Comprehensive Evaluation of Salt Tolerance and Screening Identification Indexes for Three Tree Species Timber Evaluation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Species and Hybrids of Larix Evaluation of Clear-Cutting Improvement Methods of Low-Quality Forests in Xiaoxing‘an Mountains Based on Principal Component Analysis Water Use Characteristics and Drought Adaptation of Three Native Shrubs in the Loess Plateau Quantitative Microcomputorization on Grading of Rare and Endangered Plants in China Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of multiple cropping systems on upland red soil Evaluation on ecosystem management capacity dynamic of Jiajiyu catchment in upper reaches of the Yellow River An entropy weight approach on the comprehensive evaluation of the Pearl River Delta Nature Reserve Comparison of the production performance of ryegrass cultivars and screening of dominant varieties Responses and Evaluation of Gas Exchange Parameters and Fluorescence Parameters of Aspen and Crossbreed to Drought Stress and Their Evaluation Comprehensive evaluation of eco-economic benefits of multi-crop rotation in paddy field systems Comprehensive evaluation of reduced obstacles of continuous cropping of Panax notoginseng using TOPSIS-RSR analysis Changing of Eolian Soil Fertility in Central Taklimakan Desert Under Impact of Artificial Vegetation Effects of nutrient and water regimes on paddy soil quality and its compre-hensive evaluation in the Taihu Lake Region SELECTING ON THE OPTIMUM MODEL OF HARVESTING AND SKIDDING OPERATION IN CUTTING AREA IN OUR COUNTRY′S SOUTHERN COLLECTIVE FOREST REGIONS Evaluation of important medicinal plant resources in Qinling Mountains based on analytic hierarchy process method Comparative Studies on the Growth of Different Poplar Clones on Beach Land of Yangtse River Ecosystem services of seabuckthorn based on AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation Comprehensive evaluated on heat tolerance at grain filling stage of different rice varieties Changes of soil fertility quality properties under subalpine spruce plantation in Western Sichuan Optimization of preparation process of Gui-Shao Cataplasm based on principal component analysis combined with uniform design Comprehensive evaluation on yield and quality of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan based on principal component and cluster analysis Comprehensive Valuation of Drought Resistance and Screening of Indices of Important Flax Cultivars Identification of Drought Resistence at Seedlings Stage in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties Screening and comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance indices of cotton at blossing and boll-forming stages Evaluation and identification on the drought resistance of broomcorn millet bred cultivars at adult stage Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Different Soybean Cultivars at Flowering-Podding Stage Comprehensive evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of progenies between Brassica napus and Rorippa indica Disturbance assessment of urban wetland ecosystem services: A case study in Pingshan watershed of Shenzhen City. Ecological safety assessment of Manas River Basin oasis, Xinjiang. Evaluation of wheat freezing resistance based on the responses of the physiological indices to low temperature stress Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the New Cross Combinations of Super-sweet Corn in Guangdong Province A COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF SOME NEW SWEET MAIZE VARIETIES WITH THE GREY RELATION DEGREE Physiological Responses of Three Camellia oleifera in Seedling Stage under Drought Stress Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effects Planting in Swamp-Forest in Daxing‘an Mountains Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Medicago stiva L. Germplasm at Seedling Stage Application of Crop Grey Breeding Theory in New Ryegrass Strain Screening First Be#nning Exploratory on the Adaptability of 42 Kinds of HerbaceousFlowers in the Hexi Corridor and Comprehensive Evaluation Comprehensive evaluation on physiological indices of nitrogen absorbion and utilization in winter wheat at the seedling stage Evaluation of Peach Rootstock Waterlogging Tolerance Based on the Responses of the Photosynthetic Indexes to Continuous Submergence Stress Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Fertility of Agroforestry Patterns of Ginkgo biloba Analysis and Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Elite Maize Inbred Lines in China A comprehensive evaluation of the wild ground cover plants resources in Yunshan, Hunan Evaluation of Peach Rootstock Waterlogging Tolerance Based on the Responses of the Photosynthetic Indexes to Continuous Submergence Stress Evaluation on Growth and Seed Characters of Different Clones in 1.5-generation Seed Orchard of Chinese Fir The ecological risk assessment of Taihu Lake watershed The Application of The Gray System Theory on The Comprehensive Evaluation on of The Main Characteristics of Balsampears Improvement of “scatter degree” method and its application in evaluating river ecosystem health. Determination of Optimum Seed Sources for Paper-pulp Wood of Masson Pine Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold Resistance of Nine Kinds of Deciduous and Semi-evergreen Dwarf Shrubs from the Freeze to Melt Period in Spring Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Cutting Propagation of Rhododendron latoucheae Screening Indexes for Drought Resistance of Seven Winter Wheat Cultivars at the Grain-filling Stage Proposition and practice on "integrative quality" in quality control for Chinese materia medica Promoting effect for transdermal enhancers on theophylline with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method Application of vague comprehensive evaluation model to risk investigation in Chinese materia medica innovation project Analysis of shade-tolerance and determination of evaluation indicators of shade- tolerance in seedlings of Chrysanthemum grandiflorum and its closely related genera Physiological characteristics and comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance in five plants used for roadside ecological restoration Resources metabolism analysis for the pulp and paper industry in Wuhan, China Drought Resistance Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of Valuation Indexes of Main Flax Cultivars COMPREHENSIVE APPRAISAL OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF DONGXIANG WILD RICE (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) BIL POPULATION AT BOOTING STAGE Index screening and comprehensive evaluation of phenotypic traits of low nitrogen tolerance using BILs population derived from Dongxiang wild rice Topographical and pedological factors adapted to the growth of domestic truffles (Tuber indicum). EVALUATION OF SALT RESISTANCE OF SEVEN COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum L.) VARIETIES IN XINJIANG PLANT REMEDIATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATED WITH ~(137)Cs FUZZY COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF SELECTIVE BREEDING CHARACTERS OF EDIBLE TOONA SINENSIS The Physiological Responds of Highbush Blueberry to Drought Stress and the Comprehensive Evaluation on Their Drought Resistance Capacity Evaluation of germplasm resource of Ophiopogon japonicus in Sichuanbasin based on principal component and cluster analysis Physiological Response to Shade and Shade-tolerant Capability of Hevea brasiliensis Seedlings of Different Varieties Tolerance and Physiological Response of Distylium buxifolium and Its Cultivars to Salt Stress Drought Resistance Study of 10 Major Ornamental Shrub in Ningxia Effect of nitrogen fertilization rate and cutting height on yields, nutritive values and root-rot incidence in forage ramie Honey-steam processing technology of Ploygonatum odoratum by multi-index comprehensive evaluation Preparation and transdermal delivery of compound infantile eczema microemulsion Effects of different de-farming and reafforestation patterns on changes of soil fertility quality in karst region of southwestern China A comprehensive model for assessing lake eutrophication Evaluation on black soil nutrients and fertilization recommendation in Dehui City Basic soil properties and comprehensive evaluation in different plantations in rocky desertification sites of the karst region of Guizhou Province, China The Physiological Responds of Highbush Blueberry to Drought Stress and the Comprehensive Evaluation on Their Drought Resistance Capacity Comprehensive Evaluation of Co2+ Resistance and Enrichment Features of Italian ryegrass Accessions at Seedling Stage Nutrient variation and forage evaluation of Vicia unijuga in alpine grasslands

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