Extraction of Total Protein from Litchi Pericarps and Establishment of Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Establishment and Optimization of 2 - DE Technique System in Leaf Proteome of Kandelia candel STUDIES ON THE ACTION THRESHOLD OF RICE STRIPED BORER ON HYBRID RICE THE APPLICATION OF SEROLOGICAL METHOD FOR APPRAISING THE SUPPRESSION EFFECT OF WOLF SPIDERS ON RICE LEAF ROLLER IN PADDY FIELD STUDIES ON THE INJURY EQUIVALENCY SYSTEM AND MIXED ACTION THRESHOLD OF MAIN SOYBEAN LEAF-FEEDING INSECT PESTS ON THE DYNAMIC COMPOUND ACTION THRESHOLDS OF SECOND GENERATION COTTON BOLL WORM AND SPIDER MITES DAMAGED TO COTTON IN NORTHERN CHINA COTTON AREA Effects of rotational tillage on soil physical properties and winter wheat root growth on annual double cropping area Growth rates of marine planktonic ciliates:a review Effects of exogenous salicylic acid and nitric oxide on growth, photosynthesis, and ion distribution in tomato seedlings under NaCl stress Effects of post-anthesis high temperature, drought stress and their interaction on the starch pasting properties of two wheat cultivars with different gluten strength Germination inhibitory substances extracted from the seed of seven species of Quercus Diurnal variation of water and heat flux under transient water stress in a winter wheat field Characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen distributed in different density fractions of mollisols under long-term continuous cropping and natural restoration Application of GGE biplot in spring wheat yield stability analysis in rainfed areas of China Genotypic and environmental differences in grain contents of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu and how they relate to wheat yield A biomass accumulation model for maize/soybean intercropping system Study on the extraction of carotenoids in Rhodoplanes elegans The Effects of Preservation Methods and Temperature of Softening Specimens on DNA Extraction from Apis mellifera DNA Extraction,Optimization of SSR-PCR Reaction System and Primer Screening of Persea americana The Microwave-assisted Two-phase Solvent Extraction of Essential Oil from Taiwanofungus camphoratus and Its Antifungal Activity ANALYSIS ON GENOTYPE × ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS
EFFECTS OF Se, Zn AND THEIR INTERACTION ON POLYPHENOL OXIDASE ACTIVITY OF TEA LEAVES IN DIFFERENT SEASONS Effect of irradiation on extraction and rheological properties of schizophyllan from fermented corn cob Optimization of SRAP-PCR Reaction System for Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat Based on the Analysis of Variance Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Pathogenicty Mutation of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritic OPTIMIZATION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS FOR PROTEOME FROM WHEAT ANTHERS OPTIMIZATION OF ALKALINE EXTRACTION CONDITIONS FOR ARABINOXYLAN FROM WHEAT BRAN ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ISSR REACTION SYSTEM FOR POPLAR AND OPTIMIZATION USING ORTHOGONAL DESIGN EFFECTS OF AN INDUCED SATELLITE RNA OF CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS ON THE HOST REACTIONS OF ITS HELPER VIRUS AND VIRUS LOADING IN SYSTEMIC HOSTS Effects of continuous application of bio-organic fertilizer for three years on soil organic matter fractions, cotton nutrient absorption and yield Effect of long-term fertilization on organic carbon fractions and contents of cinnamon soil Short-term influence of straw return on the contents of soil organic carbon fractions,enzyme activities and crop yieldsin rice-wheat rotation farmland Inheritance and correlation analysis of genotype × environment interaction for nitrogen metabolism-related traits of wheat Elicitin-plant interaction and signal transduction of defense reaction Growth inhibition and action target of photo-activation induced by synthetic polyacetylenes against Echinochloa crusgalli Effects of plant volatile constituents on the oviposition of citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton) Interactions between wheat cultivars and yellow rust races The indirect effects of rice varieties on growth, development, survival and fecundity of predatory mirid Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter INTERACTION MECHANISM BETWEEN RICE CULTIVARS AND XANTHOMONAS ORYZAE PV. ORYZICOLA A REVIEW ON THE TOXICOLOGY OF NEW NICOTINYL INSECTICIDES EFFECTS OF ELEVATED CO2 AND N DEPOSITION ON PLANT BIOMASS ACCUMULATION AND ALLOCATION IN SUBTROPICAL FOREST ECOSYSTEMS: A MESOCOSM STUDY Responses of foliar δ13C in Sabina przewalskii and Picea crassifolia to altitude and its mechanism in the Qilian Mountains, China Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry at different growth stages in dominant tree species of a monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Pu’er, Yunnan Province, China Research progress of biological protein elicitor Preliminary elaboration on emergent properties of traditional Chinese medicine Effect of long-term fertilization on phosphorus and zinc fractions in a Mollisol Physical degradation characteristics and mechanism of orchard soil in Weibei Region Effects of organic-inorganic compound phosphorus fertilizer on transformation of inorganic phosphorus pool in lime soils The mechanism of rhizosphere phosphorus activation of two rape genotypes(Brassica napus L.) with different P efficiencies An Optimized Chloroplast Isolation and Chloroplast DNA Extraction Protocol for Chinese Wild Grapes Microanatomy conformation of apple branch tumors caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea QTL mapping and genetic analysis for grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different water environments Adsorption behavior of cadmium in phaeozem and burozem Distribution of C and N in different particle fractions of meadow brown soil in lower reach of Liaohe River Plain A primary study on chemical bound forms of copper and zinc in wheat and rape Interaction of Se and S forms in rhizospheric soil and their absorption by tobacco Genetic effect of panicle traits of intersubspecific crosses of rice ( Oryza sativa ) and its interaction with environment Transformation mechanism and availability of mutrients in albic soil plant system ⅡInorganic phosphorus transformation in albic soil Effect of vegetation on structure of soil microbial community Interactions among host plants, phytophagous insects and natural enemies and relevant research methods Development of Kira‘s indices and its application to vegetation climate interaction study of China Chitinase in Vicia faba leaves:induction by APhis craccivora──a convergent plant physiological stress reaction Progress in chemical ecology of tritrophic interactions among host-plants, aphids and natural enemies Effect of corn straw on the fraction variation and properties of humic acid in lousoil during different decaying periods Vegetation recovery in degraded red earth:effect on organic carbon and Pb and Cd partitioning in soil particle size fractions Interactions of bacterivorous nematode and bacteria and their effects on mineralization-Immobiolization of nitrogen and phosphorus MECHANISM OF ECOLOGICAL GENETICS OF COTTONAPHID (APHIS GOSSYPII GLOVER) INTHEIR BODY COLOURS Behavioral responses of Bemisia tabaci MED to 13 plant volatiles Effect of interspecific interaction on crop growth and nutrition accumulation Fast measurement of nutrient release rate of coated controlled-release fertilizers Spared N response and yields advantage of intercropped wheat and fababean Effects of soil compaction stress on the growth,yield and nutrient uptake of cucumber Effect on low-molecular weight organic matters of cow dung composted production by micro-inoculants The dynamic model of urea transforming into ammonium affected by interaction of temperature and water Studies on ultrasonic extracting technology of flavonoid compound in Eucommia ulmoides Exploiting Cell-free System of Recombinant E. coli to Synthesize Pyrroloquinoline Quinone The Yeast Two-Hybrid System and Its Several Derived Systems Screening and Identification of Interspecies Microorganisms Inducing Overproduction of Epothiones in Sorangium cellulosum Study on Ethanol Extracting Conditions of Taxol from Leaves of Taxus Chinese var. maria Extraction of High Quality Total RNA from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus with Improved Trizol Method

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