Research on the morphological interactions between Tamarix ramosissima thickets and Nebkhas under different sand supply conditions:a case study in Cele oasis-desert ecotone Phosphorus fraction in the sediments from different vegetation type in hangzhou bay coastal wetlands Carbon footprint evaluation research on the tourism transportation system at tourist attractions: a case study in Hengshan Models and methods for information extraction of complex ground objects based on LandSat TM images of Hainan Island, China The relationship between humans and the environment at the urban-rural interface:research progress and prospects Effects of simulated acid rain stress on the PSⅡ reaction center and free radical metabolism in leaves of longan STUDIES ON THE PROPERTIES OF LACTATE DEHYDROGEMASE ISOZYME B_4 IN FISH EFFECT OF GENE TRANSFORMATION OF WHEAT HMW-GS GENE BY COMBINATION OF CROSS AND IRRADIATION COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EXTRACTION METHOD FOR GENOMIC DNA IN MAT RUSH Optimization of Aqueous Two-phase System for Protease Extraction from Aspergillus oryzae by Response Surface Methodology STUDY ON THE COMPOUND SPECIES ACTION THRESHOLD OF RANGELAND GRASSHOPPERS STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG WHEAT APHIDS, NATURAL ENEMY AND YIELD LOSS OF WHEAT AND THE ACTION THRESHOLD OF APHIDS A STUDY ON THE ACTION THRESHOLDS OF RICE YELLOW STEM BORER TO SUCCESSIVE CROPPING LATE RICE Research Progress on the Interaction Between Cucurbits and Fusarium oxysporum Isolation of Parthenocarpy Related ESTs in Parthenocarpic Eggplant Using Suppression Subtraction Hybridization(SSH) Optimization of extraction process of Yangjing Zhongyu Decoction by orthogonal test Inhibitory effect of different species of hydroxygenkwanin on UGTs and UGT1A1 activities Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota Regularity of changes in chlorogenic acids in Lonicera japonica extracts by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS Material and mechanisms induced pseudo allergicreactions of Yuxingcao injection Anaphylactoid reaction induced by Qingkailing injection via basophils cells degranulation Effects and mechanisms of Simiao pill on adjuvant arthritis rats model Comparison of Two Extraction Methods for Maxingshigan Decoction Application of a Century Model to Management Effects in the Productivity of Forests in Dinghushan The Difference of Iron Deficiency Induced Adaptable Reaction Among Cucumber, Tomato and Soybean Relationship Between Climate and Distribution of main Species of Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in China Study on NPP of Natural Vegetation in China Under Global Climate Change A Natural Vegetation NPP Model Effect of organic matter on fractional transformation of Zn in black soils under freeze-thaw cycle Effects of different pre-winter management practices on soiltemperature and winter wheat seedling growth Effects of tea plant volatiles on foraging behavior of Xysticus ephippiatus Simon Researches on the stress resistant types of the plants during the grassland sandy desertification process Root interactions:competition and facilitation Responses of all size-fractionated chlorophyll-a contents to bioremediation in eutrophic water Chemical attraction of fig volatiles to their pollinating fig wasps Landscape Spatial-Temporal Pattern Analysis on Change in the Fraction of Green Vegetation Based on Remotely Sensed Data:A Case Study in Haidian District, Beijing Transformation of Copper Speciation in Maize Rhizosphere DNA Extraction from Activated Sludge for Molecular Community Analysis STUDY ON THE METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF SALIDROSIDE BY HPLC STUDY ON THE CONTENT OF CHLOROGENIC ACID FROM AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA L. BY HPLC STUDY ON EXTRACTION OF SYRINGIN BY ULTRASONIC FROM ACANTHOPANAX SENTICOSUS Study on supercritical CO2 extraction of salidroside and P-tyrosol in Rhodiola sachalinensis Determination of the Glycyrrhizic acid content from Glycyrrhiza uralensis by HPLC Analysis of population genetic differences of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Flavonoids from the Aerial Parts of Chinese Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR System for Hybrid Rapeseed GC-MS Analysis and in Vitro Antitumor Activity of the Extract from Typhonium giganteum Engl using Supercritical Fluid CO2 The Extraction Process of Biochanin A from Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Leaves Total DNA Extraction and RAPD System Optimization of Endangered Plant Populus euphratica and P.pruinosa Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of 2″-O-galloylhyperin from Pyrola calliantha H.Andr. Enhancement of the Mehler-peroxidase Reaction in Salt-stressed Rumex K-1 Leaves Characterization of the Main Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b-Protein Complex of Green Alga, Bryopsis corticulans Provenances by Sites Interaction of Growth Traits and Provenance Selection of Fraxinus mandshurica Chemical Component and Activity Analysis of Litsea cubeba Extracts Obtained by Different Extraction Methods Activity of Three Volatile-Producing Endophytic Muscodor Strains in Controlling Fruit Postharvest Disease and Analysis of the Volatile Components Nutrient Diagnosis on Microelements in Eucalyptus grandis Plantations in Sichuan Technologies of Extracting Genome and Transcriptome from Mortierella alpina The Extraction of Metagenom DNA in Branch Bark Research Progress on the Extraction and Purification of Phycocyanin from Spirulina Process Optimization of Extracting Polysaccharides from Onchidium struma,and Evaluation of Its Antioxidant Activity in Vitro A Rapid and Simple Method for DNA Extraction from Plant Leaves Effects of Drought Stress on the Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Leaves Resource competition in maize/soybean intercropping system. Effects of understory removal on soil labile organic carbon pool in a Cinnamomum camphora plantation. Uptake and accumulation characteristics of silicon and other nutritional elements in different age Phyllostachys praecox plants. Effects of soil compaction stress on the growth and nitrogen metabolism of cucumber roots. Topographic distribution patterns of forest gap within an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Tiantong region of Zhejiang Province, Eastern China. Changes of nitrogen fractions in horse dung during its decomposition on the typical steppe of Inner Mongolia, North China. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and root separation on the plant growth and grain yield of maize and its rhizosphere microorganisms. Recreational attraction of urban park wetlands in Beijing. Research progress on plate mixed culture of lignocellulolytic microorganisms. The effects of Spartina alterniflora seaward invasion on soil organic carbon fractions,sources and distribution Effects of vegetation on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon sequestration in the Ningxia Loess Hilly Region of northwest China Effects of magnesium, manganese, activated carbon and lime and their interactions on cadmium uptake by wheat Effects of interactive CO2 concentration and precipitation on growth characteristics of Stipa breviflora The analysis of the green vegetation cover change in western Sichuan based on GIS and Remote sensing UPLC-based Analysis of 5-deoxystrgol Extracted From Bamboo Shoots of Different Species Screening of Proteins Interacting with Histone Deacetylase HDA705 in Rice (Oryza sativa) by Yeast Two Hybrid System Components of Essential Oils from Zanthoxylum piperitum Leaves and Its Capacities of Antioxidant, Anthelmintic, and Bacteriostasis Analysis of Volatile Compounds of Four Kinds of Black Tea from China

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