Regeneration characteristics of woody plant seedlings in typical secondary forests in Qinling Mountains. Regeneration characteristics and related affecting factors of Pinus tabulaeformis secondary forests in Qinling Mountains. Interspecific Association and Correlation of Main Species in the Succession Process of Pine Oak Forest Community on the South-facing Slopes in Qinling Mountain A Revision of Corydalis in Qinling Mountains Analysis of Stability Evaluation about the Main Forest Communities on the Habitat of Giant Panda in Qinling Mountains Climatic Factors for Limiting Northward Distribution of Eight Temperate Tree Species in Eastern North America THE PRECIOUS RARE AND ENDEMIC PLANTS IN QINLING MOUNTAINS AND THEIR FLORISTIC CHARACTERISTICS Vertical distribution of soil active carbon and soil organic carbon storage under different forest types in the Qinling Mountains. Effects of thinning intensities on population regeneration of natural Quercus variabilis forest on the south slope of Qinling Mountains. Relationship between net primary productivity of tree layer in Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus armandi forests and climatic factors at Huoditang forest region in the Qinling Mountains Vegetation of the Tianyuhe river valley in Qinling mountain Study on community characteristics of Pinus armandii in the Qinling Mountains Investigation of wild plant resources of Schisandra in Qinling Mountains Carbon Density of Herbage in Natural Secondary Pinus tabulaeformis Forest in Huoditang Zone,Qinling Moutains Preliminary Study on Ecological Species Groups in Xunhe River Basin, South Face of Qinling Mountain Factors affecting soil organic carbon density in Betula albo-sinensis forests on the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains Spatial pattern of secondary Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forests in the Qinling Mountains Evaluating water use efficiency patterns of Qinling Mountains under climate change Spatial and temporal variation of absolute humidity and its relationship with potential evaporation in the northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains Evaporation paradox in the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains STUDY ON THE STRUCTURE CHARACTERIS TICS AND REGENERATION DYNAMICS OF CHINESE SPRUCE FORESTS IN QINLING MOUNTAINS Evaluating Site Quality for Secondary Forests and Plantation in Qinling Mountains Interspecific Associations of Dominant Plant Populations in Secondary Forest of Pinus armandii in Qinling Mountains Vegetation-Climate Relationship and Its Application in the Division of Vegetation Zone in China Potential distribution of Amorphophallus rivieri in the Qinling Mountains based on analytic hierarchy process and geographic information system Spatial distribution patterns of species richness and hotspots of protected plants in Qinling Mountain The vegetational and environmental history in Qinling Mountain since 15 ka BP Study on the taxonomy about the types of site conditions of Cornus officinalis in Qinling Mountain area Investigation of Orchidaceae plants and protective tactics in Tianyuhe River-Valley in Qinling Mountains Studies on cytology ofsome species in Liliaceae from Qinling Mountain A floristic analysis of the seed plants in the middle area of south slope of Qinling Mountains 秦岭种子植物补遗:裸子植物门和被子植物门的单子叶植物 A preliminary study on the flora in the middle and upper reaches of Xunhe River basin An Analysis of the Flora of Qinling Mountain Range: Its Nature, Characteristics, and Origins Root System and Organic Carbon Distributions in Soil Profiles of Several Plantations of Northern Slope of Qinling Mountains Numerical Classification and Ordination of Pine and Oak Mixed Forest Communities in the Middle Part of Qinling Mountains Changes of Species Composition and Diversity in the Process of Community Succession of Pine Oak Forests on the South-facing Slopes in Qinling Mountains Analysis on the Floristic Characteristics of Wild Seed Plants in the Huaeshan National Nature Reserve of Sichuan Evaluation of important medicinal plant resources in Qinling Mountains based on analytic hierarchy process method Succession Dynamics of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation in Intermediate Section of Qinling Mountains Organic carbon density in Pinus