Anatomy of vegetative organs of 10 species in herbaceous plants on Lianfeng Mountain and ecological adaptation Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Effects of Temperature Acclimation Pretreatment on the Ultrastructure of Mesophyll Cells in Young Grape Plants (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Jingxiu) Under Cross-Temperature Stresses Physiological adaptations of Sichuan golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)to high altitude habitat in the Qinling Mountains Adaptation of transgenic strains of insect-resistance cotton to different ecological environments Ecological distribution and physiological adaptation to saline-alkali environment of C3 and C4 plants in Northeastern China prairie area Behavioural ecology of Azure-winged magpie(Cpanopica cyana) during its breeding period STUDY ON ANTHESIS FLAWERING AND FERTILITY OF LILIUM CONCOLOR SALISB. VAR PULCHELLUM (FISCH) REGEL Primary Study on Reproduction Strategies of Caragana roborovskyi in the Arid Desert Region Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Dactylis glomerata L. in the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountain STUDY ON ADAPTABILITY TO ENVIRONMENT FOR 4 TREE SPECIES AT DIFFERENT SUCCESSIONAL STAGES GROWN IN SOUTH SUBTROPICAL ZONE Adverse temperature tolerance induction in cabbage seed at germination stage Utility of closely related taxa for genetic studies of adaptive variation and speciation: Current state and perspectives in plants with focus on forest tree species Rapid evolutionary divergence of an invasive weed from its crop ancestor and evidence for local diversification Molecular mechanisms underlying phosphate sensing, signaling, and adaptation in plants The adaptation of leech(Haemadipsa hainana)to temperature and soil humidity The comparison studies of ecological and water regulation characteristics of Caragana microphylla and Caragana stenophylla Convergent adaptation of desert plants to their arid habitats Adaptation of Bemisia tabaci biotype Q (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) to different tomato cultivars Effects of climate change on household compound ecosystems and herders’ adaptation Growth dynamics,biomass allocation and ecological adaptation in Ceratocarpus arenarius L. Perceptions and adaptation strategies of herders in desert steppe of Inner Mongolia to climate change. Strategies and mechanisms of soil springtails in adapting lower temperature environment: Research progress. Influence of leaf size of plant on leaf transpiration and temperature in arid regions Gas exchange characteristics in the mangrove associate Hibiscus tiliaceus Study on the Adaptation of Certain Species to Light Condition Under the Deciduous Broad-leaved Forests in Southern Germany?aTaking the Forest Communities in Kra ichtal, Germany as an Example ALTITUDINAL VARIATION OF ANTIOXIDATIVE SYSTEM IN LEAVES OF RHODIOLA QUADRIFIDA AND R. GELIDA ADAPTIVE ECOLOGY OF LIANAS IN AN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST OF TIANTONG NATIONAL FOREST PARK, ZHEJIANG II. CLIMBING CAPACITY AND CLIMBING EFFICIENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIS OF CARAGANAPLANTS ON THE ORDOS PLATEAU AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS Physiological Adaptation of the Invasive Plant Solidago canadensis to Environments Clonal Morphological Plasticity and Biomass Allocation Pattern of Artemisia frigida and Potentilla acaulis Under Different Grazing Intensities Farmer’s perception and adaptation intention for climate change in high-cold eco-fragile region: A case of Gannan Plateau, China. Advances on Hyperthermophiles and Mechanism of Their Thermal Adaptation Research advances in the eco-physiological characteristics of ephemerals adaptation to habitats Growth adaptation and Na+ and K+ metabolism responses of Leymus chinensis seedlings under salt and alkali stresses Anatomical structure of Stipa breviflora leaves and its relationship with environmental factors The responses of annual plant traits to rainfall variation in steppe and desert regions Comparative Physiological and Molecular Analyses of Intraspecific Differences of Stipa purpurea (Poaceae) Response to Drought Functional Divergence of Dehydroascorbate Reductase Genes in Pinus densata, P. tabulaeformis and P. yunnanensis Experimental Measurement of the Water Relations Parameters of Nine Shrubs and Some Ecological Interpretations Comparison of the Changes of Membrane Protective System in Rice Seedlings During Enhancement of Chilling Resistance by Different Stress Pretreatment Response and adaptive strategy of photosynthetic organ growth of Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk to wind erosion in the Central Taklimakan Desert Response and adaptation to climate change of agriculture and environment in Northeast China The effect of thermal acclimation on thermal adaptation and locomotor performance of ant, Polyrhachis vicina Roger Ecology for heavy metal pollution: recent advances and future prospects Comparison of mucilage produced by achenes of 5 Artemisia species under different rainfall treatments Adaptation of higher plants to environmental stressesland stress signal trans-duction Soil NH4+/NO3- nitrogen characteristics in primary forests and the adaptability of some coniferous species The distribution pattern and ecological adaptation of Caragana microphylla,C. davazamcii and C.korshinskii Fine-scale spatial pattern of Artemisia frigida population under different grazing intensities Comparative study on structure of leaf epidermis form and ecology adaptation of climbing honeysuckle plants in the northern China THE ADAPTION EXPRESSED IN ONTOGENY OF NELUMBO NUCIFERA ROOT COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE STRUCTURES OF LEAVES OF MARITIME HALOPHYTES IN SHANDONG AN ANATOMICAL STUDY ON XEROMORPHIC STRUCTURE OF THEDIFFERENT LIFE FORM PLANTS IN HELAN MOUNTAIN ANATOMY OF XEROMORPHIC SHRUBS LIVING IN DIFFERENT HABITATS OF HELAN MOUNTAIN The Adaptability of Introduced Plants in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden The Geographic Distribution of the Genus Caragana in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Himalayas Research on carbon budget and carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems in regional scale: a review Altitudinal variation in functional traits of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica and their relationship to soil factors in Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China Invasive structural foundation of exotic plant Canada goldenrod Impacts of three different hypersaline aniline\|containing waste water compositions on the bacterial community structure Early Transcriptomic Adaptation to Na2CO3 Stress Altered the Expression of a Quarter of the Total Genes in the Maize Genome and Exhibited Shared and Distinctive Profiles with NaCl and High pH Stresses Effects of Altitude on Antioxidative System in Leaves and Roots of Plantago major Analyses of Soluble Protein, Total and Free Amino Acids in Leaves of Different Ecotypes of Phragmites communis Growing in the Hexi Corridor Growth and development characters of strong springness wheat cultivar Adaptation of leaf mesophyll structure to environmental light condition and its effect on leaf photosynthesis Impact of stand features of short-rotation poplar plantations on canker disease incidence at a mesoscale landscape: a case study in Qingfeng County, Henan Province, China Effects of Litter from Dominant Tree Species on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Exotic Plant Rhus typhina in Hilly Areas in Shandong Peninsula Effects of Altitude on Photosynthetic Gas Exchange and the Associated Leaf Trait in an Alpine Oak, Quercus guyavifolia (Fagaceae)

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