Pollination Ecological Studies of Tamarix chinensis in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River and Yantai Seashore Effects of lac-corn agroforest ecosystem on ground-dwelling antdiversity and functional groups Variation of standard farming system in agro-pastoral transition zones of northern and southern foothills of Yinshan Mountains in recent thirty years Effect of varying combination of P and Zn in chelater-buffered solution on P-Zn interaction in wheat seedling Study on diagnosis method for agro-eco-economic system—A case study fromDaye City, Hubei Province Development of green economy understood from the viewpoint of system theory Effects of osmotic stress on growth and redox system of plasma membrane in wheat roots and shoots Impacts of population spatio-temporal dynamics on ecosystem quality during  fast urbanization in Beijing, China. Construction and analysis of the EWE model of the wetland ecosystem in lake buffering zone of Zhushan Bay, China. Passive nighttime warming (PNW)system, its design and warming effect. Transpiration of Choerospondias axillaris in agro-forestrial system and its affecting factors Decomposition of Triploid populus tomentosa fine root and Lolium multiflorum grass root in a composite ecosystem and their nutrient dynamics Landscape, circulation system design and biodiversity reestablishment in eco-agriculture Effects of different K fertilizers on the yield and the contents of amino acids of Pleurotus tuber-regium,s sclerotium Effect of antibiotics on the regeneration of sorghum shoot and the establishment of sorghum regeneration system The current status of ecosystem health and its assessment Emergy analysis method of agro-ecosystem Study on the instrumental error of the portable photosynthesis system Greenhouse crop model and environmental control and management Preliminary studies on the information agricultural techno-system aimed to precision Recreation of agricultural ecosystem in collapsed area Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China A study on assessment and improvement for agricultural production systems of households in cropping and pasturalism transition zone in North China Allelopathy in agroecosystem The dynamics of nitrate nitrogen leaching through soil in high-yield farmland ecosystem The Optimizing Design of the Agro-economic System for Mengu Town of Fang County in Qingba Mountain District Some Problems in Ecological Aricultural County Planning On the Conformable Functions of Agroecosystem Application of niche theory in evaluation of main tourism scenic areas in Zhangjiajie City. Responses of soil properties to ecosystem degradation in Karst region of northwest Guangxi, China. Forest fire spread modeling and 3D visualization in virtual forest landscape A discussion on basic content and evaluation index system of agroecosystem health Interactive system of Delphastus catalinae and its competitor:interspecies competition Relationship between urban green-land landscape patterns and air pollution in the central district of Yichang city Fluxes between agroforest ecosystem and low level atmosphere Relationship between root system characteristics and drought resistance of wheat populations in semiarid region N and P balances in farmland ecosystem and their response to fertilizers Effect of Cold-Hardening on Thylakoid Membrane Lipids and Proteins of Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat The coupling mechanism and industrialization mode of ecological restoration in the weak semi arid mining area of Inner Mongolia Reseach of index system framework in marine ecology monitoring & regulation areas division based on complex ecosystem of nature-human-society Analysis of the evolution and value of coastal ecosystem services at Gudong Coast in the Yellow River Delta since 1985 Establishment and application of the index system for urban river health assessment Social ecological system and vulnerability driving mechanism analysis Theories and research advances of restoration ecology High accuracy simulation of aboveground biomass in Northern China based on IOCSG Research on data characteristics during non-growing season of desert-wetland ecosystem in Ebinur Lake Ecological protection and well-being Spatial distribution of carbon storage function and seismic damage in wenchuan earthquake stricken areas Spatial Pattern of Water Retetnion in Dujiangyan County Identification of key ecosystem for ecological restoration in semi-arid areas: a case study in Helin County, Inner Mongolia Germination inhibitory substances extracted from the seed of seven species of Quercus Urban ecosystem complexity: an analysis based on urban municipal supervision and management information system Metabolic scaling theory and its application in microbial ecology Sensitivity analysis of climate control in the Daisyworld model based on system dynamics The temporal and spatial variation of the value of ecosystem services of the Naoli River Basin ecosystem during the last 60 years Cropping system optimization based on the comparative analysis of precipitation utilization in Sichuan Province Ecosystem services valuation of the Haihe River basin wetlands Dynamic simulation of Shanghai urban expansion based on multi-agent system and cellular automata models Enhancement of soil quality in a rice-wheat rotation after long-term application of poultry litter and livestock manure Research on carbon budget and carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems in regional scale: a review The progress of ecological civilization construction and its indicator system in China Optimization of urban land structure based on ecological green equivalent: a case study in Ningguo City, China Ecosystem-service-based regionalization of the grassland and agro-pastoral transitional zone in Northern China Antioxidative defense to cadmium in hyperaccumulator Picris divaricata V. Comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health on multiple scales: a case study for Metropolitan Area of Ningbo Carbon sequestration potential in Fujian’s forest ecosystems Comprehensive evaluation of eco-environmental sensitivity in Northern Tibet Assessment of the food-web structure, energy flows, and system attribute of northern South China Sea ecosystem The water quality changes during rainfall in natural Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica forest ecosystem in the Middle Tianshan mountains A framework for aquatic ecoregion zoning Spatial distribution pattern of Solidago canadensis in Zhejiang Province and its relationship with anthropogenic activities Organic carbon density and storage of forest ecosystems in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Application of CITYGREEN model in air purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release by greenbelt system of Shenzhen City Effects of heavy metal (copper, cadmium, zinc and lead) on marine inorganic carbon system in simulated experiments Preliminary Researches on Bio-Geographical Divisions of China Root distribution and canopy structure of Salix gordejevii in different sandy land habitats Monitoring genetic dynamics of Caribbean pine populations under different environments and management activities using genetic markers The revision of vine life-form system and analysis of it in the SubTropical Zone of East China Expression of Zearalenone Mimicking Epitope Peptide by Phage Display System Assessment of the social values of ecosystem services based on SolVES model: A case study of Wusong Paotaiwan Wetland Forest Park, Shanghai, China.

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