The Influence of Insular Geographical Isolation on Population Genetic Structure of Camellia japonica STUDY ON PHYTOTOMIC CHARACTERISTIC AND CORRELATION BETWEEN IT AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIOLOGIC INDEX IN LEAVES OFFIVE SPECIES FROM CAMELLIA STUCIES ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE AND MECHANISM OF NECTAR SECRETION IN FLORAL NECTARIES OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS LINN. AT DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES Ultrastructural Study on the Degenerative Processes of Procambial Cells in Maize Leaf Blades Change of Endogenous IAA During Cambial Activity and IAA-binding Protein in Cambial Cells in Broussonetia papyrifera Purification and Characterization of an Extracellular Protease with Unusual Peptide Bond Specificity from Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum Establishment of a System with High Synchronous Frequency of Somatic Embryogenesis and Embryo Seedling Formation in Camellia sinensis var. assamica Eco-spatial distribution pattern of major pests and diseases of Camellia oleiferra Anatomical structure and stomatal activity of tea leaves in a pine-tea interplantation Heat tolerance Characteristics of a Hydroxyproline-resistant Line of Brassica campestris L . ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee The Flowering Phenology and Characteristics of Reproductive Modules of Endangered Plant Camellia nitidissima Study on Phenotypic Variation of Camellia tunghinensis Chang Establishment of ISSR-PCR Reaction System and Screening of Effective Primers with ISSR Marker for Dracaena cambodiana Rediscovery of Camellia grandibracteata (Theaceae) with Emendate Description Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture Technique in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Effects of Main Environment Factors on Flowering in Camellia oleifera Age Structure and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Endemic Plant Camellia mairei var. lapidea Population in Guizhou Province, China A Comparison of Two Methods for Detecting Tropical Forest Change Cover Screening, Identification and Phosphate Solubilizing Capability of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Rhizosphere of Camellia oleifera Abel at Red Soil Region Cloning and Sequence Analysis of GAPDH Family Genes from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Cloning and Expression Characteristics of Pinus massoniana pmCaM Response to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Infection cDNA Cloning and Expression Analysis of CjAPL1 Gene from Camellia japonica Genetic Relationships of Notholirion and Genetic Diversity of N.bulbuliferum in China Revealed by ISSR Markers Effects of Enhanced Ultraviolet B Radiation on Physiological Indices and Camptothecin Content in Camptotheca acuminata Decne Photosynthetic and Physiological Characteristics of Camellia petelotii Seedlings under Drought Stress The Analysis on Genetic Variance for Provenance/Families Test at Seedling Stage of Cinnamomum camphora in Northern Zhejiang Province Study on Seedling-stage Biomass of Provenances of Camptotheca acuminata Preliminary Study of Fertilization on Camellia grijsii The Studies on the Results of Improving the Low yield Stands of Camellia oleifera by means of Grafting Clones and the Determination of It′s Clones Provenance Test on Young Plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Studies on the Seasonal Susceptibility of Masson Pine Caterpillar to Insecticides and Its Application Studies on the Photosynthesis of Some Species of Camellia Cloning and Expression Analysis of SLG Gene in Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis Studies on Anther Development of Mustard Tubers Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines in Chinese Cabbage Development of Adjustable Male Sterile Plant in Chinese Flowering Cabbageby Antisense DAD1 Fragment Transformation Generic identity of Camptorrhiza indica (Colchicaceae) based on cytogenetics and molecular phylogenetics A new taxonomic system of the Campanulaceae s.s. Biogeographic diversification in Nolana (Solanaceae), a ubiquitous member of the Atacama and Peruvian Deserts along the western coast of South