Studies on Toxins of Tree Pathogens Studies on Dual Mycorrhizas of Eucalyptus globulus and E.urophylla Ⅰ.Fungal Colonization and Interactions The Clonal Variation of Female and Male Strobilus Production and Evaluation of Stability for Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. P Fractions in Soils and Their Availability in Chinese Fir-Plantations in South China Anmylsis on Effect and Stability of the Regional Test of Populus × euramericana Clones Extraction of Flavonoids in Kudzu Vine‘s Roots Detection of Mycoplasmalike Organism Associated With Paulownia Tissue Culture Witches’-Broom by Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) The Sensitivity of Dendrolimus Light Intensity and Spectrum in Photoperiodic Reaction Selection of Fine Provenance of Masson Pine for Afforestation Regions GROWTH PERFORMANCES OF DIFFERENT ECOTYPES OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS IN DIFFERENT ELEVATION SITES IN BEIJING MOUNTAIN AREA A ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF JAPANESE LARCH INTRODUCTION IN SOUTH OF TAIHANG MOUNTAINS IN SHANXI PROVINCE ANALYSIS OF MASSON PINE NEEDLE VOLATILES AND THEIR ELECTROANTENNOGRAM ACTIVITY WITH MASSON PINE CATERPILLAR THE SOIL AMELIORATION EFFECT OF POPLAR-BLACK LOCUST MIXED PLANTATION ON SAND SOIL AND THE INTERACTION OF MUTUAL SUPPLEMENT OF NUTRIENT BETWEEN TREE SPECIES Application of AMMI Model in the stability analysis of spring wheat in rainfed areas Organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in an aquatic soil as influenced by agricultural land uses in the Northern China Plain Effects of organic ligands on accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements REEs in wheat Content and distribution of unprotected soil organic carbon in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China Genotype×environment interactions and consistency analysis for agronomic characteristics of five Vicia sativa lines Microwave-assisted Extraction of Paeoniflorin and Paeonol from Tree Peony Seed Coat and Content Determination Organic C and N in Various Surface Mineral Soil Fractions in the Broadleaved Korean Pine Mixed Forests in Changbai Mt. Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Paeoniflorin and Paeonol from Peony Pod Using Response Surface Methodology Aqueous Two-phase System(ATPS) Extraction of Hyperin Effects of Cd,Zn and Their interactions on Accumulation,Subcellular Distribution and Chemical Forms of Heavy Metals in Spartina alterniflora Optimization of Homogenate Extraction Technology of CoQ10 in Tobacco Leaves by Orthogonal Experiments Optimization of SSR Reaction System in Juglans nigra The Relationship Between Shrub Growth and Stoichiometry Characteristics of C.davazamcii and the Stability of Soil Substrates Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Eomecon chionantha Hance,an Endemic Herbaceous of China Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenols from Testa of Quercus mongolica Fischer Establishment and Optimization of RAPD-PCR Reaction System for Larix gmelnii(Rupr.) Rupr Using Orthogonal Design Similar Distribution Patterns Between Genus Size of Spermatophyte Flora and Species Abundance Analysis of the Volatile Constituents from Seeds of Polygonum orientale by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Solid-phase Microextraction The Process of Extraction Oil from Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. Seed Optimum Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids in Juglans mandshurica Leaves Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oils extracted from Lotus leaves with Different Methods Modified Hot Phenol Method for Extracting Total RNA from Seedling Root of Cotton Matrine Extraction and Isolation, and Toxicity to Mus musculus Determination of the Fatty Acids in Ribes himalense Assaying of the Lipsoluble Chemical Components of the Extracts from Semen Firmianae by Supercritical Fluid Extraction GC/MS Fingerprint Comparison of the Volatile Organic Compounds Extracted from Lycopersicon esculentum Leaves by Different Methods Preliminary Study of Pesticidal Bio-activities of Ligusticum sinense Extracts Optimized CTAB Protocol for Extracting the Total DNA of Ramie Effects of soil compaction on grain yield and quality of wheat Carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and its control,and genetic manipulation An optimum method of extracting plant genomic DNA A method for high quality of total RNA extracted from Salvia miltorrhiza Study on petunia red pigment Identification of Organic or Conventional Lettuce by Nitrogen Isotope Identification of Organic or Conventional Lettuce by Nitrogen Isotope COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON ISOLATED EMBRYO SACS IN FOUR SPECIES OF CAMPANULACEAE High Quality Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Method from Citrus for Disease Detection ON THE DAMAGE AND ACTION THRESHOLD OF NORTHERN ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE TO PEANUT Effects of prevail wheat stripe rust races on yield of new wheat cultivars Biological research on Bacillus thuringiensis strain B-Pr-88 A study on the mode of action against Mythimna seperata of Hypecoum leptocarpum extracts obtained with different solvents Effects of saline alkali stress and nitrogen supply on germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa Effects of gibberellin on seed germination and seedling growth of tall fescue under drought stress A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Rapid Detection of Foreign Genes in Insect-resistant Transgenic Populus nigra Effects of Fertilizer Formula and Brassinolide on Growth of Camellia oleifera Study on the Pathology of Poplar-canker Pathogen Interaction in China A Study on Estimation of Vegetation Fraction by Using QuickBird Imagery An Effective Method for Extraction Genomic DNA from Aphids Genomic DNA Extraction and RAPD Protocols for Rattan Characteristics and Extraction Technology of Natural Pigments from Animals and Plants A Study on the Element Extraction from OrganicMatter of Forest Floor of Norway Spruce Effects of Agrobacterium tumefaciens on the Symptoms of Paulownia sp. Plantlet in Vitro Cultured Progeny Test for the Open-pollinated Families of Loblolly Pine with Multiple Site Microwave-assisted Extraction of Solanine from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Determination of Volatiles of Puer Tea Stored for Different Lengths of Time Determination of Volatiles of Puer Tea Stored for Different Lengths of Time Construction and Analyses of SSH cDNA L ibraries of Rose Floral Color andScent Mutant Effects of Extracts of Leaves of Juglans regia to Several Enzyme Systems in Tetranychus cinnabarinus The Single and Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Supply and Light Condition on Hosta ‘Blue Umbrella‘ Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics Preliminary Exploration on Extraction and Characterization of Red Pigment from Camellia japonica L. Studies on the Proteoglycans Isolated from the Wild Lactarius deliciosus and Lactarius hatsudak Differences of FLC Family Members and Its Effect on Dimerization of
FLC/SVP in Brassica oleracea
Effects of Postharvest Heat and Calcium Treatments on Calcium Fractions and Cell Wall Metabolism of‘Huangguan’Pear Fruit The Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds of Honeysuckle and Red#br# Honeysuckle Studies on Pollen-Pistil Interaction between Brassica napus and Its Relative Species and Genus A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Temperature on the Expression of Photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterility in Rice(Oryza sativa L.subsp.japonica) Physiological Effects of Sustainable Water Saturation in Seedbed on Rice Dry Nursery Seedlings

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