Chemical constituents of Dendrobium crystallinum A NEW TAXON AND THREE NEW RECORD OF GENERA(ORCHIDACEAE) FROM YUNNAN, CHINA ORCHID FLORA IN THE FANJINGSHAN MOUNTAINS SOUTHWEST CHINA Studies on chemical constituents of Dendrobium crystallinum On Paphiopedilum malipoense sp. nov.—An Intermediate Form Between Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium, with a Discussion on the Origin of the genus Bulbophullum xylophyllum, a new record of orchid species from China A newly recorded species of Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae) from China Chiloschista exuperei, a new orchid addition to China from Yunnan A Test Study of Liparis kumokiri F. Maek Exists in the Northeast of China A NEW RECORDED GENUS OF FAMILY ORCHIDACEAE FROM CHINA──STIGMATODACTYLUS Didymoplexiella Garay, a newly recorded genus of Orchidaceae from Guangxi, China Sunipia nigricans, a new recorded species of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China Four newly recorded species of orchidaceae from China Habenaria myriotricha, a new record of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China New records of Thrixspermum(Orchidaceae)from Guangxi, China Microstructure and endophytic fungus distribution of the root of endangered and officinal plant Spiranthes sinensis New records of Phalaenopsis(Orchidaceae)from Guangxi, China Didymoplexis vietnamica, a newly recorded species of Didymoplexis (Orchidaceae) from China Miscellaneous notes on Orchidaceae from Hainan(Ⅰ) comA new record of Orchidaceae from mainland China:Goodyera nankoensis Fukuyama A newly recorded species of Phaius (Orchidaceae) from China Niche characteristics of Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Orchidaceae)with two ecotypes in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island Cheirostylis serpens Aver., a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China Eria clavicaulis, a new record of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China A new record of Pennilabium(Orchidaceae), P. struthio Carr from China[J]. Guihaia,2014,34(5):670-672A new record of Pennilabium(Orchidaceae), P. struthio Carr from China A new record of Orchidaceae from mainland China: Gastrochilus somai(Hayata)Hayata A new record of Cleisostoma(Orchidaceae)from China Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Pollinium Morphology of Five Most Common Cultivated Orchid Genera(Orchidaceae) A NEW SPECIES OF PHALAENOPSIS FROM YUNNAN A NEW SPECIES OF THE ORCHIDACEAE--PLEI0NE ALBA TWO NEW SPECIES OF ORCHIDACEAE FROM CHINA Studies on chemical components and pharmacological activities of geobiontic type medicinal plants in Orchidaceae family Eria mêdogensis, a Probably Peloric Form of Eria Coronaria, with a Discussion on Peloria in Orchidaceae Cypripedium subtropicum, a New Species Related to Selenipedilum The Chromosome Numbers of 12 Species in Orchidaceae from China The Chromosome Numbers of 12 Species in Orchidaceae from China Chenorchis: a new orchid genus and its eco-strategy of ant pollination Chusua nana f. alba Z. H. Wu & Q. H. Yang, a New Form of Chusua (Orchidaceae) from Shaanxi,China Dendrobium luoi, a New Species of Orchidaceae from China Habenaria anomaliflora,a New Record of Orchidaceae from China The Occurrence of Habenaria leptoloba(Orchidaceae) in Guangdong Additions to the Orchidaceae of Guizhou Province Isolation and structural elucidation of flavonoids from Ancecotochilus roxburghii New Species of Orchidaceae from Western Sichuan, China Calanthe longgangensis, A New Species of Calanthe (Orchidaceae) from Guangxi, China A New Synonym of Tainia (Orchidaceae) Two Newly Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from China Two Newly Recorded Species of Oberonia (Orchidaceae) from China Two Newly Recorded Genera of Orchidaceae from Anhui Province Two Newly Recorded Mycotrophic Species of Orchidaceae from China Zeuxinella, A Newly Recorded Genus of Orchidaceae from China Two New Records of Orchidaceae from China Research Progresses on Cross Breeding of Phalaenopsis A Newly Recorded Species of Pteroceras (Orchidaceae) from China Anoectochilus lylei Rolfe ex Downie (Orchidaceae), A New Record from Yunnan, China Distribution and Floristic Characteristics of Wild Orchids in Qiyunshan Nature Reserve Two Newly Recorded Species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from China A New Record of Orchidaceae from China Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuyama, A New Record of Orchidaceae from Mainland China Gastrodia R. Br., A New Recorded Genus of Orchidaceae in Guangdong Province Research Progress on Cross Breeding of Paphiopedilum Two Newly Recorded Genera of Orchidaceae from Fujian Province A New Subgenus of Platanthera (Orchidaceae) Chemical constituents of Dendrobium crystallinum Comparison of Orchidaceae Flora in 38 Regions of China Habenaria fargesii,A Newly Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from Shaanxi Province Biodiversity of Orchidaceae of Qomolangma National Nature Reserve Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Orchids Newly Recorded to China Lesliea, a Newly Recorded Genus of Orchidaceae from China A Karyological Study of Fourteen Species in Eleven Genera of the Orchidaceae Miscellaneous Notes on Orchidaceae from China New Species of Orchidaceae from Western Sichuan, China Habenaria vidua,a new recorded of Orchidaceae from Yunnan,China[J].Guihaia,2015,35(1):75-76Habenaria vidua, a new recorded of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China A Preliminary Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) Based on nrITS Sequence Data Studies on Relationship between Species, Cultivars of Cymbidium Using RAPD Research Advances of Orchidaceae Plants in Phylogeny and Genetic Relation The flora characteristic of Orchidaceae in Fanjing Mountain Biosphere Reserve, Guizhou, China Chrysoglossum Bl., a newly recorded genus of Orchidaceae from Hainan Province