America Differential Gene Expression of Endogenous Glycosidases Induced by Pathogenic Fungi Infection in Leaves of Camellia sinensis Polymorphism of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of rDNA in Camellia——an Escape from Concerted Evolution Histology and Development Analysis of Meristematic Nodules from Cultured Pulsatilla koreana Multivariate Analyses of Volatile Chemical Composition in Leaves of Different Cinnamomum camphora Chemotypes Relationship Between Volatile Constituents and β-glucosidase of Different Tea Varieties Intragenomic Polymorphism of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of Ribosomal DNA in Camellia hongkongensis (Theaceae) and Species Identification Conventional digital cameras as a tool for assessing leaf area index and biomass for cereal breeding Effects of understory removal on soil labile organic carbon pool in a Cinnamomum camphora plantation. Fine root biomass and carbon storage in surface soil of Cinnamomum camphora plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Population structure and spatial distribution pattern of Camellia azalea in E’huangzhang Nature Reserve of Guangdong, China. Population genetic structure and interspecific introgressive hybridization between Camellia meiocarpa and C. oleifera. Analysis of differential proteins in nurse seed grafted unions of Camellia oleifera at its different developmental stages.  Effect of nitrogen addition to soil respiration in Cinnamomum camphora forest in subtropical China Activity rhythm and behavioral time budgets of wild Reeves’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) using infrared camera Litter fall production and nutrient dynamic of Cinnamomum camphora and Pinus massoniana mixed forests in subtropics China Leaves DNA Extraction and RAPD Amplification of Camellia japonica L. STUDY ON EXTRACTION OF CAMPTOTHECIN BY NAOH AQ. FROM FRUITS OF CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF VOLATILE OIL FROM SEEDS OF CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA LEAF AGE AND THE CAM ACTIVITY IN SEDUM SPECTABILE EMERYO DEVELOPMENT OF BRASSlCA CAMPESTRIS SSP. PEKlNENSlS STUDY ON THE ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF NECTARIFEROUS POLLENS OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS LINN.VAR.OLEIFERA DC. EFFECTS OF IAA AND CALCLUM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP ON THE ELONGATION OF HYPOCOTYL SEGMENTS OF MUNG BEAN THE COMPARISON RESEARCH OF PEP CARBOXYLASE ISOZYME IN CAM PLANTS STUDY ON THE TRANSITION FROM PROCAMBIUM TO CAMBIUM IN CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA HEMATOXYLIN-SAFRANIN STAINING OF NON-DEPARAFFINATED SECTIONS SUITABLE FOR STUDYING CAMBIAL ACTIVITY QTL Mapping of a Leaf-lobed Trait in Brassica campestris QTL Mapping of a Leaf-lobed Trait in Brassica campestris Development of InDel Markers for Brassica campestris and Genetic Linkage Map Construction of the RILs Population Caffeine in Plants:From Biosynthesis Pathway to Genetically Modified Caffeine in Plants:From Biosynthesis Pathway to Genetically Modified Cloning and Characterization of a Genic Male Sterility-related Gene BrLTP1 in Chinese Cabbage Cloning and Characterization of a Genic Male Sterility-related Gene BrLTP1 in Chinese Cabbage Cloning and Expression Analysis of Enhancer of Glabra3(BrEGL3)in Brassica campestris L. ssp. rapifera‘Tsuda’ Protoplast Culture and Plantlet Regeneration from Hypocotyls of Brassica campestris var. parachinesis The Structure of a New Monoterpene Glycoside From Aster Tataricus L.F. The Resumption of Cambial Activity and the Change of Peroxidase Isozymes in Broussonetia papyrifera Environmental Regulation of CO2 Exchange Pattern in Facultative CAM Plants Release of Pollen Protoplasts in Large Quantities in Brassica napus and B. compestris var. purpurea A New Algal Fossil from Early Cambrian in Qingzhen County, Guizhou Province, China Relevant Effects of Ethylene and Ga2+ on Germination of Lettuce Seeds The Changes of Ethylene Production and CaM Content in IAA-Treated Etiolated Mungbean Hypocotyl Study on Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil and Classification of Types from Cinnamomum camphora

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