Isolation and Expression Pattern Analysis of GmABC from Fuyang Soybean Protection of Dachaihu Granule on guinea pigs with bile pigment stones and its mechanism Interaction of carbohydrate derivatives and sodium-glucose cotransporters 2 by molecular dynamic simulation Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Apple MxIrt1 Gene K+ absorption kinetics of wheat cultivars with different canopy temperature and the salt stress Expression and Function Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene PpeKUP5 in Peach Identification and Expression Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene Family in Apple Important application of intestinal transporters and metabolismenzymes on gastrointestinal disposal of active ingredients ofChinese materia medica Research advances in transport related proteins of copper in plants Cloning and expression analysis of a zinc-regulated transporters (ZRT), iron-regulated transporter (IRT)-like protein encoding gene in Dendrobium officinale AtMGT7: An Arabidopsis Gene Encoding a Low-Affinity Magnesium Transporter Cloning and Expression Pattern of a Gene Encoding a Putative Plastidic Molecular Mechanisms and Genetic Basis of Heavy Metal Tolerance/Hyperaccumulation in Plants The Molecular Mechanism of Long-distance Sugar Transport in Plants An eukaryotic translation initiation factor, AteIF5A-2, affects cadmium accumulation and sensitivity in Arabidopsis Genetic diversity for mycorrhizal symbiosis and phosphate transporters in rice SbHKT1;4, a member of the high-affinity potassium transporter gene family from Sorghum bicolor, functions to maintain optimal Na+/K+ balance under Na+ stress Ginsenoside Rb1 upregulates expressions of GLUTs to promote glucose consumption in adiopcytes Distinct effect of Wansheng Huafeng Dan containing ardisia crenata on renal transporters, mercury accumulation and Kim-1 expression from mercuric chloride Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Apple MxIrt1 Gene Molecular Characterization and Subcellular Localization of BoSUT2 from Bambusa oldhamii Cloning and analysis on pleiotropic drug resistance transporter gene conserved fragments from roots of Panax ginseng Effects of vanillin and ethyl vanillin on mRNA expression of transport proteinsin liver of rats Molecular biological mechanism of iron uptake and translocation in strategy Ⅰ plant The molecular basis of ammonium transporters in plants Advance of plant phosphate transporter genes and their regulated expression Advances in research of mechanisms of heavy metal hyperaccumulation in plants Effects of puerarin on plasma membrane GLUT4 content in skeletal muscle from insulin-resistant sprague-dawley rats under insulin stimulation Research advances in nitrate uptake and transport in plants Chromosome localization and regulation role in phosphorous uptake of phosphate transporter gene TaPht1; 4 under Pi deprivation in wheat Cloning of cDNAs for a Noval Sugar Transporter Gene,ZmERD6,from Maize and Its Expression Analysis under Abiotic Stresses Recent advances in molecular biology of nitrate transporters in higher plants Cloning and expression analysis of a magnesium transporter gene in Dendrobium officinale Effects of astragaloside IV with active components in Panax notoginseng on energy metabolism in brain tissues after cerebral ischemic-reperfusion in mice Lipase-catalyzed construction of glucose-modified brain targeting liposomes with paclitaxel and research on its optimized preparation process SSR distribution and its potential effects on function of ABC transporter genes in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea Study on hepatotoxicity of aqueous extracts of Polygonum multiflorum in rats after 28-day oral administration: cholestasis-related mechanism Effect of Zhusha Anshen pill, cinnabar, HgS, HgCl2 and MeHg on gene expression of renal transporters in mice Characterization and Expression of Nitrate Transporter Gene OsTNrt2.1 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant pleiotropic drug resistance transporters: Transport mechanism, gene expression, and function Research Advances about the Genes of Zinc-transporting Proteins Advance of ZIP gene family related to iron transporter in plant Isolation,function and expression analysis of two wheat phosphate transporter genes Preliminary Study on Expression Characteristics of Sorbitol Transporter (SOT)Gene Family and the Role in Sugar Accumulation in Pyrus pyrifolia Fruits Preliminary Study on Expression Characteristics of Sorbitol Transporter (SOT)Gene Family and the Role in Sugar Accumulation in Pyrus pyrifolia Fruits Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Plant Growth of Autumn Potato Crop and Gene Expression of Nitrate Reductase and Ammonium Transporter Cloning and Expression Analysis of Silicon Transporter Gene CmLsi3 in Roots of Pumpkin Cloning and Expression Analysis of Silicon Transporter Gene CmLsi3 in Roots of Pumpkin Sequence and Expression Analysis of Apple Tonoplast Monosaccharide Transporter TMT Genes and Their Relationship with Sugar Accumulation in Fruit Arabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8 Gene Encodes a Putative Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter That Is Involved in Cytokinin Transport In Planta Expression of Brassica napus L. g-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase and Low- and High-Affinity Sulfate Transporters in Response to Excess Cadmium Cloning, Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of SUT1 Gene in Sweet Sorghum Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of Hexose Transporter Gene ShHXT6 in Sugarcane Advances in Study of Plant Organic Nitrogen Nutrition Research Progresses on Plant Sucrose Transporters and Functional Regulation Effect of ferulic acid on cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cell formation and potential mechanism Study on hemolytic mechanism of polyphyllin Ⅱ Advance in treatment of hyperuricemia by Chinese medicine based on uric acid transporterome CLONING AND EXPRESSION PROFILE ANALYSIS OF A PUTATIVE POTASSIUM TRANSPORTER GENE NTHAK1 IN TOBACCO Advances on pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese medicine under disease states MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF PLANT TOLERANCE TO HEAVY METALS Isolation and Expression Analysis of a High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter TaNRT2.3 from Roots of Wheat Characterization of a Purine Permease Family Gene OsPUP7 Involved in Growth and Development Control in Rice The ATP-binding Cassette Transporter OsABCG15 is Required for Anther Development and Pollen Fertility in Rice OsHT, a Rice Gene Encoding for a Plasma-Membrane Localized Histidine Transporter Rice MtN3/saliva/SWEET gene family: Evolution, expression profiling, and sugar transport Function and Regulation Mechanisms of Nitrate Transporters in Higher Plants Overexpression of OsPT8 Gene to Enhance the Pi Deficiency Tolerance of Transgenic Tobacco The Differential Expression of Monosaccharide Transporter Genes in Disease-free Sugarcane Plants MOLECULAR CLONING AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF AMMONIUM TRANSPORTERENCODING GENES AMTB IN ASSOCIATIVE NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIUM PSEUDOMONAS STUTZERI A1501 MbNramp1 Gene Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Expression Analysis in Malus baccata(L.)Borkh. Transcriptional Analysis of Sugar Metabolism-related Genes During Strawberry Fruit Development Review of advances in the study of plant ABCG transporters Progress on Nitrate and Oligopeptide Transporters in Plants Membrane Transporters for Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium Uptake in Plants Cloning and Expression Analysis of Rice (Oryza sativa) Sucrose Transporter Genes OsSUT2M and OsSUT5Z A Transgenic Study on Affecting Potato Tuber Yield by Expressing the Rice Sucrose Transporter Genes OsSUT5Z and OsSUT2M Iron deprivation results in a rapid but not sustained increase of the expression of genes involved in iron metabolism and sulfate uptake in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings Progresses in Studying of Protein Families Involved in Zn/Fe Transporting in Plants Influence of najanalgesin from Naja naja on GLT-1 in spinal cord of rat in neuropathic pain

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