STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF PROMOTING THE FLOWER BUD FORMATION BY ETHREL, PP333 AND SUMMER PRUNING A study on cell suspension culture and flavonoids accumulation of Stellera chamaejasme Advances in Research of Apple Root System Architecture and It’s Regulation Advances in Research of Apple Root System Architecture and It’s Regulation Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Flowering and Endogenous Hormones of Rhododendron hybridum Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Flowering and Endogenous Hormones of Rhododendron hybridum Physiological regulation of potassium in sink-source distribution of tobacco Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Healing of the Nurse Seed Grafted Unions of Camellia oleifera Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on the Rooting of Aquilaria sinensis Cuttings Regulation of plant growth regulator on leaves senescence and yield constitutions of wheat Effect of mixed application of growth regulators and fertilizers on the growth, cold-resistance and physiology of turfgrass Zoysia matrella in wintering period Techniques on Using TDS Growth Regulator to Raise Fruit Bearing Number of Chinese Chestnut Studies on Yield Gains of a New Growth Regulator 83008-1 for Mulberry Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Content of Phenolics in SweetCherry Dormant Flower Buds and Dormancy Effects of NAA and IBA on Biochemical Metabolize and Rooting of Cherry‘s Stock (Prunus pseudocerasus Colt) Establishment of in vitro Rapid Propagation System for Tree Peony(Paeonia ostii) Effects of light and plant growth regulators on growth of normal and hairy root of Lycium barbarum in vitro Inducement,subculture,and plantlets regeneration of callus from Salvia miltiorrhiza Preliminary approaches on the chemical-controlling the pre-harvest sprouting of spring wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) The application effect and action mechanism of plant growth regulator(ABT6#)on cucumber The Study of Regeneration System from Different Sea Island Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)Cultivars Effects of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on Endogenous Hormone Contents and Activities of Protective Enzymes in Soybean Leaves Determination of Six Plant Growth Regulators in Fruits by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph–Tandem Mass Spectrometry The effects of plant growth regulators on growth characteristics of starwort root cell Toxic effects of five insect growth regulators on chive gnat Bradysia odoriphaga Effect of Spraying GA3 and 2,4-D on Fruit Drop and Endogenous Hormone Content of Navel Orange Effect of Spraying GA3 and 2,4-D on Fruit Drop and Endogenous Hormone Content of Navel Orange Effect of plant growth regulators on major secondary metabolite accumulation in callus of Taxus cuspidata Effects of 6-BA, GA3 and IBA on photosynthetic pigment content and related enzyme activities of Lilium casa blanca Effects of plant growth regulators on induction formation for plantlet microtuber of Dioscorea bulbifera Effects of Different Growth Regulators Treatment on Cattleya Flowering Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Growth Regulators on Shoots YieldofDendroca lamus latif lorusMunro Plantations Planted on H ills REGULATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF FRUITS BY PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulator on the Growth of Zoysia japonicaSeedling Effect of growth regulators on rooting of regenerated shoots from Dendrobium huoshanense protocorm-like bodies Effects of Plant Regulators and Alternating Temperature Treatment on Propagation during Lily Scale Cutting STUDY ON INDUCTION AND PROPAGATION OF CALLUS IN TISSUE CULTURE OF COMMON BUCKWHEAT Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Cutting Propagation of Rhododendron latoucheae Effects of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on Assimilation Metabolism and Sugar Accumulation in Pod Husks of Soybean Effects of Carbon Sources and Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Growth and Secondary Metabolite Content of Tripterygium wilfordii CALLUS INDUCTION FROM STOLONS OF CREEPING BENTGRASS EFFECTS OF SEED COATING TREATMENTS WITH TRIADIMENOL AND TEBUCONAZOLE ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF WHEAT SEEDLING Effects of GA3 and IBA as Well as Media on Scale Cutting Propagation in Lilium cv.‘Elite‘ Effects of Different Medium Types and Plant Growth Regulator Combinations on Accumulation of Triterpenoids in Birch (Betula platyphylla) Calli Proliferation, Maturation and Germination of Somatic Embryos in Quercus variabilis  About Application of Plant Growth Substances on Green Food Production Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower Root Induction During Tissue Culture of Michelia chapensis Dandy The Establishment and Optimiza tion of a Highly Efficient System of ShootRegeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Phyllanthus emblica L. The Establishment and Optimization of Leaves Regeneration System of Pigment Marigold he Establishment of the Adventitious Bud Regeneration System of Thymus mandschuricus he Establishment of the Adventitious Bud Regeneration System of Thymus mandschuricus The Induction and Proliferation of Calli in Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Effects of Different Concentration of DA-6 on Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in Strawberry Effect of plant growth regulators on several characteristics during in vitro bud regeneration of Polygonatum cyrtonema Effects of plant growth regulators on Tagetes erecta L.seedling growth EFFECTS OF GROWTH REGULATORS ON REGENERATION OF COMPOUND LEAF in vitro ON Robinia pseudoacacia OPTIMUM TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS FOR REGENERATION SYSTEM OF ENDOSPERM OF Actindia chinese CV. ‘JINTAO’ Effect of Low-temperature and Plant Growth Regulator Pretreatment on Embryo Culture Characteristics of Wheat Mature Embryo Seed Dormancy and Germination Characteristics of Four Cyperaceae Species Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Heartwood Formation and Oil Composition of Young Santalum album Synergistic Action of Plant Growth Regulators and Fungicides on Control Efficiency of Summer Patch in Kentucky Bluegrass Studies on Overcoming Low Seed-setting in Cross between Sweetpotato and 2n Pollen Clones of It‘s Closerel ated Triploidy Hybrid with Plant Growth Regulator Biological Characteristics of Pollen Germination of ‘Taishanhong’ Pomegranate Monoclonal Antibody-Based Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Analysis of Jasmonates in Plants Metabolism and action of plant growth regulators during ripening and storage of firethorn fruit Effects of plant growth regulator on nitrogen metabolism of maize Effects of Different Concentration of DA-6 on Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in Strawberry Establishment of A Highly Efficient System of Shoot Regeneration from Stem Segment Explants of Rhaphiolepis indica L. Establishment of A Highly Efficient System of Shoot Regeneration from Stem Segment Explants of Rhaphiolepis indica L. Influence of plant growth regulater on yield and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza Induction effects of jasmonic acid on tannin content and defense-related enzyme activities in conventional cotton plants Growth, Proliferation and Differentiation in vitro of Rhizomes of Cymbidium goeringii EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND GROWTH REGULATOR ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF
EFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS AND PROCHLORAZ ON POSTHARVEST DISEASES OF "ZIHUA" MANGO FRUITS Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth,Sex Differentiation and Fructification of Chinese Chestnut Application of TDS Plant Growth Regulator on Chinquapin trees About Application of Plant Growth Substances on Green Food Production Application of Plant Growth Regulator on Ornamental Plant

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