Greenhouse gas emissions and net carbon sequestration of the natural forest protection program in China Characteristics of typical paddy soil organic carbon fractions and their main control factors in the Yangtze River Delta Generalized above-ground biomass equations for two main species in northeast China Analysis of interspecific associations among major tree species in three forest communities on the north slope of Changbai Mountain Comparison of carbon storage in juvenile monoculture and mixed plantation stands of three common broadleaved tree species in subtropical China Spatial and temporal variation of absolute humidity and its relationship with potential evaporation in the northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains Extreme air temperature changes in Selin Co basin, Tibet (1961-2012) Studies on Tetranychus cinnabarinus-Solanum melongena interaction system Ⅰ. Relationship between population dynamics of red spider and tannic acid fluctuation in plant leaves An optimal method of parametr estimation for Logistic and Cui-Lawson equations Optimum meteorological factors and climate divisions of apple for good quality Mycorrhizal diversity and its significance in plant growth and development Effect of Matrix Attachment Regions on Resveratrol Production in Tobacco with Transgene of Stilbene Synthase from Parthenocissus henryana Measurement and evaluation of interactive relationships in urban complex ecosystem Effect of the nitrogen and phosphorus levels and meteorological conditions on formation dynamics of grain protein content in spring wheat PRIMARY STUDIES ON MOLECULAR ECOLOGY OF Caragana spp.POPULATIONS DISTRIBUTED OVER MAOWUSU SANDY GRASSLAND:FROM RAPD DATA Herbivore-induced plant volatiles: primary characteristics, ecological functions and its release mechanism SIMULATION ON FUNCTIONAL EQUILIBRIUM OF WINTER WHEAT ROOT AND SHOOT UNDER DIFFERENT SOIL WATER REGIMES PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅲ \ SPECIES ABUNDANCE RELATIONS OF SEVERAL TYPES OF FOREST COMMUNITIES Effect of Irradiating at Earlier Pupal Stages by 60Co-γ Radiation on the Eclosion and Mating of Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) Adults The Development of TILLING Technique and its Application in Plants Study on Nitrate Reductase and Nitrite Reductase Coupled Regulation of Sugar Beet Study on Soil Erosion Features of Small Catchment of Karst Plateau Wetland by 137Cs Tracing Technology Optimization of Extraction for Exopolysaccharides from Grifola Frondosa Effects of CO2 Fertilization, Water and Nutrient Conditions on Crops:A review Estimation Models of Green Tea Taste Quality Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy Effects of Rewatering after Drought at Heading on Yield, δ13C and Contents of Endogenous Hormone of Leaf in Double-Season Late Hybrid Rice STUDY OF SLIGHTLY-WATER-SOLUBLE SLOW-RELEASE FERTILIZER ON SPRING CORN AND ENVIRONMENT EFFECT UNDER THE CONDITION OF DIFFERENT IRRIGATION AMOUNT DETERMINING GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN OF CEREALS PHOSPHORUS STATUS OF BLACK SOIL IN VEGETABLE SOIL
Exchange of Proton and Major Elements in Two-Layer Canopies Under Acid Rain in a Subtropical Evergreen Forest in Central-South China Variant Scaling Relationship for Mass-Density Across Tree-Dominated Communities Structures, Components and Functions of Secretory Tissues in Houttuynia cordata Structure activity Research of Signal Factors Inducing Agrobacterium vir Genes Conditional Selection of the Extraction and Isolation of ABA Binding Protein(s) from Vicia faba Abaxial Epiderm Physiological Mechanisms of Growth inhibition by Concentrated Potassium in Dunaliella Salina A Study on the Seed of Lardizabalaceae and Sargentodoxaceae, (1) A SEM Examination of Testa Mechanisms of Optimal Defense Patterns in Nicotiana attenuata: Flowering Attenuates Herbivory-elicited Ethylene and Jasmonate Signaling Transformation mechanism and availability of mutrients in albic soil plant system ⅡInorganic phosphorus transformation in albic soil Ecological study on ant-lions in northern Guangdong Province Soil conditions of forest-fitting land along river banks in semiarid region Ecological analysis of helminth population and community in goats body in Datian county of Fujian Province N2O emission from rice wheat ecosystem in Southeast China Nutrient return and productivity of mixed Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei plantations Ecological distribution and physiological adaptation to saline-alkali environment of C3 and C4 plants in Northeastern China prairie area Interactions among host plants, phytophagous insects and natural enemies and relevant research methods Relationship bwtween CH4 and N2O emissions from rice field and its microbiological mechanism and impacting factors A disturbed ecosystem Ⅱ. Nitrogen cycling and its regulation in tussah-feeding oak plantation Chemical constituents from herbs of Paris verticillata Inter-specific Relationships Analysis and Classification of Lycoris by HPLC Chromatograms Structures and Diversity of Insect Communities under Different Types of Vegetation Rehabilitations of the Hilly and Gully Loess Regions Spatial Growth Differences of Planted Populus simonii and Their Ecological Effects on Soil Moisture in Hilly Loess Regions A numerical taxonomy of the genus Nitraria from Gansu province,China Numerical analysis of interspecific relationships in communities of Larix chinensis in Qinling Mountain RAPD analysis of population genetic diversity of Taxus mairei Study on essential oil of Qinwei rose A progress in pharmacological research of flavonoids Studies on the pteridophyte flora of Qiyun mountainous region in Anhui Province Identification and classification of cut-flower “Huangyinghua”using DNA marker techniques Relationship of Asplenium yunnanense and A. lushanense inferred from the sequence analysis of chloroplast   rbcL, trnL-F and rps4-trnS A pharmacophylogenetic study of the Berberidaceae (s.l.) Invasive Spartina alterniflora: biology, ecology and management RAPD analysis of Anabaena-free Azolla and its application in the study of interspecific relationships within section Azolla Phylogenetic relationships among diploid species of Oryza officinalis complex revealed by multiple gene sequences The current taxonomy and perplexity of the genus Oryza (Poaceae) Phytogeographical relationships of the bryophytes between China and North America Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅱ) Taxonomic studies of the genus Colysis C. Presl (Polypodiaceae) from China and neighboring regions A study on cytotaxonomy of Sect. Anguinum of Allium Taxonomic studies of the fern genus Lepidomicrosorum Ching et Shing (Polypodiaceae) from China and neighboring regions Epidermal Characters of Rattan Stems and Their Taxonomic Implications A Study on Systematic Relationships Between Elymus and Hordeum (Poaceae) Studies on Karyotypes and Phylogenetic Relationship of Allium Sect. Caloscordum (Liliaceae) from China Delta System—an International Standard for Processing Plant Taxonomic Descriptions Embryological Studies in Polygonatum humile Fisch. ex Maxim Morphological Identification of Elymus sibiricus, E. nutans, and E. burchan-buddae, and Their Genomic Relationships On the Genus Euchresta Benn. (Leguminosae) with “Wallace‘s Line” Compositional characteristics and roles of soil mineral substances in depressions between hills in karst region.  Roles of glucosinolates in the interrelationships between Brassicaceae plants and insects: A review. Oat growth and cation absorption characteristics under salt and alkali stress. Species composition and point pattern analysis of standing trees in secondary Betula albo-sinensis forest in Xiaolongshan of west Qinling Mountains.