populations in the Yily River Valley Area of Xinjiang, China Influence on Leaf Function Traits and Modules of Mowing Intensity in Seriphidum transiliense Comparative study on four membrane modules in membrane filtration process of Huanglian Jiedu decoction Study on convergent growth pattern of silique for wild rapeseeds population in Tibet The Flowering Phenology and Characteristics of Reproductive Modules of Endangered Plant Camellia nitidissima Architectural Model and Leaf Water Feature of Taxus yunnanensis under Heterogeneous Light Condition Modular Dynamics and Structure of Picea mongolica Temporal and spatial dynamics of reproductive modules of endangered plant Disanthus cercidifolius varlongipes natural populations Biomass structure and production pattern of Hordeum brevisubulatum clonal modules under cultivated condition in the Songnen Plains Effect of restorative measures on quantitative characters of reproduction for Leymus chinensis population in the degenerated grassland Biomass structure and quantitative relationship models of modules in clonal population of Puccinillia chinampoensis in Songnen plain Geographic Variations of Stipa grandis Clonal Populations in the Xilingol Plateau of Inner Mongolia Plasticity of clonal modules of Leymus chinensis in response to different environments Clone growth and its age structure of Leymus secalimus modules in the Songnen Plain of China A Study on Photosynthetic Physiological Characters of Vegetative and Reproductive Tillers of Axonopus Compressus Variations of Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Contents in Different Age Class Modules of Leymus chinensis Populations in Sandy and Saline-Alkaline Soil on the Songnen Plains of China Structure and development regulation on dormancy modules of Hordeum brevisubulatum clone on cultivated condition in the Songnen Plains of China Effects of Different Restoration Measures on the Reproductive Module and Resource Allocation of Thermopsis lanceolata in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Reproductive Modules and Their Spatial Patterns of Betula alnoides in Two Habitats Biomass Allocation on the Modules of Aster subulatus Michx. Population at Flowering Stage Establishment and application of source/sink-based agricultural non-point source pollution model Effects of diameter at breast height, modules and seasons on Taxol and 10\|DAB contents in Taxus Chinensis var. mairei Module biomass of Ageratum conyzoides populations in different habitats Explore ideal of establishing ischemic stroke drugs group modules based on electronic medical records Module biomass structure of the alien invasive plant Conyza canadensis Protein interaction network analysis of Panax notoginseng saponins The Branching Pattern and Biomass of Mikania micrantha Shoot Modules in Acacia confusa Community and Miscanthus sinensis Community Estimating individual above-ground biomass of Leymus chinensis plants Multivariate Analysis of the Ecological Factors and the Modular Structure of Gordonia acumenata Young Tree Population in Mountain Jinyun, Sichuan, China The Ecological Classification and Ordination of Maowusu Sandy Grassland Landscape Evolutionary Innovation Based on Co-option and Integration of Developmental Modules STUDIES ON DYNAMICS AND REGULATION OF PROPAGATIVE MODULE OF PLEIOBLASTUS MACULATA CLONE POPULATION Investigation of multi-composition in traditional Chinese medicine by module calculation Module structure of Leymus chinensis clones under cultivated condition in Songnen Plains of China Quantitative Characteristics and Reproductive Allocation Study on Reproductive Ramets of Spartina alterniflora Population in Tidal-flat in Tianjin,China Components and age structures of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites population modules in the Yily River Valley area, China Growth and biomass allocation of Artemisia annua from different seed sources Age Structures of Modular Biomass of Leymus secalimus Populations in the Different Stages of Vegetative Restoration on Coal Ash Storing Pools of Thermal Power Plant, Kerqin Steppe Region Module biomass structure and seed germination traits of the exotic invasive plant Gaura parviflora Study on reproductive unit size and reproductive modules dynamics of Castanopsis fargesii in Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province Effects of Enclosure on Growth and Biomass Allocation of Seriphidium transiliense Modules in a Sagebrush Desert Grassland The synergy effects of water and fertilizer supply on a rotational system of spring wheat and peas under different tillage practices in a loess hilly region Study on modules biomass structure of Epimedium acuminatum in different habitats Studies on Dynamic Characteristics of Seriphidium transiliense Modules Anti-inflammatory mechanism research of flavonoid compounds in Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum by module-based network analysis Changes of Total Flavonoids Content at the Module and Ramet Levels in Neosinocalamus affinis Comparison of Morphological Characteristics and Biomass Allocation of Module in Medicinal Plants of Epimedium from Sichuan The blooming and production of reproductive modules in relation to tree age and their position within crowns in Betula platyphylla

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