Kinetic Change in Envelope Membranes Enclosing Bacteroids and Relationship between Host Cells and Bacteroids Simulation and validation of diffuse radiation in Qianyanzhou area, Jiangxi, China. Respiration from density fractions of two cultivated soils and its temperature sensitivity. Effects of tobacco garlic crop rotation and intercropping on tobacco yield and rhizosphere soil phosphorus fractions. Research advances in iron and zinc transfer from soil to plant in intercropping systems. Comparative observation of diffuse radiation in Qianyanzhou during the spring of 2012. Discussion on the calculation method of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in long-term field experiments under wheat and maize rotation systems. Effects of interaction of genotypes with environments on major latently fragrant substances of fluecured tobacco in Baoshan of Yunnan, Southwest China. Effects of phosphorus sources on phosphorus fractions in rhizosphere soil of wild barley genotypes with high phosphorus utilization efficiency. Research progress in chemical communication among insect-resistant genetically modified plants, insect pests and natural enemies. Effects of long-term fertilization on evolution of S forms in a red soil and a black soil. Review of dew action effect on plants A new type of insect trap and its trapping effect on Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Effects of light quality on photosynthetic characteristics and on the carotenoid and cuticular extract content in tobacco leaves Estimation of urban vegetation fraction by image fusion and spectral unmixing Labile soil organic carbon distribution on influenced by vegetation types along an elevation gradient in west Sichuan, China Effects of cultivation on organic carbon fractionation and aggregate stability in Xinjiang oasis soils The Classification and Functional Significance of Staminodes in Angiosperms How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations? Studies on Interaction between SoSGT1 and Proteins in Leaves of Chewing Cane Infected by Gibberella fujikuroi Allelopathic Effects of Water Extractions from Leaves and Husks of Carya illinoensis on Three Plant Species Effects of an Interspecific Competition Gradient on the Interactions Between Trifolium repens and its Pathogenic Rust Fungus Uromyces trifolii-repentis (in English) Detecting Vegetation Fractional Coverage of Typical Steppe in Northern China Based on Multi-scale Remotely Sensed Data Behavior of Carbon and Nutrients Within Two Types of Leaf Litter During 3.5-year Decomposition Anatomy, Histochemistry and Phytochemistry of Leaves inAloe vera var. chinensis Modes of Action of Phytochromes in Establishing DifferentPhototropic Responsiveness of Maize Coleoptiles Seed Dispersal by a Frugivore Pycnonotus sinensis and the Distribution of Sambucus chinensis EFFECT OF CALCIUM ON ALLEVIATION OF DECREASED PHOTOSYNTHETIC ABILITY IN SALT-STRESSED MAIZE LEAVES CONSIDERATION OF SOIL ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN RESTORATION AND SUCCESSION IMPACTS OF GRAZING ON SOIL CARBON FRACTIONS IN THE GRASSLANDS OF XILIN RIVER BASIN, INNER MONGOLIA Interactions Between Ecology and Genetics in the Genomic Era Eco-toxicological effect of fenvalerate on soil urease activity in subtropical orchards Interaction between exogenous Bt gene and secondary metabolites of crop Interactive effect of genotype and environment on the genetic covariance of characterization of heavy metal accumulation in edible rice grain(Oryza sativaL.) Dynamic changes of surface soil organic carbon and light-fraction organic carbon after mobile dune afforestation with Mongolian pine in Horqin Sandy Land. Applications of soil metaproteomics in soil pollution assessment: A review. Mechanism, hypothesis and evidence of herbivorous insect-host interactions in forest ecosystem Annual variations of the primary productivity and its size-fractioned structure in culture ponds of Apostichopus japonicus Selenka Interactions between heavy metal lead and two freshwater algae Research progress on ecosystem complexity-stability relationships based on soil food web Ecological effects of predator chemical cues in aquatic ecosystem Extraction of Essential Oil from Torreya grandis cv. merrillii Aril Using Different Isolation Methods, and Identification of Its Chemical Compositions by GC-MS Study on the Difference in Characteristic Scent between Prunus mume and its Interspecific Hybrids Progresses in the Research of Chlorogenic Acids Research and Development Situation of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Flavor Component and Products The Study of Total Flavonoids from Crataegus Pinnatifide Bge with Pressurized Liquid Extraction Response Surface Optimization of Conditions for Extraction and Gel Preparation of Salt-soluble Proteins from Dosidicus gigas Muscle Optimization of Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction Process of Polysaccharides from Truffles by Response Surface Methodology Optimization of Protein Extraction from Prickly Ash Seed by Response Surface Methodology Research on Extracted Quantity of Rice Bran Polysaccharide Processed by Microwave and Ultrasonic Wave Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Extraction of the Volatile Components in Roasted Peanut ANALYSIS OF THE FLAVOR SUBSTANCES IN OYSTER JUICE BY GC-MS THE EFFECT OF HIGH-PRESURE HOMOGENIZATION ON EMULSIFYING PROPERTIES OF ENZYMATIC PEPTIDES OBTAINED FROM SWEET POTATO HEAT-DENATURED PROTEIN BY ALCALASE IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANICALLY AND CONVENTIONALLY PRODUCED CROPS BY NATURAL 15N ABUNDANCE METHOD Distribution of light fraction organic carbon under different land use types in the deep soil layer of hilly regions of the Loess Plateau,  China Effects of value-added phosphate fertilizers on transformation of inorganic phosphorus in calcareous soils PLFAs technique and it‘s application in the study of soil microbiology Review on coupling of interactive functions between carbon and nitrogen cycles in forest ecosystems Responses of phytoplankton growth on nutrient enrichments in the northern South China Sea Herbivore-induced plant volatiles: primary characteristics, ecological functions and its release mechanism A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL ORBITAL THEORY ——DISCUSSIONS ON PHYSICAL ESSENCE OF ECOLOGY INTERACTION BETWEEN EARTHWORMS AND MICROORGANISMS Progress on Food Volatile Compounds Extraction Techniques Effects of Rice Straw Returning and Compaction on Grain Yield and Quality of Wheat Dynamic QTL Analysis of Rice Seedling Height and Tiller Number Under Salt Stress Analysis of Volatiles from Irradiated Yeast Extract Optimization of Extraction for Exopolysaccharides from Grifola Frondosa Phosphorus Accumulation and Phosphorus Fraction in High Phosphorus Soil of Two Different P-efficiency Wheat Genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) Advances in Research on Anthocyanins of Blueberry OPTIMIZATION OF CULTURE CONDITIONS AND LIPID EXTRACTION METHODS OF Scenedesmus SP. MICROWAVE EXTRACTION AND HSCCC ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLOROGENIC ACID IN Eucommia ulmoides LEAVES ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES in vitro AND MAIN EFFICACY COMPONENTS IN SUMMER MULBERRY LEAVES PHOSPHORUS STATUS OF BLACK SOIL IN VEGETABLE SOIL
A Brief Introduction to the Researches on Allelochemicals in Wheat Straw Effects of land cover change on soil organic carbon and light fraction organic carbon at river banks of Fuzhou urban area. Effects of soil compaction stress on respiratory metabolism of cucumber root. Contribution of fertilization development to yield production and its geographic differentiation Impact of localized compaction and ridge fertilization on field nitrate transport and nitrate use efficiency Understory effects on overstory trees: A review. Changes in soil active organic carbon under different management types of bamboo stands

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