Megasporogenesis,microsporogenesis and development of male and female gametophytes in Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Genesis of microspore, megaspore and the development of male gametophyte, female gametophyte in Diphylleia sinensis Study on the development correlation between male and female gametes and the induction of 2n gamete of Rongan kumquat (F.crassifolia) Studies on callus induction and gametophyte regeneration of Bartramia pomiformis Gametophyte development in Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum and its systematic significance Gametophyte development in Mesopteris tonkineusis and its systematic significance Studies on the Development of Gametophyte of Egenolfia sinensis and Egenolfia bipinnatifida The emergence of macrospore and the formation of female gametophyte in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Comparative Morphology of Development of the Gametophyte and Juvenile Sporophyte of Phymatopteris Embryological Studies in Rheum palmatum L. Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis and the Formation of Male and Female Gametophyte in Coix lacryma-jobi L. Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte in Siraitia grovenorii Investigation on the Development of Male Cametophyte in Anemarrhena Asphodeloides Development of Gametophyte and Oogenesis of the Fern Lygodium japonicum Primary Study on Antheridiogen System of Dryopteris uniformis Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in Cynanchum otophyllum Schneid Progress of Variations in Floral Organs and Seeds of Autotetraploid Plants Gametophyte Development of Athyrium niponicum Observation on the Systematic Characteristics of Gametophyte in Sinephropteris delavayi Gametophytic Development and Apogamy of the Fern Onychium siliculosum(Desv.) C. Chr. A New Observation on Several Morphological Characteristics of Gametophyte in Lygodium japonicum Comparative Studies on the Development of Male and Female Gametophytes Between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line’s Flowers of Tagetes erecta L. Development and Apogamy of the Gametophyte of the Fern Pteris fauriei Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte of Euphorbia fischeriana Ultrastructural study on the development of male gametophyte in Paeonia lactiflora Megasporogenesis,development of female gametophyte of Manglietia insignis(Magnoliaceae) Current status on female gametophyte and fertilization in Ginkgo biloba Influence to crop seed sprouting on bryophytes Anatomical Studies on Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte in Tapiscia sinensis Oliver Fruit Growth and Female Gametophyte Development in Paphiopedilum barbigerum Tang et Wang Megasporogenesis, Development of Megagametophyte and Embryo in Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze Studies on the Gametophyte Development of Phanerophlebiopsis blinii (Lévl.) Ching (Dryopteridaceae) Studies on the Gametophyte Development of Hypodematium crenatum (Forssk.) Kuhn MICROSPOROGENESIS, MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN ALLIUM CHINENSE G.DON Embryological Studies on Momordi cacharantia L. Blooming and Fruiting Habits,Microspore Genesis and Development of Male Gametes of Trigonobalanus doichangensis Observations on the Spore Germination and Prothallium Development of Ferns Genomic Exchange and Rearrangement and Its Effect on Fertility of Male Gametophyte in Cucumis hytivus STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTH-EASTERN CHINA Ⅵ.SINOPTERIDACEAE STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA Ⅷ ASPLENIACEAE STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GAMETOPHYTES OF FERNS FROM NORTH EASTERN CHINA Ⅶ.THELYPTERIDACEAE MICRO, MEGASPOROGENESISES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTES IN PARASENECIO ROBOROWSKII Study on the Development of Ovule and Female Gametophyte in Alpinia henryi Studies on the Development of Gametophyte in Matteuccia orientalis Effects of Spore Storage Time and Culture Conditions on the Formation of Gametophyte and Sporophyte of Adiantum reniforme var.sinense Studies on the Development of Gametophyte of Bolbitis hainanensis and Egenolfia appendiculata(Bolbitidaceae) Studies on the Gametophyte Development of Two Species of Davalliaceae Studies on Megasporogenesis and Development of Megagametophytes in Taxus chinensis var. mairei Mega-and Microsporognesis and Development of Femal and Male Gametophyte in Setaria glauca GNOM-LIKE 2, Encoding an Adenosine Diphosphate-Ribosylation Factor Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Protein Homologous to GNOM and GNL1, is Essential for Pollen Germination in Arabidopsis AtTMEM18 plays important roles in pollen tube and vegetative growth in Arabidopsis Studies on the Development of Gametophyte and Oogenesis of the Fern Microlepia platyphylla Studies on the Formation of Microspores and Development of Male Gametophyte in Acer yanjuechi (Aceraceae) Microsporogenesis, development of male gametophyte in Michelia figo and their systematic significance ANALYSIS OF ESTERASE ISOZYMES NINE SPECIES OF ATHYRIACEAE Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes in Ceratoides arborescens Pollen Viability and Male and Female Gametophyte Development in Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Study on the Morphodifferentiation and Anther Structure in Flowers of Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Effect of Heavy Metals (Cd, Cu) on the Gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch Assessment of Genetic Diversities of Selected Laminaria (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) Gametophytes by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes in Bupleurum chinense Research progress on development and physio-ecology of fern gametophytes STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE CELLS OF THIRD GENERATIONOF THE STRATOSPHERE RADIATIVE MILLET Developments of Male and Female Gametophytes of ‘Ziyingui’, an Osmanthus fragrans Variety Female gametogeny,fertilization,embryogeny of Larix chinensis and it‘‘‘‘s systematic significance Cytological studies on meiosis and male gametophyte development in cucumber Ultrastructural studies of microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte in Paeonia suffruticosa Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Aleuritopte risargentea THE STUDIES OF THE FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT AND THE EMBRYOGENESIS IN DORITIS PULCHERRIMA LINDL. MEGA- AND MICROSPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE AND MALE GAMETOPHYTES IN ANOECTOCHILUS ROXBURGHII (ORCHIDACEAE) Gametophyte Development of Three Species of Dryopteridaceae Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis of Hermaphrodite and Male Gametophytes from Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.) Brongn. on Different Media The structures of reproductive organs and development of the female and male gametophyte of Dendrocalamus sinicus The development of gametophytes of Dryopteris fragrans Observation on the gametophyte development of Macrothelypteris torresiana

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