The Existence of Intermediate Filament in Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Conditional Selection of the Extraction and Isolation of ABA Binding Protein(s) from Vicia faba Abaxial Epiderm Amplification of Soybean Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Its Sequence Analysis Mechanisms of Optimal Defense Patterns in Nicotiana attenuata: Flowering Attenuates Herbivory-elicited Ethylene and Jasmonate Signaling Gas chromatography mass spectrometry based metabolic profiling reveals biomarkers involved in rice-gall midge interactions Recent progress in polar metabolite quantification in plants using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry Interspecific interactions between Cotesia plutellae and Oomyzus sokolowskii,two major parasitoids of diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella Mechanisms of plant disease resistance induced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Characteristics and environmental significance of soil dissolved organic matter Effect of soil compaction on Vicia faba of growth in the Loess Plateau A preliminary study on ingredient of secretion from fungi of orchid mycorrhiza Interaction between rare earths and nitrogen and phosphorus in soil-plant system Decomposition interaction of mixed litter between Chinese fir and various accompanying plant species Ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker and bacteriostatic action of bacteriocides on Pseudomonas syringae pvactinidae New advances in research of combined pollution Role of a buscular mycorrhizae in phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils The synthetically estimating vegetation fractional coverage of grassland using field data and ASTER remote sensing imagine The influences of the herbicide glyphosate on nerve impulse generation and conduction of Bufo gargarizans Lysis of Alexandrium tamarense mediated by bacteria in its phycosphere Seasonal changes of soil phosphorus fractions under Calamagrostis angustifolia wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, China EAG and behavioral responses of the wingless tea aphid Toxoptera aurantii (Homoptera: Aphididae) to tea plant volatiles The Size-fractionated chlorophyll a concentration and primary productivity in the Chukchi Sea and its northern Chukchi Plateau Optional Protein Extracting Methods of Poplar Leaves for Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Effects of Water Extraction from Roots of Carya illinoensis on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Two Crops AtJ3 is Involved in ABA Response through Interaction with the PKS5 Kinase in Arabidopsis Microwave-assisted Polysaccharide Extraction of Aralia chinensis L. Root and Composition Determination of Monosaccharide A Simple and Efficient Method of DNA Extraction from Different Plant Samples Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Peony Tree Seed Coat and Its Anticoagulation Activity Procedure to Prepare Samples for Two-dimensional Electrophoresis of Secreted Proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Optimized Sample Preparation for Metabolome Studies on Streptomyces avermitilis by GC-MS The Fragrance Components of the Jasrninnm sambac (L.) Alton collected by Simultaneous Steam Distillation and Solvent Extraction EFFECTS OF GENOTYPES AND ENVIRONMENTS AND THEIR INTERACTIONS ON MAIN QUALITY TRAITS IN WINTER WHEAT REVIEW OF THE DIVERSITY OF ENDOPHYTE GENETICS AND SYMBIOTIC INTERACTIONS WITH GRASSES INTERCROPPING ADVANTAGE AND CONTRIBUTION OF ABOVE- AND BELOW-GROUND INTERACTIONS IN WHEAT-MAIZE INTERCROPPING ANALYSIS OF PROTEIN RESPONSE TO MECHANICAL WOUNDING IN LEAVES OF BRASSICA NAPUSCV. WESTAR INTERACTION BETWEEN TISSUE-CULTURED SEEDLINGS OF DENDROBIUM OFFICINALE AND MYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS (EPULORHIZA SP.) DURING SYMBIOTIC CULTURE Analysis of functional traits of woody plant seedlings in an old-growth tropical lowland rain forest on Hainan Island, China Markov process of vegetation cover change in arid area of Northwest China based on FVC index. Extraction of buildings three-dimensional information from high-resolution satellite imagery based on Barista software. Comparison of the methods for extracting and purifying microbial total DNA from an aeolian sandy soil. Content and evolution characteristics of organic carbon associated with particle-size fractions of grey desert soil under long-term fertilization. Effects of heavy metals pollution on paddy soil aggregates composition and heavy metals distribution Chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size-fractionated composition in Jiaozhou Bay Responses of primary photochemical reactions in apple fruit peel to the changes of incident PFD and air temperature in sunny days Extraction of land use/cover information based on C5.0 Algorithm in Qiantang River drainage area Size fraction of chlorophyll a during and after brown tide in Qinhuangdao coastal waters The method of extraction and determination of pigment in Eustigmatophyceae A preliminary study on the DNA extraction method from faeces of badger (Meles meles) The extraction and separation of hemolytic toxin from Chattonella marina HongKong strain Phosphorus speciation in sediment profile of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake by sequential fractionation and solution phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Effects of organic chelators on Pb uptake and translocation in Phragmites australis Effects of boron and cadmium and B-Cd interaction on seed yield and quality of canola An Improvement on the Heating Condition of Soil Organic Matter Determination Spatio-temporal pattern and hierachical characteristics of vegetation fraction from 1990 to 2005 in Guangzhou Black Muntjac Faecal DNA Extraction Techniques in PCR Reaction Comparison and improvement on the extraction method for chlorophyll a in phytoplankton Study of kinetics and desorption of copper biosorption by Rhodospirillum Effects of harvesting on As accumulation and removal efficiency of As by Chinese brake (Pteris vittata L.) Active soil organic matter and its relationship with soil quality Growth and heavy metal accumulation of Vetiveria zizanioides grown on lead/zinc mine tailings Response to classification numbers of vegetation types on correlative coefficients among landscape metrics The distribution of soil nutrients on sloping land in the gully region watershed of the Loess Plateau Biological control of rice blast by Bacillus subtilis B-332 strain Feeding habits and economic threshold of Locusta migratoria tibetensis Methods for Determining Relative Crystallinity of Plant Starch X-ray Powder Diffraction Spectra Effect of varying combination of P and Zn in chelater-buffered solution on P-Zn interaction in wheat seedling Inhibition of the extractions of Stemona tuberosa Lour and Sophora flavescans on some plant pathogenic germs Effects of polyacrylamide on germination and growth of several plant seeds Interactions between invasive plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A review. Chemical mechanism of exotic weed invasion Accumulation,distribution and interaction of phosphorus and zinc in wheat cells Roles of 14-3-3 Proteins in Regulating Plant Development A Modified CTAB Protocol for Plant DNA Extraction Epistatic Effects and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) x Environment (QE) Interaction Effects for Yield per Plot and Botanical Traits in Soybean LysM Domains and Its Roles in Plant-Fungus Interactions Extraction and Separation Analysis of Total Protein from the Bark of Apple Branches Effect of Cluster Planting Pattern on Intraspecific Interactions of Cotton A Rapid and Nondestructive Method for Soybean DNA Extraction and Its Application Chemical Changes Caused by LED Lamps in Nutrient Solution and Its Effect on Plant Growth Identification and expression profiling of Vigna mungo microRNAs from leaf small RNA transcriptome by deep sequencing

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