Effects of desiccation of soil samples on easily mineralizing nitrogen Study on the kinetics and rate of soil nonexchangeable K release by three various extraction Interaction effects of light density and nitrogen on maize leaf pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and energy transition EFFECT OF N AND K NUTRITION ON CHANGES OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONE AND METABOLISM OF ACTIVE OXYGEN DURING LEAF SENESCENCE IN SPRING MAIZE THE EXCITATION MECHANISM BETWEEN FERTILIZER AND WATER UNDER DRYLAND CONDITION ADVANCES ON THE STUDY OF INTERACTIONS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH ZINC AND CADMIUM IN PLANTS Effects of boron-calcium nutrition on suspension-cell of rape cultivars with different boron efficiency Selenium fractionation and bio-availability in some low-Se soils of central Jiangsu Province Profile distribution of enzyme activity of long-term fertilization soil and its dynamic characteristics STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION OF Zenia insignis Chun to ACID RAIN AND IT‘‘‘‘S MECHANISM STUDIES ON THE PEROXIDASE ISOZYMES OF THE HYBRID PROGENIES OF THE DIFFERENT GENOTYPE WHEAT AND ALBINISM LINE Studies on the choice of conditions for the extraction of hypericin from Hypericum perforatum Genetic Differences and Stability of Wood Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Pulpwood in Different Environments Correlation between Near Infrared Spectroscopy and the Crystallinity of Slash Pine Wood Study on Extraction of Active Ingredient of Turmeric by Supercritical CO2 and Microwave Combined Technique Influence and Action Evaluation of the Functional Groups of Natural Enemies on Jujube Trees by Intercropped Herbage at Jujube Orchards Active Oxygen Release and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in the Interaction of Marssonina brunnea Elicitor and Poplar Suspension Cell The Extraction and Content Measurement of Acidic Polysaccharides from Eucommia ulmoides Leaves Behavioral responses of Dialeurodes citri to leaves and their volatiles of citrus cultivars Mode of action of two candidate strobilurin fungicides against cucumber downy mildew Toxicity of several insecticides to different instars nymphs of Bemisia tabaci and the repellent actions to the adults Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies Mechanisms of action and efficacy of Bacillus subtilis BS80-6 active against postharvest anthracnose pathogen on apples The occurrence, damage and action threshold of Chinese rice grasshopper,Oxya chinensis, in rice field Mechanism of action of the novel herbicide ZJ0273 Interaction among antagonistic Bacillus spp. strains and their suppression against rice sheath blight The resistance threshold and interactions of several plantsecondary metabolites to wheat aphids The predatory function of Pirata subparaticus(Boes.et Str.) on three important rice insect pests in a multispecies coexistent system STUDIES ON THE BIOACTIVITY AND PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION OF THE EXTRACTS FROM MYOPORUM BONTIOIDES AGAINST PIERIS RAPAE Antimicrobial Activity of Nitellopsis obtusa(Charophyta) and Optimization of Extraction Conditions Extraction and Analysis of Secondary Metabolites in Poplar Phloem Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Oil from the Peel of Early Maturing Gold Pomelo Establishment and Optimization of ISSR Reaction System for Winterfat Using Orthogonal Design Efect of soil compaction On tomato growth,development,yield and quality in solar greenhouse The effects of different levels of phosphorus and zinc fertilizers on production and absorption in two barley species The classification method of interaction in combined pollution system Effects of phosphate on physiological and biochemical characteristics of tea plants leaves under Al and F interactions Soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability in forest ecosystems at different stages of succession in the central subtropical region Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on Hill’s reaction activity and Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase activity of Ginkgo biloba L. in two consecutive growth seasons The effect of temperature and moisture on N2O flux kinetics from loessial soil The colonizing mechanism of Chrysomelidae A review of above-ground interactions in silvopasture systems Current progress in approaches to the study of structure and function diversities of environmental microbial communities The distribution of size-fractionated chlorophyll a in the Indian Ocean South Equatorial Current Advances in ecological genomics Species Diversity of Ground-Dwelling Beetles and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors in the Artificial Caragana Brushland of Fixed Sandy Lands in Ningxia Feature Extraction Method of Wood SEM Micrographs Based on Graph Cuts A Novel Plywood Adhesive Synthesized by Phenol-Formaldehyde Crosslinking Alkaline Chinese Fir Liquid Tree Geometrical 3 D Modeling from Terrestrial Laser Scanned Point Clouds: A Review Comparison on Characteristics of the Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Kinetics between Pinus Species and Populus Species Woody Components and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Property of Tamarix ramosissima under Various Intensity of Steam Explosion Ingestion Coefficient and Antifertility Action of Neem Oil Granules for Rodents‘ Ambisexual Sterility Antifungal Activity of Extracts Obtained with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction from Roots of Stellera chamaejasme and Analysis of Their Constituents Using GC-MS Observation of Pigment in Purple Pepper and Extraction System Optimization of Leaf Purple Pigment Genetic Effects and Environmental Interactions of Early Maturity in Short-season Cotton The Optimization of the SSR Reaction System for Venturia inaequalis Extraction and Purification of mtDNA in Crucifer Analysis on fatty acids in seeds of Ribes qingzangense The redaction of the plant of Subtrib. Lactucinae Less. from Shandong Study on the pigment of tomato skins and its stability Volatile comparison of Chinese Medicinal Herb Thymus mongolicus The study of Rosa rugosa red pigment and its stability Structural and functional diversification of HORMA domain-containing proteins Interaction of Two Populations of the Blue-Green Algae in Co-Culture Field Studies of the Wheat Stomata Resistance Influenced by Soil Water Content PCR Amplification and Sequencing of a Wheat rbc S Gene Promoter Light-Induced Damage of Pheophytin a Molecule in the Isolated Photosystem Ⅱ Reaction Center D1/D2/Cyt b559 Complex Study of Intermediate Filaments in Adiantum philippense and Comparative Analysis of Karetin-like Proteins in Some Plant Species Studies on Photoperiod-sensitive Genic Malesterile Rice in Terms of Developmental Biology Chemical forms of Pb, Cd and Cu in crops Aluminum forms in Acid Sulfate Soils Effect of Suining Tributary ecoremediation to all size-fractionated chlorophyll-a contents Effect of zinc fertilization on cadmium uptake and accumulation in two barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars The Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Castanopsis hystrix A. DC. DNA Extraction and Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Lilium brownii (Liliaceae) Studies on the Anther Dehiscence in FF1 of Hybrids between Taichung 65 and Its F1 Pollen Sterility Near Isogenic Lines Detection of Citrus Yellow Shoot Pathogen in Shatianyou Pommelo by Electron Microscopy and PCR Method GENETIC ANALYSIS OF FAT CONTENT IN INDTCA-JAPONICA INTERSUBSPECIFIC HYBRID RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L) STUDIES ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN RICE HYBRID PROGENIES AND THEIR PARENTS Ⅱ. HILL REACTION, PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION, ATPase ACTlVITY AND ATP CONTENT IN LEAVES EFFECTS OF CuZn-SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE ON SEVERAL HYDROXYL RADICAL GENERATING SYSTEMS

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