tabulaeformis forest ecosystem on the south slope of the middle Qinling Mountains, China Quantitative analysis on sharp-tooth oak stands in Qinling Mountains Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in Qinling Mountains and Its Response to Climate Change Population Variation Analysis of Seven Rhododendron concinnum Wild Populations in Qinling Mountains Comparison of Gas Exchange Traits of 30 Plant Species in Subalpine Meadow in Foping National Reserve of Qinling Mountains Interspecific Relationships among the Herbage Species of Abandoned Farmlands alongside Jinshui River in the Qinling Mountains Constructive Species’ Coexistence Mechanisms of PineOak Mixed Forest in Qinling Mountains Based on the Niche Differentiation Newly Recorded Species of Plant to Gansu,China Characteristics of the Seed Plants Flora in Qinling Mountains and Its Relationship with Floras in Other Mountains Diversity Characteristics in Different Layers of Pinus tabuliformis-Quercus aliena var.accuteserrata Mixed Forest and Environmental Interpretation in the Southern Slope of Qinling Mountains Emmenopterys,A Newly Recorded Genus of Rubiaceae from North Slope of Qinling Mountain,China Three Newly Recorded Genera of Plant from Qinling Mountains Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Variation on Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in the Northern and Southern Regions of the Qinling Mountains from 1960 to 2011 Ecological Damage Assessment of Loranthus tanakae (Loranthaceae) in the South Slopes of Qinling Mountain Coarse Woody Debris in an Abies fargesii Forest in the Qinling Mountains Effects of thinning intensity on the seed bank and seedling growth of Quercus variabilis on the south slope of Qinling Mountains, Northwest China. The relationship between landscape pattern and the habitat of giant pandas on the southern slope of the middle Qinling Mountains Evaluation of current fertilization status in kiwifruit orchards on the northern slope of Qinling Mountains: A case study of Yujiahe catchment, in Zhouzhi County Species Composition and Regeneration Characteristics of Main Woody Plant Seedlings in a Pine-oak Mixed Forest in Qinling Mountains Regeneration Rules of Three Dominant Tree Species in a Pine-oak Mixed Forest under Different Ecological Conditions in the Qinling Mountains Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Rhododendron purdomii in Qinling Mountains The preliminary study on the seed plant flora of the natural sharptooth oak forest communities in Qinling Mountain AN PRIMARY INVESTIGATION ON LICHENS SLOPE OF QINLING MOUNTAINS FROM THE SOUTHERN TAXONOMIC NOTES ON ASTRAGALUS FROM QINLING MOUNTAINS Spatial and temporal variation of surface water vapor over northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains Additional materials for the pteridophytic flora of Qinling Mountains SPECIES DIVERSITY OF HIGHER PLANT OF QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST IN QINLING MOUNTAIN AND THE LOESS PLATEAU AN ANALYSIS OF LEGUME FLORISTICS AND BIODIVERSITY OF QINLING MOUNTAIN Annual Changes and Trends in the Water Quality of the Forest Water Supply Region for the Middle Line of the South to North Water Transfer Project  Characteristics of Fallen Wood and Soil Nutrients in Huoditang Forest Region of the Qinling Mountains Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationship of Juglans regia Wild and Domesticated Populations in Qinling Mountains Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND DIFFERENTIATiOM OF WILLOWS (SALIX) IN QINLING MOUNTAIN Two New Records of Cephaloziellaceae from Qinling Mountain,Shaanxi Preliminary Studies on Flora of Hepaticae of Qinling Mountain Deoxyschizandrin and γ-Schizandrin Content in Wild Schisandra sphenanthera to Determine Potential Distribution in Qinling Mountains Pteridophyte Flora in Xiaoqinling Mountain Nature Reserve of Henan Province Taxonomy of Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) Plants in Qinling Mountains Soil nutrients and enzyme activities in Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations in the Qinling Mountains,China Suitability analysis of mountain settlements in Qinling using a GIS system A survey on regeneration of trees in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest

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