Cytological Study on Male Sterile of Lavandula pinnata L.
A New Ornamental Cabbage Hybrid‘Beijing Peony Red 2’
A New Carrot Cultivar‘Hongxin 105’ Effect of perennial cultivation on “Dong A” genic male sterile lines in annual upland cotton Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Male Gametophyte Development in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Two New Cabbage Hybrid Varieties with Dominant Male Sterile Lines as Female Parents—‘Zhonggan No. 16’ and‘Zhonggan No. 17’ Effects of temperature on panicle exsertion of TGMS rice with eui gene Mapping QTLs for Male Sterile Gene in YM-Type Thermo-Sensitive Male Sterile Line of Wheat Development and Application of a Computer-Aided Selection System for Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Multiplying Site GENETIC STUDY ON FERTILITY OF A NEW MALE STERILE MATERIEL SC316 IN RICE Isoelectrofocusing Electrophoretic Analysis on Soluble Protein of Germinated Embryos and Young Shoots from Different Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines and Their Maintainers in Wheat Male Fertility Transformation of Two-line Wheat Sterile Lines BNS Characteristic,Inheritance and Breeding Application of Rice Mutants with Greenable Albino Leaf GENETIC RELATION ANALYSIS OF Boehmeria nivea CULTIVARS OR LINES FROM SICHUAN WITH ISSR AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOLECULAR MARKERS LINKED TO MALE STERILE GENG MALE-STERILITY AND FERTILITY OF NEW RAPESEED CMS LINE Xin1 Physiobiochemical Characteristics and Stamen Development Characteristics of LRCMS Flower in Winter Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) A New Early-maturity Cauliflower Hybrid ‘Jingyan 60’ Effect of Hormones on the Regeneration of Different Explants of GMS Line in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Breeding of Nuclear Male Sterile Line in Qingmaye Type of Chinesecabbage Meiotic Observation and Male Gametes Development in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile of Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. ) Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes During Anther Abortion of Taigu Genic Male Sterile Wheat by Combining Suppression Subtractive Hybridization and cDNA Array CONTROL OF CHINESE CITRUS FLY Dacus citri BY MALE STERILE TECHNIQUE STUDIES ON THE CYTOPLASM EFFECT AND CYTOPLASM RELATIONSHIP OF CHINA SORGHUM CYTOPLASM MALE STERILE LINE"601" MEIOSIS OBSERVATION OF THE STERILE MUTANT AFTER INJECTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA INTO WHEAT ANALYSIS OF PLANT HEIGHT BETWEEN MALE STERILE PLANTS OBTAINED BY SPACE FLIGHT AND MALE FERTILE PLANTS IN MAIZE Agronomic Traitsand Cytogenetics of Hybrid F1 Generated from Male Sterile Line of Sorghum and Four Kinds of Sorghum sudanense The Mixed Genetic Analysis of Photoperiod-Temperature Sensitive Male Sterility of BS210 in Wheat Diurnal Changes of Photosynthetic and Physiological Parameters in Different Male Sterile Lines of Wheat Morphological and Cytological Study on Male Sterile Dandelion (Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam.) Screening and Identification of Photo-Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Lines against Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Analysis of restorer gene in male sterile line 1193A with Sinapis arvensis L cytoplasm using SSR marker Correlation Analysis of SSR Genetic Distance and Heterosis on Alfalfa CHANGE IN SOLUBLE PROTEIN COMPONENTS IN DUAL-PURPOSE GENIC MALE-STERILE INDICA RICES DURING FERTILITY CONVERSION CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES OF PROTEASES AT PANICLE AND POLLEN DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES OF CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILE RICE SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS IN PANICLES AND ANTHERS OF PHOTOPERIOD/TEMPERATURE-SENSITIV GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE (P/TGMR) DURING TRANSFERRING FROM STERILITY TO FERTILITY RAPD ANALYSIS ASSOCIATED WITH CYTOPLASM MALE STERILITY IN HOT PEPPER(Capsicum annuum L.) GENETIC EXPRESSION OF INDUCED RICE STERILITY UNDER ALIEN-CYTOPLASM Identification and analysis of cytoplasmic male sterility in onion (Allium cepa L.) origin from Chinese cultivars Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. ) A New On ion Cultivar ‘Jin tianxing’ Cytological Observation of Partial Sterility of Nucleic Male Sterile Line ms86-1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Vertical distribution of algae in semi-desert soil of Shapotou area,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Layou 13’ Effect of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Genes on Agronomic and Biochemical Characters in CMS Lines and Their F1 Hybrids in Pepper ‘Zhonggan 18’ —a New Cabbage Hybrid Variety with the Hybridization ofDominant Male Sterile Line and Inbred Line Introgression of Dominant Male Sterile Gene of Chinese Cabbage into Purple2caitai Identification of a RFLP Marker Linked to a Donminent Male Sterile Gene inCabbage ‘Jiyan 6’—A Sweet Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines Fan ‘Jiyan 6’—A Sweet Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines Fan How to Tackle Insecurity Problems in Seed Production of Two-line Hybrid Rice Effects of Introducing the Chimaeric Gene TA29Barnase on the Tapetum and Pollen Development in Tobacco Cloning and Expression Analysis of PGK Gene in Brassica napus A Yellow Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Jiyan 16’ Somaclonal Variation of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines with Wild Rice Cytoplasm I. The Types of Somaclonal Variation from IR66707A & IR69700A GENETIC OBSERVATION ON THE STERILITY OFSHORT PHOTOPERIOD AND LOW TEMPERATURE- INDUCED MALE STERILE RICE PURIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT ON DUAL-PURPOSE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE PEIAI 64S BY ANTHER CULTURE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON MULTIPLICATION OF PEDIGREE SEEDS FOR TGMS LINES OF RICE AT LOW CRITICAL TEMPERATURE IN GREENHOUSE IN WINTER FERTILITY EXPRESSION OF PHOTOPERIODTEMPERATURE-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILERICE IN GUANGZHOU AND THEIR RESPONSE TOPHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE TREATMENTS SOMACLONAL MALE STERILE LINE 54257/162-5 AND ITS MAINTAINER A New Male Sterility Savoy Hybrid‘Huiwu 11’ ‘Jiyan 8’- A Pepper Hybrid Produced by Male Sterile Lines A New Hybrid Variety Carrot‘Hongshen’ A New Early-maturity Cauliflower Hybrid ‘Jingyan 60’ Molecular Identification of Brassica oleracea CMS and the Morphology Response of Flower to Nuclear Background New Chinese Bellflower Cultivars‘Zhonggeng 1’,‘Zhonggeng 2’and ‘Zhonggeng 3’Developed by Using the Male Sterile Line New Chinese Bellflower Cultivars‘Zhonggeng 1’,‘Zhonggeng 2’and ‘Zhonggeng 3’Developed by Using the Male Sterile Line A New Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Jinzao 58 ’with Diseases Resistance and Heat Tolerance A New Early Maturing Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Jinzao 58 ’with Diseases Resistance and Heat Tolerance The Transfer of Genetic Ma le Ster ile L ines in B rassica cam pestris L. inensis (L. ) Makino A New Cabbage Variety Breed by CMS and Inbred Line‘Lüqiu 66’ Breeding of New CMS Lines of Leaf Mustard byMeans of In terspec if ic Crosswith CMS L ine of Chinese Cabbage Effect of Hormones on the Regeneration of Different Explants of GMS Line in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis A New Carrot Cultivar‘Hongxin 105’ Breeding of New CMS Lines of Leaf Mustard byMeans of In terspec if ic Crosswith CMS L ine of Chinese Cabbage A Large Fruit Sweet Pepper Cultivar Produced by Male Sterile Lines‘Jiyan 12’ The Culture and Early Male Sterile Identification of Distant Hybrid Embryos Derived from Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. and Male Sterile Line in B. juncea Molecular Identification of Brassica oleracea CMS and the Morphology Response of Flower to Nuclear Background Fertility and Cytomorphology of Anthers in New Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Lines of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp.pekinensis) Relation between Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism in Pepper Biochemical Markers and Microspore Cytochrome Oxidase of the Male Sterile Line of NIAN-type Wheat