The synergistic action and UV protection of optical brightener on three different geographic isolates of Asian Gypsy Moth Nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) Analysis on allelochemicals in the cell-free Filtrates of Amphidinium carterae Composition and stability of organic carbon in the top soil under different forest types in subtropical China Intraguild predation among predatory insects Hippodamia variegata, Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysopa pallens at different stages Characteristics of soil phosphorus in different aged stands of Chinese fir plantations in Huitong, Hunan Province Analysis of Volatile Compounds of Meat Flavor Essence Through Two Comprehensive Dimensional Gas Chromatography-time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid and Non-invasive Quantification of Adulterants in Ganoderma lucidum Extraction Study on Ultrasonic-enzyme-assisted Extraction and Rheological Characteristics of Polysaccharides From Clitocybe maxima Stipes Effects of 1-MCP and Temperature Treatment on Postharvest Storage Quality of Taros Optimization of Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids From Suaeda salsa by Response Surface Methodology Applicat ion of AMMI Model in the Analysis of Rice Quality at Cold Area Preparation and in-vitro Antioxidant Activity of Proteins from the Larvae of Black Soldier Fly, Hermitia Illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) The RT-PCR detection and distribution of ApMV in apple producing area of China Pathogenic identification of sugarcane yellow leaf disease and incidence of disease-infected plant in main sugarcane parental clones in China Toxicity of spirotetramat to Bemisia tabaci biotype B and the impact on the biological parameters Comparison of the toxicity of chlorantraniliprole and flubendiamide to different developmental stages of Spodoptera exigua A new symptom type of soybean pod anthracnose and identification of its pathogen Metagenomic fosmid library construction of Meloidogyne incognita associated bacteria and features analysis Inhibiting range and mechanism of the active product of S-5210-6 Characteristics and inhibitory action of antifungal protein produced by Bacillus subtilis strain G8 The growth inhibition of photoactivation and action target on several plants induced by α-terithienyl Features and application of a rangeland detection algorithm based on fractal dimensions to detect characteristics of barren patch Effects of establishing perennial artificial grasslands on the availability of soilphosphorus in agro-pastoral transitional zones, Northern China Responses of insect communities and populations on habitat fragmentation in grassland landscapes Effects of Different Scions on Rootstock Root System in Persimmon Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis in Spinach Seedlings Under EnhancedUV-B Radiation Residues Analysis and Degradation Dynamic of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Citrus Fruits Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis in Spinach Seedlings Under EnhancedUV-B Radiation Residues Analysis and Degradation Dynamic of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Citrus Fruits DEFINING PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES IN CHINA FOR GLOBAL CHANGE STUDIES THE BREEDING OF LONGFUMAI 18 BY SPACE MUTATION AND VARIATION ANALYSIS OF ITS MAIN CHARACTERS OPTIMIZATION OF ISSR-PCR AMPLIFICATION IN Momoradica charanita L. OPTIMIZATION OF RAPD CONDITIONS FROM EXOGENOUS DNA INTRODUCED INTO COLORED COTTON STUDY ON THE RELEASE OF 14 C CHLORSULFURON BOUND RESIDUES VARIATIONS OF δ 15 N VALUE IN SHOOTS,ROOTS AND NODULES OF N 2 FIXING PLANTS Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins and Their Application in Plant Molecular Cell Biology OsMADS32 interacts with PI-like proteins and regulates rice flower development Intensity and Importance of Competition for a Grass (Festuca rubra) and a Legume (Trifolium pratense) Vary with Environmental Changes Preliminary Studies on the Acting Mechanism of Stabilizing Factor of Nitrare Reductase Activity (NR-SF) Comparative Studies on the Spectral Characteristics and Components of Chlorophyll-Protein Complex CPa Band from Three Different Preparations Ecosystem service interactions and their affecting factors in Jinghe watershed at county level. Effects of shading  on two Sphagnum species growth and their interactions.  Ecological relationships between Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and its companion microorganisms. Monopolization of honeydew sources by Crematogaster macaoensis and its effects on lac production. Effects of compaction on diurnal variation of soil respiration in Larix gmellinii plantation in summer. Protective effects of La(NO3)3 on ryegrass seedlings photosynthetic apparatus under NaHCO3 stress. Variation analysis on the grain yield and main agronomic traits of spring wheat in rainfed regions of China. Change characteristics and their causes of fractional vegetation coverage (FVC) in Shaanxi Province. Effects of controlled-release N and K fertilizers on N, P, and K use efficiency of mauls (Malus- robusta). Effects of soil, climate, and their interaction on some neutral volatile aroma components in flue-cured tobacco leaves from high quality tobacco planting regions of Hunan Province. Forest soil organic matter δ13C along a |altitudinal transect on northern slope of Changbai Mountains under effects of simulated warming. Application of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance technology in the study of phosphorus fractions and their translocation and transformation in sediments: A review. Research advances in denitrogenation characteristics of aerobic denitrifiers. Pollution characteristics and potential ecotoxicity risk of heavy metals in surface river sediments of western Hunan The impact of climate, soil and their interactions on reducing-sugar, nicotine and total nitrogen contents of flue-cured tobacco in Hunan high-quality tobacco region Positive interactions in plant communities The effects of salinity and drought interaction on seed germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats The extraction of wetland hydrophytes types based on medium resolution TM data Effects of environmental factors and their interaction on Vallisneria natans by orthogonal test Effects of straw and plastic-film mulching on soil micro-bioactivity and organic carbon and nitrogen in northwest dryland areas of China Ultrastructure Study of the Interaction Process between Alternaria mali and Host Leaves Detection and Establishment of ISSR System for Rare Species Thespesia populnea Effect of Soil Compaction on Growth and Root Nitrogen Metabolism of Rosa rugosa Seedlings Isolation,Expression of ARC1 from Ornamental Kale and Interaction Analysis Between ARC1 and SRK Identification of volatile compounds from rosemary that significantly affect the tea green leafhopper behavior Soil denitrification responses of wheat rhizosphere against ozone fumigation and reduction of solar irradiance Spatiotemporal variation of fractional vegetation cover and remote sensing monitoring in the eastern agricultural region of Qinghai Province Factors influencing the distribution of inorganic phosphorus fractions in different vegetation restoration areas in karst rocky desertification areas Fractionation character and bioavailability of Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni combined pollution in oasis soil Effects of indigenous AM fungi and neighboring plants on the growth and phosphorus nutrition of Leymus chinensis Diversity of ecosystem services and landscape multi-functionality: from scientific concepts to integrative assessment GENETIC EXPRESSION OF INDUCED RICE STERILITY UNDER ALIEN-CYTOPLASM BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS INDUCED BY THE INNER-TARGET REACTION OF ACCELERATED~7LI~(+3) IONS WITH WHEAT EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW DETECTION METHODS OF GUAZATINE-BENZOIN PRE-COLUMN REACTION FOR GUAZATINE ANALYSIS BY HPLC OXYGEN-SENSITIVITY AND HYDROGEN-PROTECTION OF NITROGENASEACTIVITY IN BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Anabaena 7120UNDER STRESS OF SODIUM CHLORIDE THE EFFECT OF BORON-PHOSPHORUS AND BORON-POTASSIUM ON UPTAKE OF ~(32)P AND ~(86)Rb IN COTTON PLANT CLONING OF HISTONE H_3 AND H_4 GENE FROM MAIZE Effects of different organic manure on biologically active organic fractions of soil Effects of acidification and CaCO3 application on various forms of manganese in soils Tolerance indices for P deficiency and Al toxicity and their interactions in soybean

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